Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 9 - Various Powers Make Their Moves

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"How would we find the mother of this prophesied child of destruction then?"

One of the twelve chief Olympians spoke up silencing the chatter across the hall. This was Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunt.

"You don't seriously expect us to start scouring the teritories of all our enemies for any being who's the equivalent of a high-rank god and is also pregnant? That will take way too much time and resources" she continued seemingly put off by how stressful the search for the prophesied child sounded.

"We obviously won't do it alone, would we?" another voice spoke up in reply. This time it was that of the god of war, Ares.

"The yellow-head said something about others recieveing the same prophecy, so lets just ask for their help"

"That's a surprisingly smart idea coming from you Ares, also i have a name and its Apollo!" Apollo replied back annoyed at the fact that Ares didn't seem to use his name when rferring to him.

"Whatever you say yellow-head"

Ares replied with a yawn, waving him off. Before Apollo could retort back, Hera, Queen of the Olympians asked a question that has been on minds of many.

"We've devised a way to find out the mother of this prophesied child, what about the father, what actions are to be taken regarding him?"

Her question was met with nods of agreement, especially form the goddesses. While feeling Hera's stare boring into his head, Zeus coughed and replied,

"The prophecy gave us no hints on his identity, as if it didn't intend for us to find him, even the talk of him being a high-rank god is merely our assumption."

"So you intend to do nothing?" Hera asked with a skeptical look on her face.

"In the future when he's found, maybe, however for now that we have no information about his identity, there's nothing we can do." Zeus replied continuing befor Hera had a chance to speak up again,

"We would take Ares' suggestion and co-operate with other pantheons who would be looking for this being, that will make our search faster, who knows we might end up finding the identity of the fater in the process."

Athena then asked "The 'Day of Black Sun' the prophecy spoke about is most likey talking about an eclipse, when is the next one Apollo?"

"In a few weeks, however i doubt it will be this one the prophecy is refering to because the next is a partial eclipse, it doesn't fit the description of 'Black Sun'."

"The sun will still be black, would'nt it?"

"Yes however, only a part of it would be, i don't think that's what the prophecy was talking about." He replied, before taking a moment of thought to ponder on a few things. Continuing he said,

"The next one after it would be in the second month of the next year, i believe it's that one, if it isn't then it might just not be a natural eclipse, that would be worst case scenario though"

"Watch your words Apollo, you are the god of Oracles, your words might just come true" Artemis scolded her brother while looking at him like one would look at an idiot.

"Save your sibling spat for later" Zeus spoke, hearing this made Artemis roll her eyes as she felt the urge to ask Zeus to take a look at his earlier actions with Hades. The person in question however, ignored her and kept on speaking like he wasn't the least bit guilty, continuing he said,

"This meeting is adjourned, Hermes, contact the nearby pantheons and find out what measures they wish to take in return to the prophecy, if their goals are same with ours, then spare no effort to help them."

"No problem." The god divine messenger god replied before dissapearing from his seat.

"Seeing as you're done, then there's no reason for me to be here anymore." Hades spoke through his avatar as it dissolved back into darkness.

"Hades wait for-!." Athena attempted speak to him but he ignored her and he retrieved his avatar. She clicked her toungue as she thought of how angry Hades would get if she were to cross into his teritory to speak to him.

"Is there a problem Athena?" Posiedon asked seeing Athena's reaction to which she replied

"Nothing much, just had some things i wanted to ask him, i'll send him a formal messenger, although i might get ignored." She then stood up from her throne, turning into a bright light then dissapeared, returning back to her home in Athens.

The rest of the gods took that as a cue to get back to what they were doing previously as they started leaving one by one through various means. Soon only Zeus and Apollo were left. Confirming there was truly no one left Zeus asked,

"Was there anything else beside the prophecy you needed to say?"

"No there i-" Before he could finish Zeus cut him off saying "I can see your divinity has been halved, knowing you, i'm sure you must have used your authority to find out more about the child of destriction."

Apollo laughed before replying,

"You're right, my curiosity got the better of me and i ended up trying to take a peek, the result is as you said, the law of casuality prevented me from finding anything noteworthy about the child and I suffered the repercussion of having my divinity halved, I don't know how long it will last for but i did find out a feature of the mother, one that leads me to believe she is most likely either a of the demon, devil, or the Fallen Celestial race."

"I don't think it's the demons, those bastards hate half-blood children quite a lot." Replied Zeus while wearing a pensive look, "What did you see that made you suspect them?" he asked noticing that Apollo was quite specific about the races he called.

"Jet Black wings, five pairs of them, the mother of the child of destruction has those, so i thought of the races with destruction related powers and also jet black wings, when you narrow things down to that stage, there aren't much candidates, there's the Fallen Angels but those guys are too secluded, i doubt it's them."

"Hmm... very well then, i'll tell this to Hermes, he should use it in his negotiations for help in searching for the child, there's no way any of the masters would let such a thing slide, they're probably already searching now." Zeus replied with a wry smile.


Exactly as Zeus said, in other pantheons the masters and chief gods were currently giving out various orders concerning the prophecy. At the Great Hall of Valhalla in Asgard, an old man with an eyepatch that looked no diffrent from a random passerby on the street was currently giving orders to another man wearing a dull silver armor.

"Hermod, co-operate with the messengers of the other pantheons in searching for the mother of this prophesied child, do not take hostile action however as trying to kill the child before it's birth might have adverse effects, casuality seems to be protecting the child's mother."

The man spoke with a quiet voice. Recieving his orders, the messenger god of Asgard nodded his head in reply before promptly moving out of the hall leaving the old man sitting on the floor. Standing up he spoke,

"The times are changing, i hope this prophesied child is not the one to bring about Ragnarok, i have my hands full dealing with those fiery bastards." The old man was the Master of the Asgardian pantheon and leader of the Aesir tribe, Odin.


Meanwhile in Muspelheim, the king of the 'fiery bastards' Odin was speaking about, Fire Giant King Surtr, was currently contemplating if the prophesied 'child of destruction' was worth his attention.

"Send spies to find out where this childs mother is and if those arrogant gods attempt to take any sort of hostile action, protect her, he might be a potential future ally, we should get him on our good graces now" After relaying his orders to the fire giants kneeling before him he rose from his throne and looked in the direction of the neighbouring Frost Giant Teritory,

"I need to meet with Harmarti, it seems that there might be a change in the balance." He laughed as he erupted into a pillar of flames, teleporting to Jotunheim to speak with the Frost Giant's Warrior King.


The same scene was playing out in many other universes as their various masters ordered the search for the mother of the prophesied 'child of destruction', some with hostile intent, some with the intention to protect, while some remained neutral.


While all this was going on, in a certain galaxy cluster known as the Burning Realms, a figure descended from the skies into the courtyard of a castle imposing enought of to strike fear into the hearts of the weak minded. Two men lowered their heads in respect towards the figure that just descended, one of which spoke,

"Princess, your father requests your presence."

Looking at the person who just spoke, the one referred to as princess shifted the silver strands of hair covering her face as she replied,

"Mammon, raise your head, How long ago did he say this?"

"Not long, just a few hours ago."

"Hmm.. it seems he's figured it out then, i really didn't want him to know for now yet those fools made so much noise about my kid and now he's found out." At her words, Mammon's face twitched slightly, while holding doubt in his heart, he asked.

"Princess, you couldn't possibly be the one-."

"Oh yes, i'm the one." The princess cut him off before he could finish speaking.

Ignoring the obvious shock of the two, the princess folded her five pairs of Jet black wings before casually walking into the castle while humming to herself.

She was the daughter of the Master of the Hell Universe, Devil Princess Cataleya Vaughn, known as the strongest Leviathan, and the mother of the prophesied 'child of destruction'.

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