After teasing Shen Qingqing for a while, Ye Liuyun went to protect the students.

Ye Liuyun had been messing with them for the entire competition, and even a fool could feel it, but now he couldn't say anything.

They couldn't report that Ye Liuyun was maliciously retaliating against them, right?

Not to mention whether anyone believed it, even if they did, it wouldn't have any effect on Ye Liuyun!

In this way, until the end of the competition, these people were the last ones.

Just before the end of the competition, Ye Liuyun shook hands with everyone and encouraged each other.

Naked irony.

Until this moment, they finally saw the gap between them. Ye Liuyun had many ways to deal with them, but they could only talk back at Ye Liuyun.

But talking back is talking back, and it can't affect Ye Liuyun at all.

After the competition, the rankings were freshly released.

The top fifteen were all special recruits.

This ratio is enough to see the difference between special recruits and ordinary students.

The first place is a special recruit from the imperial capital, Quan Xing.

A boy with an overly feminine appearance.

He looks better than girls.

But he is not weak, a spiritual warrior.

None of the top five hundred students are from Lu Province.

This shows that Lu Province's educational resources are scarce.

Shen Qingqing, the little girl, ranked more than 240th.

It is also a relatively good result.

However, what makes Ye Liuyun sigh is that Guowu University is at least the top university in the country, but there is no provincial champion except himself.

Can you bear this?

Is it because of the school or something else?

He was very curious.

After the competition, their college life officially began, and Ye Liuyun couldn't wait to come to Su Yuhua's office.

He saw the reward for the first place, an S-level weapon.

Although he didn't need it now, it didn't mean he didn't want it.

"Principal, are you there?"

"Come in."

Ye Liuyun pushed the door and smiled.

"I knew you couldn't wait, so I'll give it to you, but according to your weapon habits, there is no suitable one for the time being. Claw-type weapons must be specially customized, and you already have one in your hand.

It's useless, so I'll give you this short dagger, which has a speed attribute bonus." Su Yuhua handed a small box to Ye Liuyun.

"It's okay, Sister Su, I'm not picky, I'll take whatever you give me." Ye Liuyun smiled.

This thing is almost free, what else can I choose.

After taking the things, Ye Liuyun left the school happily.

When Ye Liuyun returned to the door of his house, he was stunned.

He saw that his house had been surrounded by a group of people with guns and live ammunition.

This formation was not small, and these people were not soldiers, but majors at the beginning...

People who use majors as guards, this identity!

"Staff Officer Ye!"

A resolute man with a star of general came over and saluted Ye Liuyun.

"Hello, leader!"

Ye Liuyun hurriedly returned the salute.

General guarding the gate?

"General Tang is waiting for you inside, you can go in directly!"


Ye Liuyun read out half a word and hurried in.

He remembered what Wang Mang had told him before.

But this speed is too fast, right?

Entering the room, there are already two figures in the living room, one of them is his teacher, and the other figure is full of the breath of a superior.

"Leader, Ye Liuyun reports to you!"

"Oh? Xiaoye is here? I'm so sorry for coming to your living room without your permission." Tang Guosheng stood up with a smile.

Wang Mang interrupted Ye Liuyun without waiting for his reply: "Leader, what are you talking about? Come in, I'm his master, I'll make the decision!"

"Master is right, there's nothing I can't see here."

"Wang Mang, I'm talking to Xiaoye, don't interrupt, Xiaoye, come and sit down." Tang Guosheng waved his hand.

He looked like a kind old grandfather instead of a leader.

"Leader, please sit down, I'll just stand and listen, please give me any orders!"

Ye Liuyun walked over and stood straight.

Wang Mang nodded slightly and was very satisfied.

"Just sit down, kid. Now is not the time to discuss business. Let me tell you, Ning Nanguo is also my old subordinate.

You are his godson, which means you are my junior!" Tang Guosheng looked at Ye Liuyun with great satisfaction.

He is a soldier, so he naturally likes soldiers!

And Ye Liuyun has undoubtedly shown the enthusiasm of a soldier from the beginning to now!

He likes it very much!

"Sit down if I tell you to."

Wang Mang also echoed.

Ye Liuyun didn't continue after hearing the two insisting so much, because it would seem a bit nagging if he continued.

After sitting down, he looked at Tang Guosheng.

This guy is exactly the same as in the TV promotion.

"Yes, very good. I can rest assured that Ningnan has you as my adopted son.

It can be regarded as making up for some regrets. I thank you as his old leader."

"Mr. Tang, you are embarrassing me. I should thank Mr. Ning. If it weren't for him..."

"I know your life experience. Although we have some control over the people who died under the beasts in recent years, we still lack emergency response!

Self-protection has not been fully achieved, but the bad habits of our people in Daxia have already appeared.

Forming gangs, having a one-man show, being arrogant and domineering, and trying to override the law in the form of a family."

Tang Guosheng frowned slightly, then looked up at Ye Liuyun.

"I brought your teacher here this time. Perhaps you have guessed that I am going to appoint you as the captain of the Western Front Inspection Team.

You have also heard of the Western Front. It is no longer our front, but the front of their Qiu family!

The five sons of the Qiu family are known as the Five Tigers of the West. Those sent by the headquarters are either assimilated by them or disappear.

Now it has come to the point where we have to take action..."

Wang Mang frowned beside him.

To be honest, he was not going to take action so quickly, but yesterday in the conference room, the old man of the Qiu family openly challenged Tang Guosheng.

Now he doesn't even pretend!

The one now is trying to protect himself and doesn't want to help.

This has already explored the bottom line of Old Tang, and it is also the bottom line of Daxia.

So I came here today.

Ye Liuyun listened to the secrets from the top and was a little dazed. He thought that the fight should be full of twists and turns and power struggles.

But he didn't expect that he would also slam the table and glare.

It is indeed a bit plain and unpretentious!

However, he really didn't expect the captain of the inspection team.

He was less than 20 years old, a second-level intermediate warrior, and he was going to do such a job?

The inspection team was a gate knife on the front line, checking and dealing with anyone who dared to violate the discipline.

The captain of the inspection team was also one of the top five on the front line!

Go by yourself? ? ?

After Tang Guosheng introduced the basic situation clearly, he looked at Ye Liuyun.

"You are the first choice for this mission, because your master is my man and doesn't get along with the Qiu family.

And you have also had unpleasantness with them, so if you go, they will definitely take action.

In other words, Ye Liuyun, you are going to be a bait!"

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