Chapter 24 Countdown to World Destruction!

“Follow Lele!! Under the attack of the two super-king monsters, the ground under Godzilla’s feet finally could not bear the collapse, and the dense cracks spread all around.

The tremors became louder and louder, and the ground began to shatter.


The next moment, the entire mainland island began to crack, and deep ravines appeared around, the sea water suddenly poured into it, and the strong impact submerged the place.

With more and more – seawater is used.

Godzilla’s power also began to rise rapidly, in the sea, its state will only be stronger!

Earth Defense Command.

command center.

Everyone was stunned when they saw that Godzilla was attacked and besieged by another monster.

“Why? Why did the first chance turn into another terrifying monster?”

“The key is that it actually joined forces with the enemy to deal with Godzilla!”

“Damn, what exactly is the whole spirit organization doing!”

“It’s over, if Godzilla loses, we’re in big trouble, and if Godzilla doesn’t lose, we’re in even more trouble!”

Everyone was silent for a long time.

“In any case, this is the last chance. All the terrifying king-level monsters are basically gathered in this place, Radon, Mothra, Godzilla, the group of death, and… Newly named “Bagang” The monsters, why don’t we just take this opportunity to destroy them all!”

“No! That’s reckless! Besides, how can you kill them?”

An old man frowned at the moment when he looked at the screen that was restored due to the weakening of the geomagnetism.

“There is a way!”

Suddenly someone proposed, he explained: “The Chicxulub crater, the meteorite impact event that has occurred in the history of the earth and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The diameter is about 300 kilometers, and the impact caused a large area to evaporate, and at the same time The ability produced is equivalent to 90 trillion tons of TNT explosives, enough to change the global climate. If it is this kind of power, it is a planet-level destruction and lethality!”

“You are crazy! In order to kill monsters, do you even care about the fate of human beings!”

“The crazy person is you. How many people have died since the monster appeared! More than one-fifth of the world’s people have died in accidental disasters. All these are the consequences of monsters. Now the G beast controlled by Godzilla Muto, helped us have a great breakthrough in nuclear weapons, we can launch a hydrogen bomb that is enough to destroy the Atlantic islands.”

“There is an old saying in China that people who are not my race will have different hearts”! Don’t you worry about Godzilla, these monsters, will one day be unhappy and want to destroy the entire human race? Do you plan to stay in their rule forever? Human civilization It is necessary to make progress, and sooner or later one will step into the sea of ​​stars and explore the universe. As long as you are willing to make small sacrifices, you can exchange for greater rewards!

“Shut up! Besides, I will arrest you on the grounds of persuading to destroy the world!”

“Okay, I won’t say it. But you have to think about it, the refugees near the Atlantic Ocean are almost evacuated today. As long as the army withdraws there, it is nothing more than the loss of a larger piece of land. After thousands of years, people can continue to live there, but Monsters don’t die in a day, and after tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, humans are still preyed on by ants!”

Having said that, the congressman stopped talking after seeing the ugly expressions on the other people’s faces.

“I think it makes sense to do so.

Suddenly a congressman raised his hand, and then explained worryingly: “Think about it, before the monster appeared, we were all fine, after the monster appeared, we lost a fifth of it in just a few decades. One population. If this goes on, sooner or later, human beings will become extinct! In addition, you see, the purpose of monsters is Godzilla, and every time a monster appears, Godzilla is present, what does this mean? Godzilla attracted the monster, and it has It is no less than the wisdom of human beings, don’t you think it is terrible? What if it really wants to eliminate human beings! Don’t you worry at all?

“You fucking pissed in your head!”

That is the person in charge of the Emperor’s Project Organization. He has a very high military rank and a high position of power, but because of his military background, he speaks a lot more sharply than others.

“Watch your attitude, former general!”

“That’s all I can say, you’re a political scum made of fucking shit! Godzilla is an ancient beast, the only Asgardian on Earth, yes, the only one! We don’t help it against its enemies at times like this , you still want to drive it to death? It is really sad that humans have leaders like you!”

“Please calm down! I know that your imperial organization has been studying monsters for a long time, but we have to consider the overall situation, we have to make choices for those innocent people, and now we have to make a decision!”

“I agree with the general’s words, and you are wrong. It’s not the monsters that Godzilla attracted, but when the monsters invade, Godzilla will inevitably appear to hunt them!”

That was the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, and he said so, but the others didn’t quite pay attention.

at this time.

There are differences of opinion. Since the alliance of the countries of the earth at this time is formed by representatives of many parties, the words of one person cannot represent anything, and the emphasis is on the opinions of multiple parties.

“Raise your hand in favor of destroying monsters! Please keep silent if you agree with coexistence with monsters!”

0… ask for flowers…

Accompanied by the opening of one person.

Others looked at each other, in the face of great changes in the future, coupled with the fact that there is already a key weapon – a hydrogen bomb with 200 million tons of TNT equivalent, which is enough to destroy all threatening monsters.

It’s like.

Humans have discovered a new continent, but there are many more powerful creatures on that continent.

If you coexist with them, you will face the threat of being eaten, and if you kill them all, you can live freely and occupy this unique natural advantage.

Deforestation, extinction of species.

Hunt the Beast and build a city.

Pollute water and damage the atmosphere.

Radiation leaks, and nothing grows.

Since the overlord of the lake, he has done all kinds of evil.

Nuclear pollution, light pollution, and the explosion of hydrogen bombs will certainly cause serious harm to a large number of organisms. Although it is within the scope of consideration, if it succeeds, it will be a worthy sacrifice for human beings.


More and more people raised their hands and upon seeing this, another part of those who voted against it fell into silence.

“You guys will regret it!”

The person in charge of the emperor organization looked ugly, and at the same time scolded coldly: “If, I am not the leader who is responsible for the safety of many people, but the identity of an ordinary citizen, because your words may cause the vast majority of human beings. Suffer and suffer, I will kill you without hesitation! Also, I hope you can go well and kill them completely. Otherwise, if I were Godzilla, I would crush you all!”


other people.

The representatives of S.H.I.E.L.D, Hunter Project, etc. all sighed.

But now that a decision has been made.

There is no way.

Right or wrong, do your best.

This will decide.

the future destiny of mankind.

Is it a further leap forward, or, waiting for the unknown judgment to come.

Godzilla far away.

At the moment, I don’t know yet, I have been pitted by humans again.

(ps: Godzilla Blacken needs a process. The level of planet Godzilla is about to evolve. So after this disaster, the earth will only become better and more lush. And Godzilla will also become stronger. Because rebirth is often accompanied by Appears after the destruction, and various subsequent Marvel characters will also appear. After this, linking to the multi-universe is the beginning of the real Marvel universe. The next chapter is announced: “Killing Day! The Human Removal Plan”! Next will show a , what is the horror of “Godzilla”.) Factory,

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