Godzilla, the Strongest of All Realms

Chapter 1060: Unexpected effect

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"Okay! It seems that the two of us have no choice but to follow these people on earth. I believe that our network address has been locked? If we go back, we will only accept their harshest punishment, but we believe Ms. Elena will give us a way out! "

Originally these two low-level Protoss warriors just wanted to show off. By the way, some masters identified whether this Elena was real. Why did you think that there were so many things coming back and even caused an uproar among the entire Protoss' existing forces Big wave.

No one thought of this effect, and even the commander of the Earthman had not considered this plan, it was completely an incidental income.

This kind of lie is not new to people on earth, but it is a taboo thing for those high-level cosmic creatures who think they have evolved to a very high level, so the lie made by the three elders of the Protoss seems to be It's not very clever, after all, this guy doesn't lie too much.

However, because of this incident, both the hidden elder and the three elders on the countertop have now been pushed to the cusp of public opinion. Although they took timely defensive measures, more than half of the Protoss warriors said Your dissatisfaction.

"No wonder every time the resurrected soldiers do not occupy after they lay down the site, they have to give us the bargain. It turns out that the red eyes really help us fight!

"Damn, even forced the ancestors to come back to fight, and it is reused. Are these the Light Templar Warriors? I think this group of guys is the most hypocritical!"

"What else do you say that Elena was broken into pieces by Godzilla? Did n’t people live a good life? It seems that these high-level leaders planned to deceive us from the beginning. We, the people of El Star, live every day in Is it a lie? "

This is really a huge joke. Most of the displaced Protoss warriors think that their piety touched those who died in battle, and they will wake up on a large scale to help take home, but I did n’t expect the truth behind it. Cruel, as long as many Protoss commanders who are fighting on the front line feel a little unacceptable, it is a collapse of belief and conviction at the same time, which can be more painful than the direct elimination of their lives.

And the initiator of this incident, that is, the target figure captured by the Earth Marine Corps, has suddenly changed from the so-called prey to an eyewitness to be protected by the earthman, and must bring the two Protoss warriors back to the earth in the first time. People on the base.

However, those Protoss are not stupid, they quickly locked the position of these two guys by technical means, and then 15 other companions in the Protoss Command post immediately became their enemies.

"Quickly, tie these two guys to me, the guard of the Protoss is about to rush over, and according to our radar, there is a Templar of Light in the gang of guys. We must come here by that guy. Let them both leave safely before! "

This is a task that must be completed. If these two guys cannot be guaranteed, the Protoss ’high-level officials will soon announce that someone was pranking before, and no one can prove that it happened.

"All the snipers started to clear the red eyes on the ceiling. We must ensure that our escape position is absolutely safe. All the rangers on the scene rushed to the front. We must form the first line of defense. The bright temple warrior is absolutely Do n’t dare to do it in the cabin. "

Although more than a dozen powerful Protoss warriors are coming over here, because their base is large enough, the room for maneuver should be said to be relatively sufficient, as long as all aspects of protection are properly completed, they can be safely evacuated.

And what made these people of the earth unthinkable was that, besides the original responding army of people of the earth, even Godzilla, the king of monsters, started to fly over here. It's not that Godzilla wants to break the original agreement, but because there seems to be a very favorable situation for the people of the earth, as long as this **** mission can succeed.

So as a relevant stakeholder, Godzilla does not care about the so-called game rules.

"I really didn't expect that these Protoss started to make trouble inside themselves. I just added a fire to their social network when I used these guys to broadcast live. This anonymous account is too cool to play now."

This smart Taiga Altman is really not small, and actually ran to the secret garden community of the Protoss family to post indiscriminately, which also made those Protoss who had been rigorous in their work feel the danger of this universe. And the guys in the secret garden didn't take the real-name authentication for the visitors in order not to find it above, which just happened to make this Altman computer genius vacant.

"Haha, it seems that our country of light should pay attention to the combination of multiple methods in the future, and the power of public opinion can't really be ignored!"

When witnessing the uproar of the Protoss public opinion, Silo Altman seemed to be thoughtful. Sometimes deadly weapons ca n’t wipe out all the enemies, but it ’s awesome, the destructive power of this thing ca n’t be ignored. This time, the young man Taiga Altman gave them these predecessors A lesson.

"That ’s for sure. Although our kingdom of light is not as stubborn as these protoss, we must also have our own strength in the future information war. After going back, I will write this event as a summary report. I hope the two Seniors can help me prove it! "

In addition to weapons in the future, informatization is also an inevitable megatrend, and as the older generation of Ultraman fighters, whether it is Cylo Altman or Jed Ultraman is vacant at this point. Yes, and the emperor and grandson of this kingdom of light seems to have a very good attainment in this respect, it seems that they will really be the world of their young people in the future.

"Okay, you guys, be quiet for a while. If you are free, can you help the Earth Marines retreat? Those red-eyed Protoss puppets seem to gather more and more, I'm afraid to rely on their own The power ca n’t be rushed out! "

Although Godzilla is not convenient to come forward in some things, these Altman warriors are the best friends of mankind, and there is no agreement. It is best to rely on them at this time.

"No problem, but why didn't you call Diga Altman on this mission? Didn't you hear that this great god, the newly developed light has already worked? Isn't it good to take it out and show it up?"

Gide Ultraman was a little puzzled, because before he left, he had heard Dijia Ultraman say that it seems to have researched a way to crack these red-eyed Protoss puppets, using some kind of modified Ultra light as long as the light It can make the other party lose the ability to act in one click, but now this powerful function seems to be still being debugged, it is inconvenient to show up too early!

"Uncle Gide Ultraman, this secret weapon must be put at the end to surprise the other party. Now let's let them know for a while. I think this is the best tactic!"

Taija Altman really understands Dijia Altman's idea.

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