The sword was cut into two pieces, and the sword was cut into two pieces.


The sword energy of more than a kilometer cut the entire stadium in two, and this scene brought a deep shock to everyone present.

How strong should Ye Liuyun be now?

They all have to put a big question mark now.

The sword split the stadium, and Zhongchuan in the ground had already split with the ground.

He didn't understand until his death how Ye Liuyun dared to kill him so openly without giving him any chance at all.

Ye Liuyun clapped his hands. He felt much more comfortable after killing Zhongchuan. The main reason was that Ye Liuyun didn't expect that this idiot would actually dare to appear here.

"Okay, everyone, today's press conference ends here. You can go back and edit it as you like. Of course, I still have a certain degree of patience with people from Daxia.

People from other countries, you can decide for yourselves!"

After saying that, Ye Liuyun tapped his toes and landed on the platform in the distance.

Wang Mang stood up and looked at his apprentice. He was better than his master, and now this guy has surpassed him in the three skills of the beast god.

"How did you do it?"

Wang Mang asked in surprise.

Zhen Bukuai and the others behind him also stared at each other, as if they were not learning the same thing.

"This... Master and brothers, how should I explain it? In short, as long as the blood and qi are sufficient, it is no problem for this sword to condense to ten thousand meters.

Theoretically, this is the case!"

After listening to Ye Liuyun's words, Wang Mang rolled his eyes. This is not a human being!

It's really hateful.

"By the way, Tang Guosheng is coming here. Do you want to see this situation?" Wang Mang asked, leaving these things behind.

Now this matter is serious.

After all, this thing still depends on Ye Liuyun's opinion, and he can't take the lead.

"Let's meet him. After all, what I said may have too much impact on him, so I still have to explain it." Ye Liuyun thought about it and replied.

What he said today was not against Da Xia, nor did he have any other meaning towards Tang Guosheng, nor was it like what Zhongchuan said just now, that he and Tang Guosheng had a falling out.

That's ridiculous. I'm not a three-year-old child, so I won't do such a childish thing.

"Okay, then let's meet at our place later." Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Ye Liuyun would really break up with the other party in a fit of anger, which would not be good for anyone.

Angry, but you can't really ignore Da Xia.

"Okay, no problem, teacher!"

Ye Liuyun stretched his body, feeling relieved after killing Zhongchuan, and in a good mood. As for what those people said just now, Ye Liuyun didn't take it to heart at all.

It was too cheap to keep talking to a bunch of scraps like them. When he left just now, they didn't dare to say a word.

Guowu School.

Director Niu looked at the screen and saw Ye Liuyun crushing Zhongchuan with ease, and he really let out a sigh of relief.

It was so cool!

Su Yuhua was shocked by Ye Liuyun's strength. How strong must this guy be? He must be above the eighth level.

Tsk tsk tsk!


In front of Ye Liuyun, the so-called genius pales in comparison, or no one can compare with him.

He is truly the leader.

The generation that is about ten years younger than Ye Liuyun now, the most talented ones can only reach the sixth level, and that is all with the help of the family behind them. The number of resources consumed is definitely not comparable to Ye Liuyun.

This is no longer a curve overtaking, but a straight line overtaking!

Such a little guy really arouses her mind!

It's a pity to let him go.

God knows how many years it will take for such a figure to appear.


No. 1 Middle School.

Meeting room.

Zhao Hai's face was calm, "Hang up Ye Liuyun's photo for me immediately. I will ask those who talked about it before. You can choose to transfer or retire!"

After saying that, Zhao Hai turned and left the meeting room.

They are also worthy of kicking someone when they are down. Who dares to do so now? Just hear the wind and believe the rain.

People nowadays are so ridiculous. They have no ability, but they like to watch the drama of genius falling.

What they don’t know is that even if Ye Liuyun did not fall, they can’t afford to offend him.

What’s more, Ningnan Kingdom is still there, and they are all stupid.

They can’t see the current situation clearly.

At the same time.

Hongguo also received the news from Daxia.

There was a lot of condemnation against Ye Liuyun.

Zhongchuan was regarded as a hero, and there was no one inside.

Several people asked the higher-ups to communicate with Daxia and protested, and wanted to hand over Ye Liuyun, who killed Zhongchuan, to Hongguo for handling.

In the face of this voice, Daxia was also very straightforward.

Ye Liuyun is no longer a citizen of Daxia. He is a wastelander. Hongguo can take action on its own without affecting the situation and people of Daxia!

After Daxia replied, Hongguo was silent.

There are only four ninth-level strongmen in Hongguo, and the strongest is a ninth-level mid-stage Tianli warrior.


That person doesn't dare to say that he can beat a beast as powerful as the Wild Ape.

The only beast confronting Hongguo is an eighth-level beast.

Even so, every time there is a beast tide, the four of them in Hongguo have to fight together to fight against others.

It is impossible for these four to find Ye Liuyun for Zhongchuan.

Because they are not at the same level at all.

What's more, Ye Liuyun has Wang Mang, the top warrior of Blue Star, behind him.

So the matter was left unresolved.

Of course, there were radicals in Hongguo who said that if Daxia didn't hand over the people, Hongguo would unite with the beasts.

But this voice was strangled as soon as it sprouted.

Hongguo's high-level officials knew their own affairs.

If they really did that, Daxia's long-range attack weapons would make Hongguo disappear.

This method must be used by several countries together, otherwise it will not work alone.

Instead, it will only add to the jokes.

As for other countries, they really don't have this intention.

After all, they have slavery, but they don't.

Being slaves to the beasts, those who surrendered have proved that among some of the high-level officials of the beasts, their status is not as good as a dog.

This is not a metaphor but a fact!

Really not as good as a dog.

At least dogs are treated as their own kind.

In the end, Hongguo could only keep silent. In this storm, they suffered a loss in silence, which was extremely embarrassing.

They didn't get anything.

They had offended Daxia and Ye Liuyun.

Especially since Ye Liuyun said he was going to visit Hongguo.

That afternoon, Hongguo activated the first-level alert.

They were really afraid that Ye Liuyun would suddenly appear!

According to the video, its ability was definitely stronger than that of the eighth-level beast outside.

If Ye Liuyun really came, they couldn't expect the beast outside to help them deal with Ye Liuyun!

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