Chapter 2 Alien outbreak! Terror strikes

police station.

Crisis spread.

The headquarters has lost contact with the United Nations defense agency for more than several hours.

Although it was supported by researchers from the Emperor Project Organization and the soldiers of the United Nations government not long ago, the violent clashes and explosions that suddenly occurred in the sky, accompanied by earth-shattering roars, those big and incredible monsters fell towards the ground one after another. .

Godzilla, Mothra, and Raton fell towards three different places.

The group of death also had to split several small aggregates from the aggregate because of the terrifying geomagnetic field released by Leviathan, and then fell towards all corners of the city.


Feel the feeling of monstrous waves, tsunamis and earthquakes at close range, and the super-giant Leviathan fell towards the sea.


Across the distance, I could feel the ground shaking, and the wild waves suddenly engulfed most of the nearby islands, and even the city was implicated.

In the roar of the Leviathan behemoth, the withered black death group spread and swept through the air. They were disturbed by the strong magnetic field emitted by the Leviathan and lost their power. In a short time, they could not gather the synthesis super Large terrifying aggregate monsters, but in such a large number, they synthesize a dense group of terrifying alien worm creatures.

In the dark rain, a large number of alien species fell from the sky and swept the entire corner of the continent.

“This is the AOU police station. The location of the monster’s fall has been confirmed. Please go to the police nearby to support it!” An instruction came from the walkie-talkie.

Received “Instruction, we are on our way!” A burly black policeman picked up the microphone and answered, then he waved to the person behind him, started the car, turned on the siren, and the police convoy moved towards the point where the monster fell. to each location quickly.

After the Leviathan behemoth fell.

The electromagnetic storm in the sky gradually disappeared, and some instruments in the human city gradually began to return to normal.

If Leviathan just detonated the electromagnetic storm, it would cause a large-scale devastating blow.

But it didn’t do that.

The hordes of death hurt it, and the deadly disintegration and cutting make it painful, but the Leviathan is merciful and merciful, turning into dust to protect the land it loves.

Otherwise, the terrifying impact of the electromagnetic explosion.

Only monsters like Godzilla and Mothra can survive, and all other creatures may die instantly.

Accompanied by the sound of sirens, police cars went to various disaster-stricken locations, the most difficult of which was the place where the dead group landed in a dense manner.

Among those tiny bodies, a large part has already begun to gather and synthesize small alien monsters.

“Quick! Those monsters will deal a devastating blow to this place. We must evacuate the refugees before they are attacked, mad!”

The black police officer said, suddenly a dark shadow flashed over the police car.

“Hey, watch out!”

The co-pilot’s colleague was shocked by Roar.


The black police officer suddenly turned the steering wheel, and when the police car crunched and drifted on the ground and braked harshly, with a humming sound, the police car and the black shadow that fell from the sky staggered, and the emergency brake stopped near the rubble.

humming…the engine stalled.

The rearview mirror of the police car did not know what it hit and was cut off. At the same time, the tires slid on the ground, setting off a lot of grass and dirt along the way.

“damn it!

The black police officer raised his head and lifted the anti-collision airbag, then shook his head dizzily, and then he looked at the man beside him and gave him a look.


The door was slammed open.


The pistol was loaded, and the black police officer and another colleague suddenly jumped out of the car, rolled over to hide in the rubble, and then cautiously stared at what they hit not far ahead.

It was dark.

They couldn’t see what was dozens of meters away, but they could be sure that some kind of shadow just flew over the car, and it was definitely not a human or other animal.

At the moment the car broke down.

They had to get out of the car to confirm the situation, and with their vigilant observation, it looked like a trash can had been turned over on the road, and nothing else.

“Hey man. We’re in a situation, hit an unknown object, north of the bridge, call for support…

Seeing that there was nothing weird in the empty place, the black police officer picked up the walkie-talkie and finished speaking, and then motioned for his colleague to slowly approach the place with a pistol.

“What’s this?”

They could see clearly what they had hit. It was a puddle of black liquid. The black police officer reached out and touched it.

~Man, I don’t think it’s right here, it’s so weird, isn’t this one of the target points for monsters to fall? What about the others? Why isn’t there any movement around?”

The black police officer said, his partner also put his finger on the trigger of the pistol, if they really encountered a monster, then the gun in their hands is a display.

But at least there is comfort in my heart.



The sky is getting darker and darker nearby, but there are very few lights on the surrounding B&Bs and buildings. Except for the street lights that return to normal, most of the building facades are not bright.

“Let’s go see if there are any survivors around here!”

The two officers said, then walked towards a nearby repair shop.

“Anyone? We encountered an emergency on the road and need your help…”

The partner knocked on the door, but the door was unlocked and went in directly.

“What is this?!”

The black police officer opened the door and suddenly found disgusting mucus on the ground and table, on the surrounding walls and on the doorknob: “Damn it, it won’t be left by some monster!”

thought here.

The brain began to tremble slightly, the eyelids jumped, and a touch of fear rose in the heart.

“Hey, come here, there is a situation here!” Another partner suddenly said, they turned on the flashlight here, and then stared at an unknown mass of flesh on the bed sheet deep in the room.

“Oh, hell!!”

The cloth sheet was covered with pitch-black viscous liquid, and there was a large mass of black flesh on it, with more than ten intertwined blood vessels and muscle-like substances on the surface.

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