Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 81 - Clash Of The Grandmasters III

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"Something is strange but I can't point out what."

One of the 'big ten' directors of the academy murmured to himself while staring at Arthur and Owen's fight.

"I feel it too, that Owen kid's reactions are strange, it's like his thoughts can't keep up with his body movements."

A sickeningly sweet voice replied to him, he turned around and saw a woman, another one of the 'big ten' and a member of Asmodeus' Duchy.

Despite popular belief, members of the house of Lust were all expert swordsmen and women. They even studied the law of swords and most of the members had high comprehensions in it. 

As such she could instantly tell the problem Owen was facing, the cause however, she could not tell. That was normal, she didn't consider the possibility of Arthur being able to use the law of time despite not being a transcendent.

He was also using it to just slow Owen's movements and not stopping them entirely, any more than that and his usage of the law of time would have been detected.

"Hady, why is it weird for them that Arthur can beat that kid?"

"I wonder, also would you quit calling me that?"

"Why? It's fun though?"

"Nope, I'm not ready for another one of your ridiculous nicknames."


The two directors flinched and felt cold sweat on their bodies after hearing that short conversation. They both had the same thoughts;

'When and how the f*ck did they get in here?!'

They both turned around and saw two people, sitting down leisurely on the enclosed VIP seats reserved for the other members of the big ten in the arena's stands.

One was a woman with dull silver hair, she had beautiful dark eyes that fit perfectly on her oval face. Her lips where pursed as she was currently pouting while staring at the man.

He had Dark hair and eyes, with black t-shirt and Jeans to match. On the arm rest of the chair, was a dark hoodie that he just removed.

"Greetings your highness, and Sir Hades."

"Greetings to the princess. Greetings to Sir Hades."

The two directors stood up and bowed to Cattleya and Hades while offering their greetings.

One was the daughter of the Devildom's king while the other was the brother of the King of the Olympus universe, and the ruler of one of its most famous group of galaxy super clusters that spanned most of southern Olympus, the Underworld.

The directors did not dare disrespect them in any way, especially the Male director as he was one of the few that were unfortunate enough to be threatened by Cattleya when she made the all access teleportation gate permit for Arthur.

Hades nodded to their greetings while Cattleya ignored them completely.

"You should at least nod in response to them."

"What's the point? They know fully well I don't care for those formalities."

Cattleya replied to Hades as she pulled out a bowl of grapes from her inter spatial ring and began eating.

She removed her shoes and pulled her legs up to the chair. As she donned a short sleeved shirt and a pair of blue Jeans that could be found almost anywhere, she did not look anything like the Arch devil of destruction that she was.

"Say Aah…"

She held up a few grapes towards Hades with the intent to feed him. Hades just signed and obediently opened his mouth as he knew she wasn't going to let up till he did.

"Good boy."

She patted his head and continued eating her grapes while watching Arthur's Fight against Owen.

Hades, who had his head patted stared at her silently while thinking of the absurdity of the situation.

'Just where do you see an Arch devil patting the head of a two hundred thousand year old god and calling him a 'good boy'?

Ah! Stop, the more I think of the age difference the more I feel like I committed some sort of crime.'

In order to get rid of the weird sense of guilt that began plaguing him, he brought up one of the reasons he came over to Hell.

"So my brother seems to be scheming something again, he contacted a few other masters recently, even Poseidon has been readying his armies. Tell your father to watch out for the Karman Universe next time you see him."

The two directors had their jaws drop in shock as Hades just casually disclosed what should be confidential information in Olympus.

"Does he really wanna start a war again? I'm all up for it but dad doesn't really want one, he feels it's a waste of time."

Cattleya replied as she pulled out another bowl of fruits, apples this time and began eating.

"I also feel the same, more wars mean more work for me in the underworld, I won't have the time to come over to see Arthur and I also can't take Arthur over there too."

"Cus of your brother huh?"

"There's him, and there's also Persephone who would most likely turn him into a potted plant at first glance, which would lead to a fight between you too, one which Persephone would inevitably lose.

However, this would not be before random innocent galaxies in my underworld get destroyed in your squabble."

Cattleya just chuckled at his words before flicking a finger towards one of the directors.

A red bolt of pure Aether flew out and hit the phone in the female director's hands, turning it to dust immediately.

She had been sending a text to another one of the directors to come bail her out of the situation she was in, upon having her phone destroyed at a speed she could not comprehend, for a reason she could not understand, she began regretting coming to the academy today.

'Could have just watched the fight from home!'

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The fight between Arthur and Owen was continuing and the tension was getting higher.

Some of the spectators had even begun placing bets on who would win the match.

Surprisingly, the odds were tied as while Owen, the superior stage grandmaster was more likely to win, Arthur and his inventory of Artifacts were not to be underestimated either.

Arthur's magic sword glowed with golden light for the second time.

"Sword of Victory." 

A calm voice flowed out from Arthur's lips once again as a golden pillar of light surged from his sword, the intensity, higher than the previous one.

Owen felt his body stiffen slightly as Arthur subtly used the power of the law of time. He could have used normal time magic to achieve the same effects but he wanted to increase his comprehension of the law.

'Can't use too much or the directors watching would notice it.'

Owen forcefully pulled his blade out of the ground, and swung upwards.

At the same time...

"Everlasting Darkness!"

He unleashed a drill of darkness toward Arthur with his own aura.

Fortunately, he hadn't been too late. Owen had reacted before it hit him.


The two auras, golden and black, intertwined, as if two snakes were coiling around each other.

There was no explosion.

The two auras transformed into golden powder, rose into the air, and then fell to the ground.

Owen and Arthur clashed once more amidst that beautiful sight.

Swords clashed, the aura slashes tore through the ground. Considering the arena floors were made of significantly stronger materials, this showed how powerful their attacks were.

At this point, some spectators began to have doubts, even with Artifacts, it was weird for Arthur to match a superior stage grandmaster so easily.

"Maybe his highness isn't a master realm anymore?"

"He can't use his energy and can't absorb cores, how could he become a grandmaster?"

"It's not impossible to increase in realm without using energy though?"

"Yeah, and his highness was an intermediate stage master at birth, he was a superior stage when he entered the academy, this showed that he can still advance in realm."

"Yeah and it's just that he can't use his energy, not that he doesn't have at all."

"Why can't he use it though?"

"Dunno, he never answered the question whenever he was asked."

As the spectators were discussing Arthur's strength, Owen was becoming increasingly anxious.

He wanted to use the full power of his monsterization, however using it would have visible effects.

It was also the same as openly admitting he was responsible for Zach's monsterization.

'I should take out his sword first, he'd loose a way to be able to conceal his energy usage if he doesn't have it, which would reduce his choices as he seems to be hiding his energy.'

The moment he thought that, he put it to action, opening his mouth slightly he used an ability he had not used since the start.

'Greed, take his physical strength.'

Owen was a member of the House of greed, even though he did not have an authority of greed, it did not mean that he lacked abilities related to it.

Like the devilian royal family's 'Annihilation', the house of greed possessed what could be called their 'Greeds.

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Hello, Author here;

Upload 1500 words they said...

Yet, smartass me decided to upload 1499, so now i have to add an extra chapter so i dont fail the mission....????????

Your gift is the motivation for my creation and more chapter updates. Give me more motivation! ???? 

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