Chapter 31 Titan Behemoth! Oxygen Destroyer

The so-called monster Skynet.

Refers to the “group chat” between monsters.

Yuyi’s head is a special monster like a satellite network, and the monsters of the balance faction are gathered in the form of radio waves.

And if these monsters want to convey the message, they can also broadcast and spread through special monsters.

The monster currently in control of this system is called “Kakar”.

The main body is a mysterious giant monster that basically does not move, like a leyline creature, but more like a monster that absorbs magnetic growth.


To discover and use such monsters is the Titans.

It is also a tool beast in the Titans.

Seventeen Titans.

Seven of them are independent and not part of the lineup.

Five belong to the balancing faction.

Three are expansionists.

One belongs to Twenty-five (that’s Raton),

A silly son belonging to the landlord’s family (King Kong Liangzi)

Note that there is no Godzilla in the 04 list above, because Godzilla is the eighteenth titan.


The above are the titans that humans have discovered and will wake up in the near future.

That said, they’re not all titans.

Because the emperor’s plan originally counted 34 giant titans, and nearly half of them have yet to wake up.

at the same time.

Godzilla is a member of the balance group, but has long since “dropped out”.

The magnetic monster “Kakar” needs to actively leave breath through these monsters to contact them, but the previous generation of Godzilla died a bit miserably. This generation of Godzilla belongs to the savage single-player and does not participate in any small groups.

In balance.

Three of the five monsters were awakened and contacted.

They were in a semi-sleep state, but the mentally diffused messages poured out.

Briefly introduce these three.

The monster mammoth Titan mentioned in the Old Testament – Behemoth (Mon).

It looks like a mammoth, but the front two feet are similar to the arms of an ape. It is currently located in the No. 58 Emperor Project Organization Base in Brazil.

A giant monster with a shape similar to a rock – Methuselah.

It is from the Catholic “Scoop of the Bible”. According to the records of the “Hebrew Bible”, it is the seventh generation descendant of Adam. .

After becoming a butterfly, its dazzling wings are called “extremely colorful monsters” – Mothra.

The Yunnan Emperor Organization Base of the Celestial Dynasty is undergoing larvae pupation, the queen of monsters, and will experience four stages of reincarnation in life: “birth, survival, death, and rebirth”.

Their names are all taken from famous myths and legends, although they are no longer noisy.

Beamon: I don’t know if I sensed it wrong, or it’s true… The boss of Godzilla is getting along with the mother Earthquake.

Methuselah: Although it is unlikely, it is possible for Godzilla to forget his identity and mission after a long sleep.

Mothra: If it dares to get along with the mother Earthquake (Muto), I will be the first to settle accounts with it when I form a cocoon!

Bisu: Mothra, have you been reborn again?

Mothra: It wasn’t because of the sealing of Ghidorah. At that time, Godzilla and you both lost, and I was desperate to seal it with a scale powder attack. But I have been restless recently, and I always feel that something terrible is going to happen.

Methuselah: How long will it take for you, Mothra, to end Nirvana?

Mothra: I don’t know. Usually, it can break out of the cocoon overnight. But this time I felt uneasy. I always felt that Ghidorah was going to be resurrected. If he appeared too early, he might be defeated quickly. So I’m going to be reborn in the original form.

Beamon: Primal form? Could it be….Eternal form!

Mothra: That’s right! If Godzilla dares to betray, I’ll handle it myself… Therefore, it must be in the strongest form.

Methuselah: It’s terrifying. Your relationship has always been very good. If we really meet each other, who should we support?

Mothra: Go with the flow, the winner is king!

Beamon; Got it. We just wait and see, who is the best with whom.

The conversation ends here.

The above are all brain supplements. In fact, it is impossible for monsters to speak with complex and diverse human languages.

But the meaning is what it means, and what they want to express is this idea.

It can be said that in the side that Godzilla does not know, undercurrents are surging all over the world, and the old “Titans” who dominate the earth are gradually awakening.

For the high-level officials of the countries of the United Earth, the changes from last night to today have made many people terrified.

When they learned that Muto was alive again, they immediately frightened a large number of people.

When they learned that Muto had taken refuge in Godzilla, they immediately frightened a group of people.


Godzilla doesn’t help them anymore.

It can be said that the scene was chaotic. At this moment, news came that Iron Man was taken hostage, Muto began to breed, Godzilla acted as a bodyguard, and some people fainted in panic.

And now…they’ve made their final choice.

So someone suggested…

“Tell me, what else could come in handy now!”

The people at the top of the federation have become exhausted, and even the 060 duty is of no avail. The most urgent task now is to find a solution.

As the heads of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they were unable to deal with a few monsters.

We “have only two options, one is to wait and see, or the other is to strike with devastating weapons.

“Nuclear bombs can no longer be used!”

Although the high-level people don’t know much about monsters, they are not stupid. Going to the nuclear bomb with strong destructive power is undoubtedly suicide.

“The people of all countries urgently need us to speak out, so there is not much time to make a decision as soon as possible.

“There is a way to destroy the monsters together…”

“any solution?”

“Mysterious weapon, codename… Oxygen Destroyer]!”

Speaking of which, the researcher in the white coat shivered slightly involuntarily, and the surrounding area immediately sucked in cold air.

Some of them didn’t know what kind of weapon it was.

But hearing the name, it is known that it is a terrifying weapon with extremely destructive lethality, and no one immediately objected this time, but fell into silence.

“In one minute, tell me the lethal power of the oxygen destroyer, and the specific parameters… But it can’t be used now, just wait and see, unless it is a last resort, don’t use it!

“Yes, sir.”

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