On the sea fishing yacht.

Everyone on the boat was in a panic.

Lin Qi was so scared that his hands were shaking.

If Ye Sihai had any accident, Qiaohuamei would hate him for the rest of his life when he returned.

In the final analysis, it was he who strongly invited Ye Sihai to go out to sea with him.

"Look, what are they going to do?"

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One after another, killer whales quietly surfaced, all facing the direction of the boat, forming circles one after another.

When have a group of rich second-generations ever seen such a scene.

If they don't push you, are they making a pilgrimage?

"It's over, Ye Sihai is hopeless."

A young man blurted out.

After saying that, he found something wrong.

Lin Qi and Liu Gang both stared at him fiercely.

He hurriedly said:

"Brothers, it's just a slip of the tongue."

"I believe Sihai will be fine."

Lin Qi said coldly:

"Maybe he is playing with whales?"

Then he looked at Liu Gang next to him and asked:

"Brother Gang, are you right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Liu Gang nodded quickly.

The other guys next to him couldn't help but roll their eyes.

"What should we do now?"

Another person asked.

"Go ask the captain? I don't know if the horsepower is enough, or we can go down and push it?"

The guy who spoke was probably scared and said such a thing.

A group of rich second-generations with pale faces smiled uglier than crying when they heard this.

"Xiaoyu, go down and push it, we will cheer you on the boat."

Xiaoyu almost cried:

"Brothers, stop making trouble."

I was so nervous.

On the sea.

Puff! !

A huge column of water rushed into the sky.

A figure appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

Ye Sihai sat on the water column and was shot directly into the sky.

Liu Hanhan, who had been guarding the bow, finally laughed loudly:

"Boss, play!"

With that, Liu Hanhan jumped into the sea with a splash.

Lin Qi, Liu Gang and others watched in horror as Liu Hanhan used his hands and feet, just like that...!

He climbed onto the back of a killer whale.

Then he stood on the back, holding the dorsal fin with one hand, and put his other hand on his waist, looking up at the sky and grinning.

Lin Qi was stunned.

Liu Gang was stunned.

Everyone was stunned.

The captain looked at this scene with his eyes wide open, and he almost crushed the phone for help in his hand.

Ye Sihai stood on the head of the largest whale king and waved to the people on the boat with a smile.

Xiao Hui squeezed beside his father, happily slapping the sea surface with his tail fin.

Wherever the whale king swam, all the killer whales retreated.

The whale king carried Ye Sihai and circled around the sea fishing boat.

Then the huge head sank into the water, throwing Ye Sihai down.

Soon, a large group of killer whales began to dive into the sea in an orderly manner and disappeared.

Liu Gang and others were stunned.

Lin Qi was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Gan Lin's mother, did I lie to you?"

"Who doesn't believe it? Who of you still doesn't believe it?"

"This is my brother-in-law, hahaha."

Everyone could only open their mouths and completely lost the ability to speak.

It was amazing.

This scene was exactly the same as in the movie.

The brothers felt that the common sense they had received from education had been strongly subverted and stimulated.



When they first saw the video, they were also surprised.

But now.

Seventy or eighty killer whales appeared out of thin air.

What shocked them even more was that this group of killer whales really listened to the command of Ye Sihai.

You can imagine that on the sea, there are such a group of super fighters around, and warships have to hide when they encounter them.

Too powerful!

Jealousy makes everyone unrecognizable.

The captain was alone in the cockpit, mumbling to himself, not knowing what he was saying.

In his heart, Ye Sihai was almost as important as Mazu.

When Ye Sihai climbed out of the sea, Lin Qi led everyone to surround him.

"Brother Sihai, you are awesome."

"Can you teach us how you did it?"

"We haven't ridden the whale yet, why are you all gone?"

Lin Qi came up and punched Ye Sihai in the chest, saying excitedly:

"Too awesome, you must take me with you next time, I will go ride one too."

Liu Gang hugged Ye Sihai's arm, his eyes shining:

"Brother, tell me, are you the reincarnation of the Sea Dragon King?"

"Brother Sihai, are you really only eighteen this year?"

The guy named Xiaoyu is a rich second generation Looking at Ye Sihai, he asked:

"Are you short of a lover? My sister just got divorced and said she doesn't want to get married anymore. It just so happens that you don't have any pressure."

Lin Qi kicked her directly:

"Liu Xiaoyu, I'm breaking up with you."

Liu Xiaoyu smiled and came up again:

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, but Sihai, I want to advise you, young men don't know the good of young women, they always treat young girls as treasures, my sister is very beautiful... Oh shit!"

This time it wasn't just one foot from Lin Qi, but seven or eight.

Ye Sihai almost sprayed.

Seventh uncle, look at the friends you make.

My sister Qiaohua is so cute and beautiful, I don't like young women at all.

But the young women in the previous life...!

This Liu Xiaoyu is tall and slender, and looks pretty good too.

He looks handsome and humorous, and is the object of many women's love.

His sister should be very beautiful, and her age should not be more than 28 years old, right?

Ye Sihai, you are cheap.

Stop it!

You shouldn't even have the thought!

Liu Hanhan also climbed onto the boat, holding a huge jellyfish in his hand.

"Boss, eat!"

Ye Sihai was shocked.

"Liu Hanhan! Why don't you throw it away!"

Most jellyfish are poisonous.

Although jellyfish look beautiful, the more beautiful things are, the more poisonous they are.

The jellyfish in Liu Hanhan's hand is bright blue and very beautiful, and it is poisonous at first glance.

A rich second-generation who often fishes in the sea said with a smile:

"This is a silver coin jellyfish, not very poisonous."

Ye Sihai was relieved and kicked Liu Hanhan with a smile:

"Who asked you to catch it?"

Liu Hanhan smiled and touched his head:

"Big fish, give it to me."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but laugh and cry.

He suddenly understood.

Liu Hanhan's IQ is always that of a 10-year-old, so in the perception of the killer whale he rode, this is a child.

Killer whales have a lifespan similar to that of humans. Adult killer whales are 30 or 40 years old. When they meet the 10-year-old Liu Hanhan, they will not treat him as a child.

They even caught jellyfish for him as toys.

Ye Sihai envied this treatment.

Everyone cast envious eyes at Liu Hanhan.

However, if it happens again, they may not dare to go into the sea to really ride a whale.

Who knows if those whales will turn against each other.

Other whales didn't ride, but became whale food.

"I say Sihai, how did you communicate with the whales just now? Tell us so that we can hear it?"

Liu Gang asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him eagerly, Ye Sihai smiled and said:

"What's so difficult about this? Just coax it, just like coaxing a child, it works, it's easy."

Liu Gang...!


Liu Gang shook his head in envy and said:

"Si Hai, I find your name is good, Si Hai Si Hai, otherwise I'll be called San Hai? Brother Qi, you'll be called Er Hai."

"Brother Gang, get out of here, I don't want to be called such a stupid name, change it yourself if you want!"

Lin Qi smiled and kicked Liu Gang.

Liu Xiaoyu came over quietly again:

"Si Hai, my sister is actually...!"

Ye Si Hai was so scared that he ran away.

Liu Xiaoyu was very depressed.

My sister is only 26 this year, she is really beautiful.

Although divorced, she has no children and is rich, and she doesn't want to get married.

She is worthy of you.

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