cute? 1T4pRb

Is it really okay to describe an adult as cute? 1T4pRb

Is there some kind of ‘insulting’ nature mixed in? 1T4pRb

Tony didn’t think so, because what he felt from Robin’s words was a strong feeling of ‘disappointment’. 1T4pRb

Disappointed with him? 1T4pRb

Or is it something else? 1T4pRb

But Tony doesn’t feel like he’s doing it wrong. 1T4pRb

The battle of Sokowia, the Avengers left many innocent people homeless. 1T4pRb3

Although Tony, on behalf of the Stark Group, helps them rebuild their homes. 1T4pRb

But Tony never forgot that it was because of himself that it led to the Sokovia tragedy. 1T4pRb

It was because he was whimsical, because of some kind of sense of crisis that he didn’t know what to do, so he slapped his head to create Ultron, which caused all this. 1T4pRb4

Tony felt deeply guilty about this. 1T4pRb

…… 1T4pRb

Looking at the expressionless mysterious visitor in front of him, Tony gradually became excited: 1T4pRb

“Although I don’t know where you came from, I still think that I have the right way to deal with this matter!” 1T4pRb

“I didn’t do anything wrong! Whether it is the Sakurajima side or S.H.I.E.L.D., they can handle this matter well! “1T4pRb

Robin kind of laughed: 1T4pRb

“Tony, are you actually counting on them?” 1T4pRb

“Counting on a big country? Or Serpent Shield? No kidding. “1T4pRb18

Robin scoffed, then looked at Tony and said with some disappointment: 1T4pRb

“If you really take care of things in these two places, then I won’t be in this world.” 1T4pRb9

Tony frowned and said pointedly: 1T4pRb

“I’m not involved in these things, I’ll check them later when I have time.” Rather, about Mr. Robin, your business, my personal supervisor, Harpy, will take care of it. Sneak into my turf and hope that Mr. Robin you have a valid reason, not a few irrelevant issues. “1T4pRb

In this country, trespassing into someone’s private territory and shooting and killing is a legitimate defense. 1T4pRb

However, because of Robin’s words and strange behavior, Tony was somewhat wary: 1T4pRb

“Mr. Robin, if you don’t appear in this world, then you will appear in that world?” 1T4pRb

“If there is still salvation, I hope you will go back to the hospital to take medicine quickly, and never give up treatment.” 1T4pRb

The hospital Tony mentioned was naturally a psychiatric hospital. 1T4pRb

Of course, if Robin is not guilty of nerves, but really has something to say….. 1T4pRb

Then Tony had to consider whether the Asian man in front of him was from outside the earth like one of his comrades. 1T4pRb

For example, other worlds like Asgard? 1T4pRb

Robin shook his head, seemingly not hearing Tony’s voice, but instead explained: 1T4pRb

“When Mother Earth’s patience reaches its limit, beings like mine will come to help Mother get rid of the cycle of suffering.” 1T4pRb39

“Sakurajima dumped nuclear wastewater, and the resulting chain reaction is expected to wipe out hundreds of thousands of species… The mother is already in pain, but the disobedient child does not understand the mother at all. “1T4pRb27

“If the Avengers come forward, they stop Sakurajima from discharging nuclear wastewater. Or as you said, if S.H.I.E.L.D. or Sakurajima really treats nuclear wastewater effectively, then I won’t be in this world no matter what possibility happens. “1T4pRb

Robin reminded very seriously: 1T4pRb

“But when I appear in this world, it means that everything has happened, and the regret medicine does not exist.” 1T4pRb

“And so, we met, Mr. Tony.” 1T4pRb

Tony nodded again and again and praised: 1T4pRb

“Mr. Robin, your story is interesting, and I believe that as a pseudoscientific miscellaneous talk, it should sell well.” 1T4pRb

Robin smiled too. 1T4pRb

He kindly reminded: 1T4pRb

“Mr. Tony, if there are your friends on Sakurajima, let them leave.” 1T4pRb

Tony asked: 1T4pRb

“So why is that?” 1T4pRb

Robin laughed: 1T4pRb

“Because in three days, Godzilla will go ashore to clean Sakurajima.” 1T4pRb18

When the words fell, Robin’s figure had disappeared, and the instantaneous change made Tony mistakenly think that he was still in a dream. 1T4pRb

At this moment, Tony reacted violently, and the headache caused by the hangover also jerked up, and he was awake in an instant. 1T4pRb

That Robin, he’s not a neurotic, not a mental patient who sneaks into Stark Tower. 1T4pRb

He seems to have an ability called ‘teleportation’? 1T4pRb

I said, how could the security of Stark Tower be so crotch-pulling. 1T4pRb

Tony wiped a handful of cold sweat from his forehead, and his eyes became solemn: 1T4pRb

“So… If this Mr. Robin is not a psychopath, then how credible is there in what he said? “1T4pRb

At this time, the induction door automatically opened, and a fat man in a suit rushed in with a team of security guards, and he was relieved to see Tony sitting on the sofa safe and sound. 1T4pRb

“Boss, is there something wrong with calling me?” 1T4pRb

While beckoning the security guards to leave, Harpy came to Tony and stood obediently to listen to the training. 1T4pRb

If it had been before meeting Robin, Tony would have asked Harpy about third-rate magazines, but now, he didn’t have that in mind. 1T4pRb

Tony waved his hand: 1T4pRb

“Let all third-rate magazines take down my photos, and if they don’t, sue them for violating my portrait rights!” Well, there is nothing else, you go down first. “1T4pRb

Harpy scratched his head and went down confused. 1T4pRb

Tony sat on the couch and lost his thoughts: 1T4pRb

“If what Mr. Robin just said is not some neurotic speech, assume that what he said is true—just a hypothesis, although it feels too false to assume it!” 1T4pRb

“He said he appeared in this world after the discharge of nuclear wastewater became an established fact.” 1T4pRb

Tony scratched his head himself because he noticed something wrong: 1T4pRb

“Sakurajima has announced that it will only officially start discharging wastewater next year, and now there is still a year to go, and there is a lot of time to operate.” 1T4pRb8

“There is a possibility of change before the discharge of nuclear wastewater becomes an established fact…” 1T4pRb

“And so on… Established facts? “1T4pRb

“Wouldn’t you? Probably not? It is clear that the announcement to the public is next year…”1T4pRb 21

Thinking of some possibility, Tony simply rolled over and sat up straight, summoned Friday with his right hand, and then began to expertly hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. 1T4pRb2

The S.H.I.E.L.D. database is just like Tony’s backyard, even more familiar than the backyard, Tony likes to come here when he is idle, he loves it. 1T4pRb


ps:Moe Xin Seeking Care ~1T4pRb 6

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