Godzilla, the Strongest of All Realms

Chapter 1065: Backlight Lab

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"Oh, I really didn't expect this group of young people on Earth to be so powerful? At the beginning, the report told me that I could only bring back 2 or 3 prisoners of the Protoss. I didn't think that there were seven of them back this time. Elena was fine. Is n’t it? I think these Protoss kids seem to adore this idol, I hope this girl can persuade these Protoss warriors to be my subjects! "

When Elena received her compatriots, there were at least more than ten cameras at the top of the hall, and the real-time data on this side were all synchronized through all-round shooting, and Dijia Altman seemed to be the most nervous at the moment. After all, if the experimental individual doubles, his research speed will double. Moreover, investing so many Protoss warriors at one time can also ensure the fair sharing of experimental resources, which is also the object of these experiments to be protected in a certain sense.

The recent Dijia Altman has not only decomposed the violent elements of the protoss red eye puppets, but also established a laboratory specializing in reverse light. Now that all the equipment is ready, just waiting for these volunteers The material is provided.

To know that with the addition of Ms. Elena, Dijia Altman thought it would be ideal to have three experiments. I did n’t expect this time to let them bring back seven captives, one of which was still a half-hanging black-eye saint. Tang Samurai, this is definitely a very good material.

And Dijia Altman is confident to ensure the safety of all laboratories, the key depends on whether these guys are willing to take the initiative to cooperate.

"Diga Altman, you look too ugly, don't you? Quickly wipe your saliva, don't let others see it! You have to believe the charm of Ms. Elena, although I don't understand the gods Aesthetics, but we all seem to be developing in a good way. At least with this Bright Templar Warrior there will be more Protoss who believe our views on this side, and in the future there will definitely be more people on this side Yes, so let ’s focus on protecting this lady Elena. "

Seeing the look of excitement in his ancestors, Taiga Altman, who had just returned from the mission, actually had a trace of pride on his face, and then mysteriously handed over his loot.

"What is this? What kind of good thing did you stinky kid buy from the hands of other people's gods? How is it used?"

Looking at the black lacquered stick in front of him, Dijia Altman seemed to feel a familiar energy fluctuation. This sentence is called layman watching lively, layman watching the doorway!

If you change someone else, I am afraid that this Taiga Altman is playing with the temper of the child, and it seems strange to see anything. But Dijia Altman thinks this little guy has got an incredible baby, because the frequency of this thing is exactly the same as the light that can suppress the red-eye protoss warrior.

If the retro-reflective light developed by this Dijia Altman is an imitation, then the energy contained in this metal rod is the most authentic light that can suppress those monsters.

"I do n’t know how to use this thing. I saw a light temple warrior light up when I held it in my hand, but no matter how I put energy into it, there is no way to use it, so just bring it back to let you Give details! "

In fact, this Taiga Altman has done very well. Although the warriors of their country of light have a lot of positive light and energy, after all, these weapons and tools developed by the Protoss of the people must be suitable for them. If If an outsider can use it casually, then the encryption technology of the Protoss is too bad?

"It turns out that this is the case, I think you can take it over and give it to the lady Elena, who is also a shining Templar, anyway, this may be the reason for the comparison. ! "

Do n’t think Dijia Altman is very old-fashioned. In fact, the old senior of the Altman family is also very open-minded, especially when he sees the eyebrows between Elena and Taiga Altman. This little guy in front of me.

"What? You ancestors, won't you? I knew I gave it to Elena from the beginning."

"It's not too late. Your lady Elena is at my back light laboratory now. Let's just go together!"

It seems that although the kid of Taigatman has higher combat effectiveness and wisdom than his peers, his emotional intelligence is worrying. When Dijia Altman gave him this opportunity, the kid didn't feel anything at all. This was the same as his old ancestor. Godzilla is a lot different.


"Elena, I'm back. I captured a gadget in the previous battle. Can you help me see how to use it? My grandpa Diga Altman also said that there was no way but to count on you Yes. I did n’t delay you and your companions in reminiscing? ”

When a group of people came to Diga Altman's laboratory, the Goddess Light Templar Warrior had already convinced all the other seven companions. It seems that the goddess' appeal is different!

In fact, the three elders of the Protoss also had a strong appeal, but the guy didn't use his power on the right path, but the descendant of the heir seemed to perform very well.

"This thing seems to be the baton of our light templar warriors, and it needs the power of the Protoss to be activated, but there seems to be something in your baton that has been transformed. I need to communicate with my partners to study it to give Your answer. "

This is the rigorous attitude of the Goddess Goddess. In fact, this lady Elena has already learned this news from her companion. In order to control those red-eyed transformants, there are always some restraints among these bright temple warriors. Small props, but this is a secret inside the Light Church, and it is still inconvenient to reveal to these outsiders.

However, when Ms. Elena talked to Taiga Altman, her eyes always flew around inadvertently, and according to human understanding, as the goddess, some things similar to hormones are rapidly soaring, only Unfortunately, there is no such thing as blushing on the expressions of these Protoss, otherwise it should look more obvious.

It's just that when I met Tyga Ultraman, a straight steel man, in addition to focusing all my attention on the metal rod, I was playing around with Dijia Ultraman's new experimental equipment, and there was no girl at all. Put your thoughts in your heart.

"I said, Grandpa Diga Altman, what principle did you use to implement this retro-reflective light? Would you like to imitate the biological energy in the bodies of these living Protoss warriors? Use that kind of source power to go Clear the negative forces in the hearts of those red-eyed guys? How do I think this principle is a bit similar to our country of light purifying light? "

Taiga Altman, you stinky boy, don't you see that the seven Protoss warriors are about to catch fire? Everyone on the side saw that Ms. Elena was different from you. Why didn't you feel like a stinky kid?

"Tega Altman, please come over. I have something to tell you."

Finally, Ms. Elena couldn't help it.

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