Godzilla, the Strongest of All Realms

Chapter 1082: Latent success

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"Brother, our plan seems to have succeeded. I really didn't expect this help to be that Altman's little emperor grandson. It seems that this kid likes Elena very much. We kept this girl before. correct!"

Although this Elena is counted as a descendant of the three elders of the Protoss, but after the last video of the secret garden revealed, the elders of these Protoss have secretly discussed a series of eradication plans, but because of the elder of the Protoss The proposed latent plan seemed to conflict with it in certain aspects of action, so Elena escaped unconsciously.

"My brother, this time I arranged the pieces to be able to lurk successfully and thanks to your descendants! If we finally defeated the Earthman and Godzilla, take this child back! As for the red-eyed puppets It should be the time for them to leave, let all the Protoss compatriots remember this matter! Maybe we can also create a glorious image of the Templar Warrior, what do you say? "

Ok! Since seeing the purified light released by Altman, we have decided to give up the original tactics in this Protoss elder.

Although it looks a bit like a strong man's broken arm, but if Altman's purification of light is popular, what kind of scenes will be imaginable next.

Therefore, timely replacement of strategies and tactics is also very necessary. In the face of the unsolvable light of the Altman Legion, the original advantages of the Protoss elders have long since disappeared, and only the situation in front of them can be identified. Switch in the next battle. As for these red-eyed puppet warriors that should be eliminated, all of them are consumed on the battlefield against the Zerg!

"Brother, you are so wise. I am afraid that these earth people have never dreamed that we have turned all the captured insect kings into our super golden warriors. When these guys appear in normal time, they will definitely surprise them. Other golden warriors may not be Godzilla ’s opponents, but our king squid will certainly be able to compete with this monster king, and then cooperate with our other warriors ’attacks, you can let this group of guys feel that our protoss really the power of!"

The most important reason why the golden warriors of the Protoss were not sent out immediately was because they were guarding Godzilla, the monster king! Whether it is the Earthman Legion or the so-called Ultraman Legion of the Light Kingdom, for these Protoss warriors, it is not a big threat at all. The only thing that really treats them as opponents is Godzilla, the king of monsters. The guys got it, everything else was secondary.

"Well, because the messages released by those old antiques are not good for me, so now 100% of the command is to be given to you. Never let these people sing back when we are about to succeed. This is also for our Protoss. A very critical period! "

Whether it's to win Godzilla's trust, or the last blow of the several **** clan elders before the fall, anyway, about the relationship between the **** clan elder and the red-eyed puppet warrior, somehow they started to work in these **** clan The inside has spread, and it belongs to the kind with pictures and texts with noses and eyes. This also coincides with the long-standing suspicions of the people at the bottom of the Protoss, so everyone asked the elders to give a statement about this matter. The leak is no longer important.

"Brother, in fact, we have a perfect control. Apart from that person, several other guys have no chance to release the signal before they are killed. Could it be that some deliberate guys made up the news?"

The three elders of the Protoss also saw similar information, but no matter what technical means they used, they could not find the source of this message, at least not the information sent from within their alliance. However, it is precisely because of this message that the lurker has initially obtained the trust of some people on earth. After all, they really made some valuable contributions to the coalition of the earth.

Of course, the trader of all this is actually Taiga Altman. This is an electronic genius from the Kingdom of Light. He successfully broke through the firewall of the current Protoss with his technology that he did n’t know where he got it from. A series of messages were sent out, and then there was an uproar within the Protoss.

Of course, in this situation, the lurker also quickly passed back through special channels, which also made these protoss have to take a look at Altman's information technology.

"I have basically mastered the ins and outs of this matter. I really didn't expect that the Ultraman warriors would not only study this strange and clean light, they also have super computer masters, even the firewall we have initially established. None of them can be intercepted! But if the Temple of Light was still there, our information could not be so easily cracked by others now! "

Although public opinion is quite unfavorable to the elders of the Protoss, even the three elders are under certain threats, but one thing is still gratifying, that is, the lurker can already save the information, which shows the lurking action of this guy Quite in place, even if it is troublesome, the purpose of this great elder elder will be achieved.

"Please rest assured, the next steps are clear to me, and I will follow the original plan of the plan you set before. As for the kid named Taiga Altman, well, let us Irene in the future Na go to clean up him! Maybe this will add a heroic resume to the brilliant image of the heroine we will build in the future! "

Ok! Although I do n’t know how the elder elders and three elders of the Protoss will position Elena in the future, this beautiful and kind light Templar Warrior has now unconsciously become the controlling chess piece of the two of them, and may even be possible. It will be this woman as soon as the country behind the barrel of light comes!

"That ’s good, remember our recent strategy, try to hide the fighting power of some golden warriors, especially the combination of the whale and squid, even if they meet the Zerg forces, I do n’t believe that. The two Zerg goddesses may have doubts in their hearts at the moment. After all, there is a spiritual connection between these Zerg kings and the two of them. "

The goddess mentioned by the **** elder is naturally the original Zerg goddess and our blade goddess. Since these two guys and their companions have the same band tone, as long as they are in the same universe, they will feel each other's existence.

But in recent days, the Zerg goddess seems to have become a bit worried, because the number of insect kings she can perceive under her hand will drop one to two every other week, and I have not heard of these two before If there is any dissatisfaction or betrayal in the guy, this is unlikely to happen unless it is caused by sudden and irresistible factors. So in order to avoid this, the goddess of the Zerg still intends to tell Godzilla the news.

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