The six people who were arguing in the conference room fell silent instantly. With their realm, everyone had heard Ye Liuyun when he entered the room just now.


The door of the room was pushed open by Secretary Liu, and Ning Nanguo walked in, followed by a tall and mighty figure.

After everyone stood up, their eyes quickly locked on Ye Liuyun.

From going to Zhao Hai's house for dinner to coming here, Ye Liuyun has been wearing a battle suit, and under the contrast of the battle suit, there is a trace of sharpness around him.

The black and white eyes reveal a resolute color.

This first impression is really good, and the image is perfect.

Ning Nanguo pressed his hand, "Okay, sit down, don't be polite.

Liuyun, let me introduce you, these are the directors of our Daxia Liushen Academy.

That one is Director Zhou of Tianwu School, this one is Director Hua of Shangwu, and this one, Director Niu of Guowu..."

Ning Nanguo took the main seat and pulled Ye Liuyun to introduce everyone.

While he was introducing, Ye Liuyun secretly felt the breath of several people. He felt it from the moment he came in.

The people present were at least fifth-level.

After the introduction, Ye Liuyun nodded respectfully to everyone present and said, "Hello, directors."

"You're welcome, classmate Ye, we have all read your information, but you may not know much about us.

Our Tianwu School is now ranked first in the country. I think this ranking..."

Before Zhou Yunsheng finished speaking, Ning Nanguo coughed twice lightly, and the former stopped immediately.

Everyone looked at Ning Nanguo.

They are two different systems, but they still have to maintain enough respect for a frontier official like Ning Nanguo.

Especially since this person has retired from the battlefield, many of his old subordinates hold important positions.

"Dear school leaders, Ye Liuyun is my adopted son, and everyone knows this.

And I was injured on the battlefield when I was young, so Ye Liuyun, my adopted son, is like my own son.

From a parent's perspective, I hope that the leaders of all schools will be straightforward and make all the conditions clear."

The content of Ning Nanguo's words can be said to have caused a storm in the hearts of several people present.

Ye Liuyun couldn't control his expression. Even if Ning Nanguo was injured, he couldn't say it in front of so many people.

At the same time, he felt extremely solemn and moved. Ning Nanguo didn't reveal his scars in public for no reason.

Instead, he told them honestly that Ye Liuyun was like his own son, so he should give as much as he could.

"Alas, old leader, since you said so, I won't hide it anymore." Niu Qingtian, who had been silent all the time, stood up.

Zhou Yunsheng and others all turned their eyes to him. From the beginning, the director of Guowu had not said a word.

They thought the other party had given up, but they didn't expect that he would be so stubborn here.

Ning Nanguo waved his hand, "Then let's start. I hope everyone will tell you all your cards for my sake.

Don't be so pretentious. I'm used to being a soldier, so I'm straightforward!"

Niu Qingtian cleared his throat, took out the contract from his backpack and put it directly on the conference table, "Our Guowu University has issued an X-level contract to Student Ye.

The school will take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation for four years of college. The martial arts library of Guowu University is open, and we also cover all the weapons and uniforms.

Not only that, once enrolled, we will provide Student Ye with a set of training resources for the seventh-level beast. .

One copy every six months in the future!

Due to the special nature of our Guowu, after entering school, Student Ye will automatically enter the military rank of second lieutenant in the system and enjoy the treatment of second lieutenant.

When the strength is improved to the second level, he will be promoted to lieutenant, third-level captain, fourth-level major, fifth-level lieutenant colonel, and sixth-level colonel.

The treatment is the same as that of the front-line commander.

At the same time, our honorary principal Wang Mang, the first person in the Great Xia Beast Department and a ninth-level strongman, will accept Ye Liuyun as his closed disciple.

I have finished speaking, everyone continue. "

With every word of Niu Qingtian, the faces of the other people present became uglier.

This is fucking, is Guowu School begging for it? Not to mention the X-level contract, it is not easy to get the cultivation resources of the seventh-level beast alone.

What's more, Wang Mang, the great god, has been brought out. What else can they say after Niu Qingtian finishes speaking?

What else can he say after he finishes speaking, let everyone speak, what can everyone say!

Staring and talking.

And Niu Qingtian's output made Ye Liuyun confused. What is an X-level contract, and what are the training resources of the seventh-level beast and the matter of taking him as a disciple.

He didn't understand it at all, but he could still feel from the faces of others that what this person should say is valuable.

Ning Nanguo also looked at Niu Qingtian with a smile. Wang Mang had called him in the afternoon, and he didn't take it seriously at that time. It is good for Wang Mang to be Ye Liuyun's teacher, but if Guo Wu is too stingy, Ning Nanguo can also replace Ye Liuyun with a ninth-level teacher.

His old face is still useful.

But now it seems that what Guo Wu gave is powerful enough.

"Everyone, what about you?"

Hearing Ning Nanguo's question, they all looked melancholy. They saw that Guo Wu came with the momentum of winning, and Tian Wu and Shang Wu couldn't do this treatment.

The one item of Wang Mang alone is a dead end, not to mention the military treatment, which is not cheap.

And they both have the first and second place in the country. If Ye Liuyun is given the first and second place according to this standard, then it is inevitable that the two will not be able to accept it.

Even these two schools cannot compare with Guowu, Yunwu, Yanwu, and Shenwu schools, let alone.

Everyone looked at Niu Qingtian unkindly, as if to say, you should have said it earlier, what are we doing here earlier.

"Sorry, everyone, I came with a military order, next time, I will give it to you next time, hahaha." Niu Qingtian bowed to several people, looking proud.

Just now, everyone was talking to each other, especially Zhou Yunsheng, who claimed that he would definitely take down Ye Liuyun.

However, everyone is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. The slogans shouted enough because they wanted to show the momentum of the school. Now that the dust has settled, they have nothing to say.

Their own school is indeed not as good as Guowu's advantages and courage.

"Liuyun, what do you think? All other schools have given up." Ning Nanguo teased. He didn't expect Wang Mang to be so generous for Ye Liuyun.

"Then I'll choose Guowu University. Thank you all for coming late at night."

Ye Liuyun nodded slightly to the others after saying that.

Several people didn't even say a word when they heard the conditions offered by Niu Qingtian. This was enough to prove the problem.

In this case, why are you still hesitating? Of course, the one who pays the highest price wins.

"You're polite. It's a good thing to come and see Mr. Ning. Director Niu, congratulations, such a genius was taken down by your Guowu."

"Yes, it's a pity that my enthusiasm was ruined." Hua Wanjun sighed and said with resentment.

After a simple greeting, everyone left one after another.

The matter has been settled, so there is no point in staying any longer. They still have to arrange people to grab those good seedlings.

And Ning Nanguo said that he had forgotten his affairs when they left here.

We are all smart people who know what to remember and what not to remember.

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