Chapter 59 Iron Man vs Thunder Wolf Dragon!

“Get out of the way!

The Avengers, who were at the center of the battle between the two terrifying giant beasts, turned their faces on the ground, rolling along the stream.


Captain America shouted, and then as they rolled and dodged, they clearly saw two huge monsters colliding with each other above their heads.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon moves violently and the dragon palm is terrifying, while the Fox Dragon is agile and gentle, fighting with it is like dancing.


They crossed each other and landed on both sides of the stream.

Then Thunder Wolf Dragon turned around abruptly and launched the offensive again.

The Fox Dragon was not afraid, and the water surface was twisted gently and swiftly, then dodged forward, leaving a foam trail on the ground and the water, thus taking away the Thunder Wolf Dragon’s free mobility.

Seeing this, the Thunder Wolf Dragon roared—

In an instant, a strong light hit, and the land of the stream was instantly like daylight.

Under the super-charged attitude of Thunder Wolf Dragon, while screaming up to the sky, a thunderstorm appeared around him, and then the thunder broke out, and the entire water was within the range of its thunder enchantment.

The terrifying wide-area moves, coupled with the conductivity of the stream, made the Fox Dragon caught off guard, including Captain America, who were also swept away by the aftermath, and their bodies were paralyzed and hesitant, unable to move, while Iron Man flew out of the water. , watching it all in midair.


Seeing that his teammates were basically slumped to the ground, Iron Man had to think of a way.

“It has to be defeated.”

Tony stared at Thunder Wolf Dragon’s ferocious offensive, which at the moment ripped away towards Fox Dragon with Dragon Hall. Seeing this, a strong light of concentrated energy also appeared in the palm of the steel battle suit.

“Try this!”

The energy charge of the beam cannon in Iron Man’s palm ended, and a pure intense thermal radiation ray was emitted.


Thunder Wolf Dragon’s body was intercepted in mid-air, and the heat radiation ray melted its scales with high temperature, making it forced to land.

The fallen Thunder Wolf Dragon rolled in the stream, and then it shook its body, its eyes fixed on Iron Man in mid-air.

It seems that Iron Man succeeded in attracting the hatred of Thunder Wolf Dragon.

“I’ll hold it, you all look for opportunities to kill it! Banner, restrain your emotions, anger!”

Even at this time, Iron Man was still very calm, after all, he was the man who once fought Godzilla, the most invincible monster, even though the process was only a few seconds.

At the moment the biggest variable in the Avengers squad is Banner.

If he turns into the Hulk Hulk, he will naturally kill the Thunder Wolf Dragon without a doubt…. But he may take Iron Man and the others as enemies as well, but at least in this dangerous place, the Hulk’s berserk is Very dangerous thing, this refers not to them, but to the monsters here.

Hulk is not a protector, it is the embodiment of human anger.

Banner also hated Hulk at first, he felt that Hulk was a brainless barbarian who only knew how to destroy and kill lunatics.

But later he will gradually understand that Hulk is him, he is Hulk, just like an angry person will lose his mind and do things he regrets. Only when he can really control anger, drive anger, and control anger, is the so-called “green” state.

“Hey! Little Wolf Si, look here!

Iron Man has some fighting experience in the face of monsters. He provoked loudly to attract Thunder Wolf Dragon’s attention, and then pulled away from the back.

In an instant.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon roared violently, the speed was like the speed of lightning, and then the thunderous power ran in the stream, and then suddenly jumped up, stepping on the tall ancient tree, and leaping straight towards the heights, predicting the position of Iron Man. After that, he swooped out in an instant, and the dragon’s palm, with a terrifying electric light, shot towards Iron Man.


At the instant of Iron Man’s cuff, a laser blade appeared, and the speed was extremely fast. He flexibly rotated his body in the air and cut towards Thunder Wolf Dragon’s wrist.

The two staggered, Iron Man used the tactical assistance system to calculate the trajectory and frequency of Thunder Wolf Dragon’s moves and dodged it. At the same time, the laser weapon also cut the scales of Thunder Wolf Dragon, and a huge amount of blood appeared. , When the Thunder Wolf Dragon screamed in pain, it fell to the ground, blood dripping on the scales.

“Go home and find your mother, Little Wolf Hui!

Tony in the steel battle suit was stunned. After many improvements to the laser cutter, a high-power weapon, it can now be freely volatile, and the Iron Man battle suit function and combat effectiveness are also quite powerful.


After adjusting the position, Hawkeye also pulled the bow and shot the arrow. The alloy arrow with strong penetrating power broke open, pierced through the scales of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, and pierced into its back, which immediately caused it to start Rage.

“Roar – Ao Ao Ao!!!”

Lightning flashed on the Thunder Wolf Dragon’s back, and suddenly it threw several lightning balls with a snapping sound from its tail. The electric balls flew out along the arc and flew towards Iron Man and Hawkeye.

The agile Avengers hurriedly rolled to the side, Captain America raised his shield high, bounced a lightning ball, and squatted on the ground.

Black widow on the side said: “I believe you, Shi Stark, you are right, the monsters here are all dangerous!”

“Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve seen a monster that looks like a wolf and a dragon can control lightning!”

Captain America also has a tingling scalp. I didn’t expect that there are so many monsters that humans can’t compete with in this era.

“It seems that it has to be taught a lesson, you stay out of the way, I’m going to make more moves!”

Iron Man quickly lifted into the air, and the reactor in front of his chest began to shine brightly during the flyby, and a high-intensity energy was gathering.

Thunder Wolf Dragon glared at him, extremely ferocious, leaping towards the high sky, the apostle tore down the Iron Man who was flying at low altitude, accompanied by lightning flashes all over his body, his muscle strength increased to a very high level.

(Get Zhao’s) But.

Iron Man’s energy weapons are not something that ordinary monsters can resist!

“Shoot, cluster cannon!”

Accompanied by Tony’s low drink, a dazzling and terrifying beam of dazzling terrifying beams shot in and out from the buzzing and concentrated chest beam cannon. It has a high-energy particle flow, and its penetrating ability is astonishing. It can hardly be resisted by any object. The throat of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, which opened its bloody mouth, evaporated the flesh and bones directly, and the remaining energy was shot out, flickering differently in the forest, and finally dissipating and dissipating.

“Roar… finally knocked it down, too scary.”

But before Tony could breathe a sigh of relief, Fox Dragon At the moment his body returned to normal from the paralysis and stiffness, and it gave Iron Man and the others a long howl, signaling them to escape quickly.

Why run away?

Because Thunder Wolf Dragon is a gregarious creature, and there is still a wolf king.

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