The filming location has changed, but the filming time has not changed.

Cao Xuan was stunned for a while before he reacted.

Now, just by changing the shooting location and adding some publicity, the expected income of "To the Best of Us" has increased by 15 million.

If the universal investment card is included, he can get an extra 45 million back at a time.

Although Cao Xuan is not interested in the best student, he is very interested in money.

And, to be honest, Cao Xuan actually has nothing against the school anniversary.

Last time, it was only because Jiang Tianhao had a bad attitude and threatened him that he was a little unhappy.

However, now for the sake of money, he can reconsider it.

Cao Xuan thought about it and quickly made a decision, "Principal Guo, I can ask for you about this matter, but I can't guarantee whether it will succeed or not."

Guo Zhiming's face was delighted, and he quickly said, "Great! As long as you ask, this matter will definitely succeed."

"I'll try it first."

Cao Xuan took out his mobile phone and called Lu Shaoyi.

Ten minutes later, Lu Shaoyi came over panting.

She looked at the empty auditorium and was also full of doubts.

"Mr. Cao, you are looking for me?"

"Principal Guo said that there was a problem with the school anniversary, and now there are only a few days. If you are the director, can you handle it?"

Last time, Cao Xuan was unhappy because of the school anniversary. How could Lu Shaoyi suffer the same loss again?

So, she quickly shook her head and said, "Mr. Cao, don't get me wrong. I will definitely listen to you in the future and never participate in the school anniversary again."

What kind of words are these!

Cao Xuan saw that Guo Zhiming looked unhappy, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "What are you talking about?"

Lu Shaoyi was also quite perceptive. Seeing that the situation seemed a little wrong, she asked carefully, "Mr. Cao, what do you mean?"

"Principal Guo agreed that as long as we can complete this school anniversary, he will provide the shooting site free of charge, and by the way, he will let the school promote our new drama.

However, there are only a few days left. Even if I am willing to participate, the program is still more than halfway."

Is there such a good thing?

Lu Shaoyi was stunned when she heard it.

She had thought about shooting on the campus of Jiangda before, but Jiangda is not an ordinary middle school. Not everyone can shoot it if they want to.

Unexpectedly, Guo Zhiming took the initiative to propose it now, and Cao Xuan also agreed.

In this way, not only can she be the director of the school anniversary, but she can also shoot "To the Best of Us" more perfectly.

As for the tight time, it is not a problem at all.

Lu Shaoyi was ecstatic, "Mr. Cao, this is easy to do. As long as you tell Song Yiran and the others, they will definitely be willing to participate. I will take care of the rest of the programs."

"Okay, I'll call them all and ask."

Next, Cao Xuan called Wei Luoling, Song Yiran, Sun Nuannuan and others.

As expected, after receiving the call, several people agreed.

A few minutes later, Cao Xuan put away his phone with satisfaction.

"Principal Guo, the school anniversary should be almost done. You can leave it to us with confidence."

"Okay! Okay! I'm sure I'll be relieved."

Guo Zhiming's old face was relieved, and his heart finally settled down.

However, when he thought about the fact that he, the vice principal, had been running around and couldn't handle things, Cao Xuan solved them with just a few calls, he felt a little complicated.

As soon as Guo Zhiming left, Song Yiran rushed to the auditorium first.

"Cao Xuan, why did you think of attending the school anniversary again?"

"Hey, didn't Principal Guo come to see me personally..."

When he called just now, Cao Xuan only said that he was going to attend the school anniversary, and asked her if she wanted to attend, without even saying the reason.

Now, after hearing his explanation, Song Yiran naturally had no objection.

While the two were talking, Wei Luoling also rushed over with a group of beauties from the basketball club.

Among them, Wu Qianlian, Han Congli, Zhu Lin, these familiar old faces were all there.

Then there were Sun Nuannuan and others.

It was just noon, Cao Xuan simply waved his hand and took everyone to have a big meal at Zui Xiang Lou.

A group of 20 to 30 people sat at three full tables.

Cao Xuan was not stingy and spent nearly 200,000 yuan directly.

When paying the bill, he used a cashback card and got another seven times cashback, making a small profit of more than one million yuan.

Time was tight, after dinner, everyone went straight to the auditorium and began to prepare for the rehearsal.

Lu Shaoyi went to Qidian Kindergarten first.

's equipment and then prepare a few more programs.

Fortunately, Cao Xuan's reputation is big enough. Many people heard that he and the school beauty Song Yiran and others participated in the school celebration again, so they started to sign up.

So, in just one afternoon, the school celebration program was completely put together.

Cao Xuan stayed in the auditorium all afternoon, rehearsing and looking at beauties, until he was ready to leave after dinner.

"By the way, Yiran, I forgot to bring your comic book today, how about you come to my place later?"


Song Yiran was stunned for a moment before she realized what the comic book Cao Xuan was talking about. Then, her mind was full of ** scenes that were not suitable for children.

If she went to Cao Xuan's place at night, she was afraid that she would not be able to escape.

"I still don't... I can't. The school anniversary is coming soon. I have to protect my voice these days."

Cao Xuan felt a little sorry when he heard it, "Okay, I'll bring the book to you tomorrow."

Song Yiran shook his head and said, "No... It's not convenient in the dormitory. I'll leave the things with you first and I'll get them when I have time."

"Then let's make a deal!"

Cao Xuan had just walked out of the auditorium and was about to go home when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Hey, Cao thief, stop right there!"

Hearing this voice, Cao Xuan knew who it was without turning around.

Because, in the entire Jiangda, there is only one person who dares to call himself Cao thief.

As expected, he turned his head and saw Wen Lexuan staring at him angrily.

In order to stay away from the steel wool, Cao Xuan has been avoiding the other party for some time, but he didn't expect to meet him today.

"Haha, classmate Wen, what a coincidence!"

"Hmph! What's so coincidental? I came here to find you."

"Huh? Classmate Wen, do you have something to ask me?"

"You still dare to pretend?" Wen Lexuan was so angry that her teeth were bared. "Cao thief, if you keep making excuses, don't blame me for being rude!"

Cao Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard this.

Although he was not afraid of a little girl, if the stalemate continued, this level 98 BOSS would not be able to be killed, which was a pity.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Hmph! As long as you agree to meet my sister-in-law, I'll let you go."

"Student Wen, you know that the school celebration will start in the next two days. I've been busy rehearsing recently and can't leave. How about this, I'll go with you after the summer vacation in a few days."

Wen Lexuan thought for a while, "Okay! Summer vacation is summer vacation."

"Then I'll leave first."


"What's wrong?"

"Stand still and let me take a picture."

Click! Wen Lexuan took a picture without waiting for him to react.

Cao Xuan was speechless for a moment. Maybe she was going to send it to her sister-in-law.

"Can I leave now?"

Wen Lexuan waved her hand impatiently, "Let's go."

After Cao Xuan left, she immediately picked up her phone and sent a message.

Jiangcheng, Binjiang New World.

Xia Linglong had just returned downstairs after socializing outside when she heard her phone ding.

When she picked it up, she saw that it was sent by her nosy sister-in-law again.

"Wait! Isn't this my new neighbor?"

Xia Linglong was stunned when she saw the photo on her phone.

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