Chapter 24 Battle Damage! Muto’s Terror


Muto screeched like he was in pain, and began to see the armored Iron Man as his primary enemy.

Even the temptation of the nuclear bomb around him has been forgotten.

“Stay away and shoot with all your might!

The other soldiers weren’t watching the fun either. When Muto started to rampage, Iron Man began to distance himself, giving people a chance to bombard.

Accompanied by a booming explosion.

Muto was led into a minefield, and Iron Man flew into the air and began to charge up from top to bottom.


The arc flashes, the energy is concentrated, and the terrifying laser cannon is converging and spraying from the chest reactor!


The laser beam hit Muto’s body with precision and accuracy, and a group of flames burst out, and the raging energy enveloped it.

Plus ground minefields and fixed-point blasting.

It directly made Muto unable to control his figure, fell to the ground, and was covered by thick smoke.

“Stop firing!”

The inability to see clearly in the smoke, wasting ammunition or injuring friendly troops was a problem, so they stopped temporarily to observe the enemy.

On the ground with billowing smoke.

Suddenly, the large silver-white metal wings spread out, and with a sudden incitement, Jiang Shi’s dust and smoke dissipated. When the surrounding people saw this scene, they suddenly woke up like a dream, and shot at Muto frantically in horror.

“Ah, ah!! Monster to die !!”

As if red-eyed, the soldier facing the collapse frantically pulled the trigger.


With the bombing of rockets and grenades, the high temperature and flames made Muto feel a little uncomfortable, and he immediately flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

follow closely.

The Iron Man in the air was ready, released the floating state, stopped the energy jet, clenched his fists from top to bottom, quickly fell, and smashed heavily directly above Muto.

Research Boom!!

Xiongmuto was hit hard on the spot, and he was shaking with some dizziness.

Due to the disparity in size, Iron Man and the armor are only about a quarter of Muto’s. Moreover, this is a battle without suspense. The bullet hit Muto, like a human being stabbed by a grass tip. The skin is most itchy and slightly painful, but it is difficult to bleed.

Therefore, it is not human tactics that cannot destroy Muto’s skin.

But they are not rivals at all!

So at the moment, in the sky above the city, in the face of the rampant disaster, people fled and evacuated frantically.

While Iron Man and Muto are in a life-and-death battle, a battle that will decide the fate of mankind is in full swing.

“Huh! Drama! Proud! Bang! Bang!”

The heavy metal collision sounded in the sky, the energy thruster was activated, and then rushed over, extinguished, and the armored fist smashed on Muto.

Then he was knocked back, and the energy thruster was activated to stabilize his body.

Every time they passed by, Iron Man’s golden-red armor would be bruised again, and it would be torn open by Xiongmut’s claws.

At the moment, the ground was filled with gunpowder smoke and broken bullet casings, and soldiers full of blood crawled out of it, a piece of scorched earth, like hell.


Shumotto was enraged, and the tips of his claws flapped with red light.

Seeing this, Tony Stark’s eyes narrowed, and he immediately whispered: “Activate the anti-electromagnetic pulse device!”

Although he has double armor protection, he is still dizzy from being hit.

next moment.


A wave visible to the naked eye dissipated the smoke cloud, and the electromagnetic pulse began to spread out towards the surroundings.


Iron Man’s internal battle suit, the screen in front of Tony’s eyes flickered with snow, then began to stabilize.

Although blocked, it still has a little effect.


Before he could react, a sudden and violent impact struck.

“Drip! Drip!!

Emergency sirens sounded.

Armor “damaged, WARNING! Armor damaged…  

“Report battle damage!”

Tony Shi Stark was dizzy and seemed to be weightless, At the moment his head was bleeding, and when he reacted, Muto had grabbed his entire body and started tearing wildly.

Detectors inside the metal showed that Muto at the moment ripped off one of his armored arms.

Then the entire anti-Muto armor began to be torn apart, and quickly turned into a human stick. The limbs and head were torn off, and it lost control and fell on the spot.


The armor fell heavily to the ground, and the thick steel armor blew white smoke, revealing the precise mechanical structure and thick wires, and was then bitten off by Muto’s teeth.

0… ask for flowers…

The Ark reactor was torn out, and Muto swallowed it.

Although the armor was destroyed, the Iron Man inside was still intact. Tony At the moment was lying in the body, and the thick steel on the chest of the anti-Muto armor was also torn apart, and the whole piece fell off, revealing the position of the cockpit

The exposed Iron Man was stared at by Xiongmutuo with cold red pupils.

It seems to think that the “little man” inside is a bit interesting.

Moreover, the reactor on the chest also exudes a strong energy aura.


Tony’s pupils in the steel battle suit shrank sharply, blood dripped from his forehead, and the view window inside was dyed red.


But when he was ready to fight back.

Suddenly it was discovered that Muto was not in a hurry to attack him, but stared at the nuclear reactor in his chest.

That sight — full of possessiveness.

Maybe it is because the energy in this nuclear reactor looks good, and At the moment is regarded by the male Muto as a flower “gift” for the female Muto.

“I’m familiar with this look…but don’t look at me!


In a short period of time, the nuclear reactor in Iron Man’s chest continued to operate at the highest power!

A terrifying super-powerful laser beam was released and shot at Xiongmutuo’s body in an instant.

The terrifying laser that consumes all the energy in exchange is quite formidable.

Visible to the naked eye, Xiongmuto’s skin began to melt little by little, and there were scalding scars.

Soon, the Ark reactor’s energy remaining was less than ten percent, and Iron Man stopped, because he could no longer operate.


Tony certainly angered Shummutto.

Seeing that the skin in front of Muto was smoking with smoke and a burn mark appeared, Tony smiled wryly and tried his best.

Anti-Muto armor…was demolished by Muto.

MK4 model Iron Man, complete defeat!

But are you willing to lose like this?

Tony was not reconciled, and neither was the military.

So — the nuclear bomb program, started. factory,

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