The principal's office.

Ye Liuyun stood at the door and shouted.


"Come in."

Ye Liuyun pushed the door open and stood in front of the desk, straightened his back and saluted.

"Freshman Ye Liuyun reports to you, please give instructions, principal!"

Su Yuhua leaned forward with his hands on the desk, his eyes fixed on Ye Liuyun.

"Staff Officer Ye, you are too polite. According to your rank, should I stand up to greet you? After all, you are a senior official in the General Staff Department."

"Principal, I definitely didn't mean that!"

"You didn't mean that? I don't think so. Staff Officer Ye, I know you are very talented, but can you please respect our school? This is a school, not your battlefield.

Less than a week after the start of school, you first confronted the first-year teaching deputy director and everyone knew about it, and then you were invincible in the arena. Staff Officer Ye, how about I just set up a ring for you and let you challenge the school from top to bottom!"

Su Yuhua's voice revealed helplessness.

As expected, the bigger the ability, the bigger the trouble.

She had seen it.

"Report to the principal, I was wrong!" Ye Liuyun held his head high and his face was shining with glory.

Is this a blame? No, it is clearly an explanation of his glorious achievements.

Worth being proud of!

"I thought Staff Officer Ye would not admit his mistake. According to your previous style of behavior, I thought you would still argue with me, or even curse me!" Su Yuhua leaned back in her chair with a face as white as water, and her voice was smiling.

"Principal, you are different from others. I have not received family love since I was a child, but when I saw you, I felt like a big sister, so I will listen to whatever you say!" Ye Liuyun stared at Su Yuhua while speaking.

There was no evasion.

"Sister?" Su Yuhua's beautiful face flashed a trace of astonishment.

No student had ever dared to call her sister.

This sister made her heart fluctuate slightly.

"It's sister. Although this is the first time I see you, I am very sure of that feeling, so no matter what punishment you give me, I will accept it!"

Ye Liuyun's eyes were as hot as the sun.

Su Yuhua waved her hands repeatedly.

"The punishment has been carried out. I asked you to come here to ask you to restrain yourself a little."

"Sister Su, am I not restrained enough? I have already stopped at the last moment!"

Ye Liuyun sat down opposite Su Yuhua in a familiar manner.

His eyes kept scanning the delicate face.

"Restrained? Staff Officer Ye, may I ask where you restrained yourself? Carrying a plaque to the arena to provoke the entire sophomore and junior students? Is this called restraint?" Su Yuhua rolled her eyes and asked.

"Sister Su, is that my fault? Isn't that Wu Yingfeng's reason to cause trouble for me? Should I give her an excuse? Otherwise, how can she have such a legitimate excuse except for me going there?"

Su Yuhua said a word, and Ye Liuyun was able to throw out more than a dozen questions.


Su Yuhua opened her mouth but didn't say anything.

Thinking carefully, it actually makes sense.

"Look, you also think it makes sense, right? I do this for Wu Yingfeng's future, Sister Su, think about it, if I don't do this, will she be desperate?

If she is desperate and does something irrational, then it won't be me who will do it to her, and Mr. Ning won't let her go, right?

If I do this, other students won't dare to trouble me, and Wu Yingfeng will know it in her heart, so there will be no endless trouble." Ye Liuyun leaned on the chair and crossed his legs, as if I said a lot, so I am right.

Su Yuhua was thinking when she found something wrong.

Why is this guy sitting opposite her, and what does he call her?

Sister Su?

Who is his sister?


Su Yuhua slapped the table.

"Stand up, what Sister Su, who is your sister?"

Ye Liuyun stood up and shook his head.

Women change their faces so quickly.

Just now she agreed with great interest.

She turned her face away as soon as she said it.

"Okay, get out if you have nothing else to do."

"Yes, Principal. By the way, can we discuss the freshman competition? I really want to participate..."

"You will participate? If you participate, what else will the other students compete in?"

Hearing Su Yuhua's words, Ye Liuyun shook his head and sat down again.

"Principal, this is not right.

, it's their problem if they are slow, but you can't deprive me of my rights, right?

And I heard that the first freshman will be rewarded, which will invisibly damage my interests.

This is not the case. Even if you are good-looking, you can't be unreasonable, right?

How about you change the punishment, I have to complete that task three times, and then let me continue to participate in the freshman competition. "

It's okay to chat in your spare time, but when it comes to actual interests, Ye Liuyun doesn't care whether you are good-looking or not.

Even the immortals can't do it!

He still knows which side is lighter and which side is heavier.

"What will you do if I insist on doing this?"

"Then I will appeal! "

Ye Liuyun said seriously.

Any resources for cultivation are indispensable.

Su Yuhua took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling.

She had been the principal for two years and had never been coerced so openly by a student.

How could this guy change his face faster than turning a page?

After a pause.

Su Yuhua let out a long breath and made a decision.

"This time the examiner will not let you work in vain. I will give you a one-to-one reward for the first place in the freshman competition."

"Okay, Sister Su, I knew you were definitely not the kind of unreasonable girl. Sure enough, pretty people are..."

"Get out!"


Ye Liuyun rolled over backwards.

This scene immediately made Su Yuhua stand up.

"What are you doing——"

"Didn't you tell me to get out? "

Ye Liuyun turned over and looked at Su Yuhua with a puzzled look on his face.

The latter smiled immediately, "Hurry up and get up, it will be a big deal if someone sees you."

"Okay, Sister Su, but I have another question. When will the school give me the seventh-level cultivation resources that I promised?"

Ye Liuyun asked seriously after getting up.

"Your teacher needs to be here to absorb that resource. Wait for Wang Mang to come back. I'll give it to him when he comes back and let him give it to you." Su Yuhua waved her hand.

"Okay, Sister Su, bye."

Ye Liuyun pushed the door and walked out.

In the office.

Su Yuhua breathed a sigh of relief.

This little man really gave her a different feeling.

How to say it, it's the breath of youth...


Su Yuhua, what are you thinking about.

That's a man who is 20 years younger than you.

Sin, sin!


As soon as I left the principal's office, I saw Director Niu guarding the corridor.

"It's okay, kid. "

"It's okay, Sister Su is so gentle, what can happen?"

"Sister Su...?"

Director Niu looked back at Ye Liuyun.

What did he call just now?


How dare this kid call anyone nonsense.

Before Su Yuhua became the principal, she was called Rakshasa, so fierce.

Daxia Guowu once had two goddesses.

One was Yan Yunning, and the people who chased her could be ranked from here to the fierce beast area.

The other was Su Yuhua, and the people who chased her were beaten by her from here to the fierce beast area...

Two unique Guowu!

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