Godzilla, the Strongest of All Realms

Chapter 1085: Mysterious countess

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"My goddess, you seem to be too high-profile in this transformation? Why can't you become a fanatic warrior like this kid? You can still maintain the image of a beautiful woman. Isn't it more close to the people?"

Godzilla glanced at the new Templar Warrior in front of him, it felt really unbearable! Although there is no difference between the appearance and the really bright Templar, but that fan is the queen above, and the light above all things cannot be concealed. It seems that this is really a troublesome thing. .

"What do you guys know? There are many high-level families in their Protoss, but the real family members are women. If you don't believe it, you can ask this little girl. You can rest assured that my acting skills will not be helpful. I think you two Disguise as two Dark Templars, I have thought of the corresponding identity for our group, and I guarantee that no one except the elders of the Protoss can see our identity! "

I didn't know what the idea of ​​the Zerg goddess master was, but before Godzilla hairy, Ms. Elena nodded in agreement.

"I know, Lord Goddess, you want to play the Countess Lordess of the independent galaxy. It is said that she is also a powerful Templar of Light. I have been her fan since I was a kid! But I do n’t know what happened. , That powerful predecessor slowly faded out of the stage of history ... "

Ok! Some things are indeed to be seen for a long time. The zerg goddess in front of us actually played the role of a classic lord of the protoss. This is really surprising.

Godzilla was even more pensive on his head, but I didn't expect the goddess to play tricks at this time. Isn't this the rhythm of dressing?

"Hey, hello, I found that I was really wrong. I should n’t let you watch so many idol dramas. Have n’t you heard that song: Fairy tales are deceiving!"

From Godzilla ’s point of view, our Zerg goddess is obviously the soap opera on the planet, and now imagines himself as the so-called heroine, but this is a secret investigation mission and not a filming scene. I did not expect this woman It's still alive.

"Less nonsense, although I am very reluctant to break this little girl's beautiful dream, but I have to tell you a cruel reality, I am the most authentic Countess of the Protoss, this image was created by me personally, so now I It's totally natural! "

Since the Protoss also likes to play the lurking set, why can't the Zerg in order to get information to investigate in reverse? Thinking back then, no one would think that the countess who was so provocative within the Protoss would make us the Zerg goddess personally?

This is really unexpected and definitely makes Elena feel ruined. Unexpectedly, the famous woman in the Protoss would actually be disguised as the goddess of the Zerg ...

"What's going on? I remember that you were obviously at that time, no, the Countess was able to release the authentic lightning storm. That was praised by all the predecessors of our Presbyterian Church. You cannot be her. The disappearance of the Countess is Isn't it a relationship with you guys? "

It seems that our Ms. Elena will never believe the woman's lies before her. Because this is not just the collapse of a Countess, but also the collapse of the entire Protoss faith. I believe that most Protoss will not believe this person.

"You do n’t believe me, there ’s no way. As for the mysterious storm of your gods, it ’s actually very easy to copy, but it ’s just a little bit stronger than ordinary static electricity. Unfortunately, I only have to explain the principle of the trick, you The next Ultraman brother can be copied exactly the same! "

In fact, the origin of energy in the universe is similar, the difference is that each race uses this energy differently, so the various magic effects created are also completely different, but if you crack this magic Source, then you can express it in other forms. Is n’t that hard to understand?

"Is there anything I can do? This Ultraman is not awesome for Ultraman. We prefer originality, so please do n’t hit me with this woman!"

Although our Taiga Altman seems to be quite protective of Ms. Elena, I am afraid that everyone present knows what this guy is saying is likely to be true. After all, no outsider can understand themselves better than the Protoss. Things!

"I think we still don't waste time on such boring things. I hope you guys remember the real purpose of our coming here. Will Elena give us two evaluations to evaluate the effect of this deformation?"

Just when the two women wanted to continue to struggle, Godzilla and the Blade Goddess on the side also changed. They both became the appearance of two dark templars, especially in our Blade Goddess hands. The two long knives are really quite majestic!

"Oh, I really deserve to be the goddess of blades, this image is really suitable for you! I feel that you are more realistic than those dark templars!"

This is the admiration from Taiga Altman. The blade goddess in front of me, the dark templar warrior who changed, looked heroic, and gave everyone a sense of sacred and inviolable.

But our king of monsters will be much worse. Because this guy is used to walking and swinging, even if he changes an image, he can't get rid of the walking posture. I feel that this is a half-dark dark temple warrior.

"Very good, your performance has made me quite satisfied. From this moment on, you are the guard and follower of my countess, and my current identity can't even be understood by the three elders of that protoss unless we are very unlucky. It ’s good to meet the most cunning elder, otherwise you guys will follow me and eat spicy! "

It seems that the Zerg goddess is really in a good mood at the moment. First, he subverted the three views of the little girl of the protoss in front of him, and then let Godzilla treat himself as a younger brother. This feels really cool. Even if all of this is acting, even if it temporarily makes our Zerg goddess proud of it!

"Okay! Just let you know for a while. If you show me stuff, I will never trust you again! You have watched so many TV shows on our planet anyway. Meet it! "

Despite Godzilla ’s disgust, if he can successfully integrate into the Protoss society, it ’s not a bad idea to let him bow his head temporarily, after all, this is a task!

"No problem, but this time, if I didn't act badly, I asked to be the heroine of the next stick nation idol drama, that is, you called from aliens! Anyway, I don't care how you talk to those directors, so be it! "

Who could have imagined that the Zerg goddess would make such a request? Does it seem that she has lost her power to enter the entertainment circle of the earth?

But don't even say that, just for the characteristic that this goddess can be transformed, maybe it can be really hot!

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