Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 95 - Alexia’s Curse

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Alexia Vladi, was cursed.

The one who cursed her, was none other than her father.

Luckily, the curse had certain conditions to activate. Conditions she could easily avoid and thus, she had been avoiding fulfilling those conditions for more than thirty thousand years.

This was one of the problems she was facing, and she needed Arthur's help to solve it.

To be more specific, she needed a particular power Arthur possessed.

However, when she first discovered the curse, she was not as calm about it as she was now.

That was because she was about to fulfil one of the major conditions for the curse to activate.

One that regardless of whether she had met the other conditions, just by meeting that one, the curse would be activated.

She discovered this at the last moment, and took a dangerous action to prevent herself from meeting that condition. 

That action, was to mess with the law of causality and receive for a repercussion for doing so.

She looked into the future and decided to interfere with it. Normally, her interference would have been ignored and at most, the law of causality would only have stopped her when she influenced the fates of too many beings, even so, there would be no repercussions.

However the future she tried to mess with was the future of an existence she was not even allowed to know of.

It was merely a wild guess, she never even thought that such a contradictory being really existed, so she was very surprised when she discovered the truth.

And more than that, she had a glimpse of many other truths that she was not allowed to find out.

"Let's just say that I had a glimpse of a few things that only your superiors were supposed to know."

"A glimpse got you a warning and a repercussion from causality? I don't buy it.

It'd be more believable if you told me you tried to mess with the future of a singu-"

At that point, Kelly's words came to a halt, she stared at Alexia in shock.

"It couldn't be?"

"Yes it is."

Kelly sighed in exasperation, she felt like pulling her hair out due to stress.

'Just what have I gotten myself into?'

Deciding that this matter was not one to be discussed at the time, Kelly decide to drop it.

Meanwhile Alexia was thinking about her curse and how it could be broken.

'Lucifer couldn't break the curse then because doing so would have killed me as it had been there since I was born, now I've managed to isolate it. 

If Arthur has 'that' power, then he should be able to break it and I'd only lose a small piece of my soul.

It would hurt a lot but that's better than being captured by that bastard.'

She knew fully well that giving him a basic rank law crystal and the memory gem containing the records of one of Lucifer's spells was not enough to repay Arthur for his eventual help.

Hence, she began gathering members of Arthur's race she could find and was training them to become stronger.

'When it gets out that he's a progenitor, many will try to kill him at all costs. Progenitors are 'broken' existences after all. 

He would not be able to fight them all alone, gathering members of his race to form armies for him would help him a lot when that time comes.

After all, he cant hide the fact that he's a progenitor forever, some way or somehow, people will find out.'

Kelly stared at Alexia who was in deep thought before speaking.

"The kid you're doing all this for doesn't even know about it."

"Leave it, I'd tell him about it in due time. He's still young so he should be concentrating on school and other stuff kids his age do."

"Yeah right"

Kelly rolled her eyes while internally agreeing with Alexia.

'He's probably fooling around with that green eyed girl.'

◇ ◇ ◇

Arthur however, was not playing around like Kelly and Layla thought.


A hoarse scream resounded across a dark alley. The one who had been screaming, had lost count of how many times he had let out a scream.

As for Arthur who was the cause of this man's pain, he simply wiped the blood off his face, before using his semi-transparent sword, Celestia, to stab him in the stomach once again.



"Your highness, he seems to not know anything else."

Lute, who was done discarding the bodies of the other humans and devils who had gone through Arthur's torture, spoke while looking calmly at the gruesome scene before him.

The man's limbs were almost cut off, only being held together by his nearly shattered bones.

His fingers and toes had all been cleanly sliced off, with a few being stuffed into one of his ears and one of his nostrils.

His wings had been shredded and pulled out of his back forcefully, and his guts were spilling out of his body, due to the new cuts Arthur just inflicted.

Celestia, was currently stabbed into the man's shoulder, and she was not the slightest bit happy about it.

[Master, I don't like this.]

'Sorry, this is the last one.'

[You've said that four times now.]

'I'm for real this time.'

He pulled out the sulking sword and gestured to Lute to handle it.

Lute nodded and moved to the body, not before signalling his subordinates to prepare a new outfit for Arthur as the white outfit he was wearing, had been stained with the blood of a dozen unfortunate humans and devils.

Teleporting back to the space craft they came with, Arthur changed out of his clothes after taking a shower.

Unlike before, this time he wore a black version of the white uniform of the high-ranking knights, with a gold colour as contrast. 

He didn't wear the mantle this time as it might get caught up with his wings when he spread them out.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he nodded in approval before staring down at the twin planets below him from the spacecraft's windows.

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes, your highness."

Arthur asked and another one of his guards replied, however she seemed to have some questions. Arthur noticed this and asked.

"What do you have to say?"

"Ah, its not-."


The subordinate took a deep breath before complying with Arthur's words.

"I don't see a reason why your highness should personally deal with the impudent fools who dared to interfere with your plans.

We could handle this for you."

"I see, so that's what you all were annoyed about."

"We we-were n-not annoyed, just curious."

Arthur turned and looked at her, with a teasing gaze. Realizing he was just joking, she calmed down a bit. Arthur just chuckled at this and spoke.

"My dear Tasha, worry not, I would let you do your jobs, I just want to deal with the emperors on my own.

Those fools delayed my plans a bit, they ought to pay the price."

He turned back to the window and stared at the two planets, he then uttered words that made even a transcendent like Tasha, feel chills down her spine.

"After all, when I'm done with them, they won't exist anymore."

◇ ◇ ◇

Phirex and Girex were twin planets.

The two planets were very close to each other, yet they did not interfere with each other.

They also possessed a dimensional rift, a natural teleportation gate that allowed access between the two planets without risks.

In other words, the denizens of Phirex could go to Girex without issue and vice versa, without having to go into space.

Of the two planets, one was inhabited while the other was barely habited.

Phirex, the inhabited planet, was ruled by two brothers. They each ruled most of the northern and southern hemispheres.

The Great Northern Empire and the Great Southern Empire.

They had begun their conquest after their father, who was one of the most influential continental powers, passed away due to old age.

Despite being human, their father had a long lifespan due to his level of existence and ruled for nearly a thousand years and the two brothers who wanted to take after him, decided to conquer the entire planet after his death.

Their armies invaded almost all other countries and with the help of various inferior-stage grandmaster realm experts, the armies of the opposing countries fell one after the other.

Phirex was planet that was just one of the millions that existed in the Crystal realm and was one of those who did not know much about the universe beyond.

It was only recently that they had discovered the twin planet, Girex, and the rest of their star system.

The two brothers then decided to stretch their hands towards Girex and aimed to conquer it too.

They believed it would be easy due to the existence of the dimensional rift that existed between them.

First of all, they had to find out about the situation over in Girex and make plans to begin their conquest. As such, they sent out personnel into the rift, with the mission of capturing inhabitants of Girex, in order to gleam information from them.

And the actions of those subordinates, would spell their doom.

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