Chapter 39 The Godzilla Era!

Scylla is a giant spider titan with no massive destructive power, no brute force, but hallucinogenic sonic waves. It causes human beings to attack themselves, and achieve the effect of “I demolish my home”. Survivor residual rate 70%

Muto is a crazy race. Thousands of Mutos are the largest legion. As soon as the electromagnetic pulse comes out, the city is paralyzed. Then they walked over and trampled, and soon destroyed the cities. Survivor residual rate 40%

Godzilla destroys all the so-called strongest defenses of mankind along the way, its attack is very terrifying, nothing can stop its pace, where the atomic breath passes, the sky of flames. The residual rate of survivors varies from 10 to 99%, depending on whether humans are sufficiently conscious.

Godzilla has given humanity enough time.

Run away and live.

Resist and you will surely die.

As for Mothra?

Just look at Godzilla, because it’s on its way to where Mothra is, while heading towards its final location, the Himalayas, where Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One lives.

Huaxia National Defense Command Center.

“Many people in the Emperor Project Organization are Chinese, and your research on monsters is really thorough.

“It’s just a coincidence, if it weren’t for the guidance of Mothra’s holy light, coupled with the speculation based on Godzilla’s destruction trajectory, we wouldn’t dare to draw a conclusion. But to be honest, if even resistance is useless, it is better to just let it go. Fight. After all, we are not afraid of sacrifice, but mistakes are mistakes, and we should be punished. After all, we have been a country of etiquette since ancient times.

“I know what you’re talking about, but at a time like this, we’re on the same front.”

When the Neon Kingdom suffered a devastating blow, they fled to this side.

“Yeah, on the same front… You see, we have been demolished cleanly here, not much better than yours.”

“But at least you have a lot of supplies, you still have a lot of resources, and the affected area is small…

“Stop, stop, you know that we have a large population. With such a sudden collapse of the modernization system, it will take a while to transform the ruins into farmland. If our supplies are not enough, we can only take care of you at most.”

“You two, stop talking about this topic!”

Seeing that two researchers of the Imperial Project Organization of different nationalities were quarreling, the head of the Ministry of Defense immediately yelled at them.

“Is there any other special news?”

“Report. The origin of the monster has been found out. Ancient Chinese legends called it “Bagang”. It seems that it has been described many times in ancient documents. Among them, the water god beast in “Songs of Chu” is also one of its forms. …”

“Isn’t Ba Gang dead? Why are you reporting this now?

“It’s like this. When we devoured everything in the Leviathan Godzilla, we didn’t find that the Bagang was completely sucked in. According to the research of the organization, the cells of that monster can quickly change their cell shape according to their own will to adapt. The environment, and the cell shape can repair the injury suffered, and can also absorb the external energy to achieve evolution.

“very horrifying!

“It’s definitely not a titan, is it? Sounds like a combination of Godzilla and Ghidorah!”

“Yes, it is the integrated product of Ghidorah and Godzilla’s cells. The whole spirit organization has already admitted this, but they are internally divided, and their whereabouts are currently unknown. It seems that they are hiding.”

“That is to say. By studying Bagang, you can indirectly learn more about G, G cells and the origin of G, right?”

“Yes. Research data on G cells is currently very scarce. After all, it is difficult for us to obtain Godzilla cells. It seems to have the ability to split, assimilate, and devour other organisms, which is very dangerous!”

“I still don’t quite get it, why are we talking about G cells when we’re at a critical juncture at Godzilla?

This “let me explain.”

Professor Amanda of the Emperor Project Organization said that she and Dr. Serizawa, as well as some research assistants, all fled from the European Union and evacuated to China, which is to see Godzilla at the final stop when Godzilla completes the circle of destruction of the world.

“Look at this… it’s a picture taken when the electromagnetic storm on Skull Island was weak.

Amanda picked up a photo, pointed to the animals and plants on it, and said solemnly: “These plants have begun to evolve, as well as these monsters. Those black dots, when enlarged, resemble the image of Godzilla, we call them subspecies Mimic Godzilla, not really a subspecies of Godzilla, but that’s enough to illustrate the point… The earth, is changing according to Godzilla’s liking. That is to say, the earth is supporting Godzilla to do this, because we humans have let nature Mistaken for a natural hazard, that’s why Godzilla attacked us.”

0… ask for flowers…

“We’ve all done unforgivably wrong…

“There is still a chance to make amends!

Amanda went on to say: “According to the characteristics of G cells, both animals and plants will eventually surrender to the ancient king of predators on the earth. We only have close contact to feel the great and terrible side of giant beasts, accept them, They will treat us as the same kind, which means that we must abandon the existing civilization and open up a new history

We, “Project Emperor, call this day the ‘Monster Apocalypse’!”

“From today onwards, in the future, we will count the annual rings in the Godzilla era. It is the will of the earth, and it exists that we will prosper. When it falls, the earth will usher in the end.”

oh my god”


The commander seemed to be shocked, and said in disbelief: “Should we worship it as a god, treat it like a god?”

“It has always been the god of the earth, you just don’t want to admit it.”

“That’s why it becomes what you call the “King of Monsters…”

If Godzilla is regarded as a god, then it is a god, and if Godzilla is regarded as a monster, then it is a monster.

How man sees Godzilla, Godzilla will see man.

When everything was cleared up, people looked at Godzilla again, in love and hatred, grateful and helpless, lamenting its power and greatness, but also in awe of its destruction and terror.

Just at this time.

The beeping sounded on the screen of the command center, and suddenly a dark dorsal fin broke through the sea and landed on the east coast of China. factory,

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