Godzilla, the Strongest of All Realms

Chapter 1063: The beginning of the split

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"Hey, hello, have you guys heard about it? Yesterday, a gathering event called for truth took place on the planet of the Six Towers. The aborigines and protoss dispatchers on that planet planned all the things. It is said that the planet is basically It ’s all messed up. But I do n’t know why, the leading guys all mysteriously disappeared the next day, know that the dispatcher is a powerful Templar of Light! ”

"Isn't it? At least 200 of the guards beside the Templar of the Light also disappeared together. It feels like they were swallowed by the mammoth beast. Why is there such a thing?"

Originally, after chatting between these Protoss people, the bugs on the planet were completely wiped out, or where was the trace of the insect king found, and what the special operations team was tracking.

But since the image of the secret garden has been widely circulated among the people, some terrible things that have exceeded people's imagination have also quietly happened, and the key figures who have been killed are not limited to ordinary civilians, even the children of some large families. They all disappeared in such an unknown way.

And some families that have suffered heavy losses have also sent people to search outside, but sometimes the people they sent to inquire can not come back, and after reporting this to the Presbyterian Church, the above is also quite perfunctory. This makes people feel a little hesitant.

"The two of you guys dare to talk about this kind of thing in public occasions, don't you die? The big families that have suffered losses haven't said anything, why should we wage earners talk about these things!"

"What are you afraid of? We are protoss freedom fighters, don't the elders say that we guarantee our freedom of speech? I see behind this thing is that the elders are playing tricks, especially the three elders. Everyone says that he is a puppet and really works. Those puppet warriors with red eyes are definitely other people. I have to face the theory with the three elders when I get a chance! "

Ok! Some young people are like this, they don't know how to speak at all, and they don't care if they are in public? Be aware that disasters are often spoken out of your mouth. Once you have nothing to say, you will offend people who should not offend anytime, anywhere.

"Are you young, drunk? How can you say such things in the tavern home quickly? Are you afraid of being knocked on in the middle of the night?"

It may be that the protoss young warrior was harsh, and an older dragon knight warrior looked a little new. But how could these protoss young warriors listen?

So just as the young soldier left the tavern, a translucent shadow quietly followed him, as if he had already found his goal.

Probably because of drinking a lot of spirits, the young man with a lot of rhetoric walked into a back alley after a few steps, and soon came the sound of vomiting, and the guy started following this guy all the way from the bar The strange shadow slowly followed.

However, when the shadow entered the alley, it was found that there was no one there at all. Could the young man suddenly disappear, saying that the guy was disguised as a dark templar?

"Not good, not right!"

Although the body is hidden by inexplicable light, this shadow can still leave a little trace in the air when moving, but this time the guy ’s reaction is slow, and he has not waited for this guy to exit the alley. The figure of a huge dragon knight appeared in front of him, and on the wall of this small black alleyway, many searchlights were stretched out at once, shining brightly on this place.

This is also the best way to deal with those hidden inside the Protoss. This special light allows these hidden people to escape.

The dark Templar, who pretended to be a drunken young man, was the first to manifest himself. At this moment, he stood upright and looked at the dark shadow slowly appearing in front of him.

"I really didn't expect that we were traveling together, but I didn't expect to be a dark Templar as a hall. You guys would actually work for the gang of bright gangs. You lost all of our faces. Today I want to clean the portal! "

As the boy's voice fell, at least 20 figures appeared around the alley. It seems that this group of guys have been in ambush for a long time, just to dig out this stalker.

Recently, several young Protoss warriors who did not pay attention to his speech have disappeared, so everyone has always wanted to find out the secretly coveted person, so there is today's game.

"What do you guys know? I'm maintaining the inner unity of our protoss, and you guys who don't know what to do are the most unstable factors. Since you all see my true colors today, then don't you I want to see tomorrow's sunrise again! "

Although this guy is also a dark templar, but after the body of this stalker is fully exposed, everyone finds that this guy is completely different from the ordinary dark figure warrior, because her body is covered with a layer of golden walls. Shine.

That's right, this is a rare female Dark Templar, but why is her armor golden?

No one would tell these ambushers the answer. Even the dark Templar, soon found that he was not at all an opponent of the female class in front of him. A black shadow flashed by someone, or his own companion fell to the ground.

"You, gold, you are indeed the legendary golden female assassin, no, that is just a legend of ours, your body has been transformed, you actually betrayed the glory of our dark temple warriors, you, yours Although my eyes are red! "

Ok! There was too much shock left at the scene, but when someone passed by the alley the next day, apart from seeing the debris and metal debris, there was no sign of it, even CCTV in the surrounding streets, At the same time, all the video tapes were taken away by superiors, and everything that happened here last night became an inexplicable mystery.

The legend of the Golden Phantom is also inadvertently spread, not to mention the serious adults in the tavern. As those children or children in the school, they will shut up after hearing the name, otherwise it is very likely that you will Will become the next resident to disappear.


"Very good, those guys have shut up. Obviously, how good it is to do this early. It seems that our golden team is really good. In my opinion, you can send you to the future battlefield against the weak earth. People with your power can definitely be worth a hundred. It seems that our Protoss really needs to make a little change. Brother ’s words are really true! "

Looking at the summary report of the following people from the ground, the three elders of the Protoss have a feeling that they are in power, no matter whether those guys are out of fear or sincerity, anyway, the voice of opposition is basically no longer heard, and those who dare to dare In addition to the exiles, the rest of the rebels of the Protoss Presbyterian Church have basically become the dust of the universe.

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