On the way back to school, Ye Liuyun was invited by many big guys to sit in their area. This treatment made all the students envious. When they came, they were treated the same, but when they left, it was different. Nie Xiaoyu stared at Ye Liuyun with her beautiful eyes. She thought that he would sit with her on the way back, and she was inevitably disappointed. "Ye Liuyun, in view of your excellent grades, the school decided to reward you with 5 million in cash in the name of the school, and the house you live in now, so it was just rewarded to you directly. I hope you can come home often in the future!" Wang Fujun's face was full of gentle smiles, and he looked at Ye Liuyun as if he was looking at his own younger generation. "Thank you, principal." Ye Liuyun thanked him. He felt okay about the house, because he would definitely not live in Quancheng after going to college, but the five million was really a timely rain, and martial artists' training was extremely expensive.

But fortunately, he didn't have to buy his equipment for the time being, and the reward for challenging the Frost White Ape was very generous.

Thinking of this, he looked at the chief examiner.

"Chief examiner, I don't know about my reward..."

"Hahaha, I know you are anxious, after the college entrance examination results are announced to the public in the afternoon, you can come to Quancheng No. 1 Middle School to collect it tomorrow morning."


"However, Ye Liuyun, you still need to do a supernatural power appraisal at that time. According to our inquiry, you have not done a specific supernatural power appraisal since your supernatural power mutated!

So we suspect that your supernatural power is not A-level at all."

The chief examiner looked at Ye Liuyun and said.

All of their senior executives unanimously suspected that this little guy's supernatural power was not as simple as A-level. Now he is ranked in the top three in the country, and the two people ahead of him are both S-level supernatural powers, geniuses who have attracted national attention.

According to the inference theory, Ye Liuyun, who is not much different from them, should also be S-level.

"Then let's test it once." Ye Liuyun was very calm. He knew what level his ability was. I'm afraid that the whole Lu Province would be shocked again by that time.

"Have you decided which university you want to go to?"

The chief examiner suddenly asked.


Ye Liuyun shook his head. He has been training since he came to Quancheng and has not understood this aspect yet.

Wang Fujun heard this and said quickly: "Your score is random for the Six Gods Colleges of Daxia. Oh, do you know the Six Gods College?"

"I've heard of it, but I don't know it very well."

Wang Fujun introduced enthusiastically: "The Six Gods Colleges are the six super first-class colleges of Daxia, the top six colleges in the country. They have trained countless geniuses. Both the faculty and supporting facilities are the best in the country.

The teachers are at least fifth-level advanced warriors, and there are even eighth- and ninth-level warriors.

They are Tianwu University in the Imperial Capital, Shangwu College in the Magic Capital, Daxia Guowu University, and Xingcheng Shenwu College, Northeast Yanwu University, and Haicheng Yunwu University.

You can choose any of these six universities, go to whichever one you want!"

Wang Fujun said, his eyes full of respect.

The so-called Six Gods College is not given for the sake of sounding good, but their school has trained ninth-level masters, and more than one.

That's why they got this title.

"Principal, I wonder which school is suitable for me with my beast-type ability?"

Ye Liuyun took the opportunity to ask. He knew the names of these schools, but as the saying goes, every profession has its own specialty.

Top schools like this must have their most famous majors.

"This..." Wang Fujun frowned. The beast-type ability is very unique in the world.

Because generally speaking, beast-type abilities below the third level are relatively half a step higher than the same type of abilities, because of their special energy composition.

But after the third level, the watershed is hard to say, their ability strength determines the upper limit.

Unlike the warriors of the Tianli system, even if their ability grade is B, all kinds of endless martial arts can mobilize their abilities 100%.

But the beast-type is relatively simple, and most of the martial arts are also based on the body.

It was not until this moment that they remembered that Ye Liuyun seemed to be the first person in Quancheng and even the whole country to achieve such good results with beast-type abilities.

"We will help you research this, but after the college entrance examination results are announced, the admissions offices of these schools will definitely contact you.

Then you can listen to their conditions according to your own judgment."

Wang Fujun and others were slightly

They were embarrassed because their students had never been to such a school. They knew more about gossips...

After returning to school, many students were picked up by their parents who had been waiting at the door.

Ye Liuyun was going to follow Zhao Hai, but the principal was too enthusiastic.

He had no choice but to accept the principal's invitation and let him take him back.

"Won't Ye Liuyun go with us?"

In the car, Zhao Yue looked at his father curiously.

"The principal wants to send him off in person. This kid has now ascended to heaven!" Zhao Hai's voice was full of sighs.

The first place in Shandong Province and the third in the country!

This person was brought to No. 1 Middle School by himself. This honor is destined to allow him to take another step forward, and even take over the principal's job in the future.

For the education industry, this is a very dazzling political achievement.

"Principal, you are really the one who recruited Ye Liuyun. He is a little too..."

Zhao Yue muttered unhappily.

"It's human nature, not to mention that he is the head of a school, but your father has already received a promise from the principal.

I guess my position will be moved soon, and there will be a cash reward." Zhao Hai could hardly hide his excitement.

But at the same time, he felt a little regretful. If he had known that Ye Liuyun was so powerful, he would have treated him better.

This kind of person will definitely soar to the sky in the future. He still didn't seize the opportunity. He should have directly agreed to accept him as his adopted son.

Make that name real!

What a mistake.

Although he has been up and down in the education industry for so many years, who would have thought that Ye Liuyun could do this.

He didn't even dare to think about it!


With the end of the college entrance examination, the whole of Daxia was already in a boiling state on the day of the end. Although the first pilot college entrance examination had flaws, the flaws did not outweigh the merits.

Through this college entrance examination, the students have a clearer understanding of actual combat and ferocious beasts. For them, this not only trained their mentality, but also improved their own abilities and temporary response situations.

In the current world situation, fierce tide invasions often happen. Having such a valuable experience will help you deal with such a situation in the future.

And Quancheng is like boiling water. Students taking the college entrance examination all know the name Ye Liuyun.

Almost all students are looking for students in the Tianning Mountain examination room to inquire about Ye Liuyun.

Among the six examination sites, only the special reward challenge of Tianning Mountain was successful. Three of the other examination sites launched challenges but all failed without exception.

There are two that no one challenges at all. The gap in everyone's strength is too big.

Therefore, many people are very curious about this fierce man.

Single challenge and completed it!

What a terrifying ability!


Pingcheng High School.

On the playground, all the students stood neatly. The college entrance examination had just ended.

Principal Zhang Wenzhong stood on the podium and gave a speech.

Most of their students killed one to three inferior beasts in this college entrance examination. The first in the school killed six inferior beasts. He stood on the podium with a proud look.

Just as Zhang Wenzhong was speaking, the dean hurried to Zhang Wenzhong's side.

Everyone looked at their principal curiously, why was his face so red.

After a while.

Zhang Wenzhong threw away the manuscript in his hand, held the microphone with both hands, and his voice trembled with excitement.

"Students, teachers, today I want to tell you a good news. Ye Liuyun, who walked out of our school, won the first place in Quancheng! The first place in Shandong Province in this college entrance examination!

Shandong Province has decided to rebuild our school and provide us with some advanced equipment!

This is our school...."

The teachers and students present were dizzy.

First place in Quancheng?

And the first place in Shandong Province? ?

Pingcheng No.1 on the stage had a gloomy face. He and Ye Liuyun were classmates and lived next door to each other.

This stage was supposed to be a place for him to be praised, but now everyone's attention was not on him at all!

Damn it!


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