Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 52 - Slayer Race

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Alexia sneezed loudly before holding her body while shivering. The look on her face turned grave as she spoke.

"That bastard is coming, I have no proof but I'm sure he is."

"It seems you've developed a method to sense when your stalker is on his way huh?"

Her usual black haired companion appeared beside her and spoke while trying to hold back the laughter that threatened to escape her lips for fear of Alexia's wrath.

"Shut up you jobless supreme."

"Hey! I'm not jobless, and more importantly I have a name you know?"

"I know you do jobless supreme, all our parents gave us one."

"Your dad wants you to become a breeding horse though?"


Her words were replied to with a punch to the face, one that sent her flying through a nearby mountain range, courtesy of an enraged Alexia.

"How many times have I told you to not mention that bastard around me?"

"I'm sorry okay, geez, you really don't pull your punches."

The black haired woman said as she reappeared beside Alexia, without so much as a scratch on her despite the fact that she just smashed through an entire mountain range few moments prior.

Her clothes weren't even damaged in any way, and as for the mountain range that she smashed through, it had already returned to normal, as if nothing ever happened to it.

"Lady Alexia, we've brought the child."

A third voice interrupted the two as Alexia nodded and went down the stairs that led to a bunker in front of her, the black haired woman following suit.

Arriving at the bottom, they were met with the scene of a family of three shivering in a corner of a white room.

Seeing this, she frowned and asked the man standing beside the door to the room.

"What did you do to make them so scared?"

"They dared to refuse Lady Alexia's invitation, I merely 'insisted' they did nothing more, nothing less."

Alexia gave him a look that said 'You used force right?', while he responded with a smile indicating he had no idea she was talking about.

Looking at this exchange, the black haired woman laughed and patted Alexia's shoulder while saying.

"Chill out Alexia, you know your subordinates are unnecessarily loyal to you right, there's no way they'd be calm if someone refused a 'polite' invitation you sent to them."

Alexia sighed and entered the room, the trio at the corner flinched even more at her appearance, the father stood in front of his wife and son as if to protect them.

"Not like a bronze realm human could do anything in the way of protecting, especially from you."

Ignoring the words of her black haired companion, Alexia sat on the chair prepared for her and looked at the trio for a few moments before speaking.

"Honestly, I would have liked to assure you that I mean no harm, however I don't have the time for that.

Someone really creepy is on his way here and I really don't want him to find me.

If he does that, you three may not live to see tomorrow, what I mean is he'd kill any and every thing in the area.

So why don't we just get down to business, I just need this jobless woman behind me to check your son with her authority and you're all set to go."

The father and Mother shook in fear at her words, they looked around for a means of escape and found none.

It was then that their ten year old son tugged their sleeves and spoke to them.

"She's not like that scary man."

However the two parents still did not want to let go of their son, Alexia clicked her tongue and her blue eyes flashed for a moment, the next, the parents were standing in place, unmoving.

"I really don't have the time for all this, hey little boy get over here if you want to get your parents back to normal."

The boy who was scared upon seeing his parents freeze, slowly walked over to Alexia, his earlier thought of her not being scary was gone, she was much worse than the man who brought them here.

The black haired woman sighed at Alexia's impatience, thinking that it couldn't be helped she placed her right hand on the boy's head and spoke.

[Authority of Knowledge]

The ambient energies thrummed and began spiraling around her and the boy, after a few moments, the flow of the energies returned to normal.

She took her hand of him and looked to Alexia, shaking her head she said.

"I'm ashamed to admit, but it seems he's not from any known race in the database I have, his parents are clearly humans, but he is definitely not."

Alexia nodded to herself, she then waved her hands and the boy's parents began moving again.

Seeing their son suddenly in front of them, they hurriedly ran and picked him up, pulling him back to the corner of the room.

Alexia just stood up and walked out of the room, she stopped at the door and told the man waiting there to return the family to where they came from.

As she climbed up the stairs, the black haired woman floated behind her and asked.

"Where did you find that kid?"

"A small world I was on, it was quite primitive. Apparently that family was expelled from their village because their son was believed to be a heretic."


"Yeah, the priest tried to bless him but couldn't. His body resisted the blessing."

The black haired woman shook her head at the absurd things she was hearing.

Just because his body refused to accept divine power, he was considered a heretic.

"Primitive worlds really irritate me with their stupid beliefs, he could just be resistant to divinity, what god's divinity was it?"

"Not a god, just demigod who was worshipped by that world.

However the strange thing is that the demigod's divinity seemed to fade away whenever he was in the Area."


"Exactly what I said, the demigod's divinity dissipated wherever the boy went, his divine messages could not reach the priest either.

I broke into his divine realm and questioned the demigod, he said that entire village was blacked out from his vision, despite that world being in his territory, he could not observe anything that happened in that village after that boy was born ten years ago.

Whenever the boy left the village, the area he went to became unobservable too."

"That's weird, does he have some sort of divinity nullification field around him, quite the ability to have huh?"

Alexia stopped walking and turned to stare at the black haired woman, the two remained like that for a few moments before Alexia finally spoke.

"Why are you avoiding the obvious reality here?"

"Tch... fine. Lucifer's descendant, that boy is from whatever race he's the progenitor of right?"

"Yup, and you know what kind of race it is."

The black haired woman rolled her eyes at Alexia who continued walking and answered,

"A 'slayer' race, they are the only kind of races who pop up randomly like this."

"Yeah, the progenitor of a slayer race is born from a member of the race they are to slay and a member of another race that's multi-universally acknowledged as an enemy of the race they are to slay."

"He's the son of a god and a devil, there's already a devil slayer race so the one he was born to slay is obviously the god race."


Alexia jumped up lightly as she spoke, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, she sighed in exasperation.

The area was covered in light fog, the wind was whipping through the trees, making them creak and groan like an old rocking chair.

The leaves of the trees have been long frozen due to the cold temperature, the snow sparkled with ice crystals, hardened so that the newly fallen snow bounces on the up every time a breeze stirs the air.

The suns seemed to radiate a heat that tempted one to step outside, only to be sapped of that warmth the moment they did.

Alexia and her black haired companion walked among the trees without a care for the freezing weather.

Stopping for a moment, Alexia spread out her aura and confirmed that her subordinates and the family they brought had left the bunker.

She then looked at one of the suns in the sky and spoke, there was sadness evident in her voice.

"It's a pity this beautiful scenery will soon be destroyed huh?"

The black haired woman also stared at that sun in sadness and nodded in agreement with Alexia's words.

The sun they were looking at seemed to visibly glow brighter for a bit, and then suddenly--


--it Exploded.

The world seemed to slow as Alexia sighed and raised her right hand, creating a barrier to shield herself from the gamma and gravitational shockwaves that spread out at a speed faster than light itself.

However, everything else around her that was left unprotected, was ravaged by the heat and the shockwaves given off by the explosion.

"No fair, you didn't shield me."

"You don't need it, an exploding sun is merely an itch for you."

"Same with yo-. Wait, what you just said makes me sound like some sort of monster."

Alexia stared at her like she was looking at something strange before asking,

"What else were you in the first place?"

Before the black haired woman could respond, they heard a booming voice that resounded across the planet they were on.

|Alexia! I finally found you!|

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