Chapter 72 Tracking the Leviathan!

There are many misunderstandings about Leviathan.

Godzilla is sometimes called a Leviathan because Leviathan represents a sea monster that symbolizes evil. In Christianity, it is synonymous with the devil, and is named as one of the seven deadly sins “jealousy” (no research).

The “Leviathan” tentatively named in the Emperor’s Project Organization is actually the prototype of the Loch Ness Monster in England.


The real Leviathan is often associated with Behemoth, and the record about Leviathan follows the next chapter of Behemoth in the Book of Job, where the description of Leviathan is A gigantic fish titan with hard scales, sharp teeth, and spikes on its back, giving it a formidable image.

South Atlantic.

in the tip of South America.

Earth’s National Oceanic Administration.

Ocean Exploration Technology Management Center.

Technicians sit in front of their desks day in and day out, staring at the screen in front of them to sort out or analyze the recent sea area, nearby geography, environment, and so on.

one of the departments.

Their job is to constantly monitor changes in Earth’s magnetic field.

The magnetic field of the earth, presumably everyone is not very unfamiliar. The earth’s magnetic field belongs to the electromagnetic field, which is the electric current effect of the electrons passing through the outer shell with the rotation of the earth.

And in the South Atlantic, there is such a place.

There is an area in the southern hemisphere of the earth where the strength of the magnetic field is weaker than that of other centers, and its weakening speed is at least ten times faster than that of other centers, so it is called the South Atlantic Anomaly by many people.

The most incredible thing is that outside this South Atlantic anomaly, the magnetic field is inverting from time to time, and this anomaly has caused a serious radiation hazard area for low-orbit spacecraft, which is a high-frequency area of ​​charged particle-induced faults and anomalies.


This place is also known as the South Atlantic Radiation Anomaly, and its center can be said to be the largest magnetic anomaly in the world discovered in ancient times.


It takes at least thousands of years for the Earth’s magnetic field to reverse.

In addition, the onset of reversal is relatively slow, and it is not easy to be found by people, but it is also impossible to know when the onset occurred.

And scientists think so.

There is something that interferes with the change in the strength of the earth’s magnetic field, and this change has not occurred in recent years. According to statistics, human beings have recorded it as early as thousands of years ago.

at the same time.

The earth’s magnetic field is very strong and can resist the radiation of outer space to penetrate into the earth. It prevents human beings and creatures from being harmed by solar storms, and blocks many harmful cosmic rays and charged particles from outer space.

But why does such a region exist in the South Atlantic?

After observation and research, some people speculate that it may be caused by the formation of large shear waves at low speeds in the mantle and the core of the earth thousands of kilometers below the ground, thus affecting the geocentric magnetic field.

According to research.

If the anomalous region in the South Atlantic continues to weaken the magnetic field, it will lead to the weakening of the global magnetic field sooner or later.

And if it spreads at this speed, by the 22nd century, it will cover the entire southern hemisphere.

for this problem.

The Ocean Exploration Bureau began to conduct an exploration survey.

On the screen, the magnetic field lines are in the shape of a closed curve, and the density on it indicates the strength of the magnetic field, and the closer it is to the South Atlantic, the easier it is to be abnormal.

“The weakening of the protective layer of the Earth’s magnetic field over the South Atlantic Anomaly allows a lot of radiation from outer space to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere, thus approaching the Earth’s surface. Wherever all the instruments will fail and communication errors will occur, so wait until we get close. The sensor must be turned off to avoid damage.

On the probe ship, the professor explained to other researchers with several magnetic field reports.

“Professor (aebd)”, if it is the magnetic field that interferes, is it possible that satellites in the anomalous area will also be affected.

“That’s nature. Not just satellites, but even if the aliens close their eyes, they can feel something flashing in front of their eyes when a spacecraft in the universe passes through the South Atlantic anomaly.”

The professor made a humorous joke, and then everyone else laughed.

“Due to the abnormal magnetic field, there are not many people living here all year round. But according to the coordinates displayed on the map, there is an archipelago here. But look, Professor, the archipelago is not located on the map, but to the south. Moved dozens of kilometers.”

Although the map is a few years old, it is also perfected in recent decades.

Normally, the archipelago is impossible to drift, and has not experienced any special circumstances.

“Has there been an earthquake recently?”

“There are earthquakes. I heard that a regular earthquake occurs every three months in the archipelago in the anomalous area, causing slight changes in the topography of the archipelago. However, some fishermen nearby described that the earthquake sounded like a flash of thunder, almost like It’s some kind of behemoth in “Roar sucks like, lol. ”

After speaking, the researcher himself laughed, and the others also smiled slightly, not caring.

“Well. According to my guess, it should be the displacement of the islands caused by the earthquake, but the earthquake may affect the magnetic field. In short, we have to find the displaced island first, and then go up and investigate.”

“Well, but the instrument will fail, so we have to bring enough tools. At the same time, keep the distance and don’t run around, so as not to find the way back.”

“Don’t worry, Professor, we are not children anymore.”

“These are photos taken by NASA (NASA) satellites, but the magnetic field anomaly may be biased, you analyze the offset position of the islands, and we will set off immediately.

“Good professor.

The tip islands of South America.

The climate here is temperate oceanic, with higher latitudes, and is affected by the cold currents of Antarctica, resulting in lower temperatures and frequent strong storms.

Also sparsely populated.

The nearby glaciers are strangely shaped, the sea is vast and boundless, and the surrounding mountains are stacked with peaks.

The islands are surrounded by dense forests and beautiful scenery. The island’s animal and plant resources are very good. Seals and penguins are often infested. Occasionally, you can encounter huge amounts of blue whales swimming in the sea.

At the same time, closer to the dividing line between South America and Antarctica is the Drake Passage.

The magnetic anomaly of the Drake Passage and the seafloor spreading have positive and negative magnetic anomalies, showing a band-like symmetrical distribution.

at the same time.

It is famous for its surging waves, and because of its high latitudes in the southern hemisphere, storms dominate here.

(ps: A new set of Leviathan is coming soon.),

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