"Life is like a long investment. Choose the right person, do the right thing, reach the right result, and show your value to the world.

It is impossible for a person to make only the right decisions in his life, but good luck is always on my side. I have never lost.

Is it because the Mother Goddess is blessing me? If so, she must be watching me at this moment. I will definitely succeed.

But then what?

If I successfully overcome this difficulty, what's next? What awaits me after a grand gamble... is it another grander gamble?

After success after success, will I return with countless chips, or after a failure... I will never come back?"

Recalling everything along the way, Shajin couldn't help but ask himself.

But there is still no result.

"Don’t you have any idea… a lowly gambler?"

A mocking voice sounded, and Sha Jin was a little confused.

"what happened?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Turning back, he saw a figure exactly like himself standing behind him.

Shajin rubbed his head and said,"Am I dreaming, or am I really crazy?"

"Maybe both."

At this moment, not only Sakin, but also Yukiko and the others were stunned.

"This is... another Kakavasya!"

Dr. Agasa also frowned,"Is this the influence of that harmony? Are you hallucinating?"

The phantom waved his hand,"Did you forget me so quickly? Who gave you the idea when you were tied to the electric chair by the warlord of Yiimanika?"

Shajin was very disdainful,"Okay... I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. Get out of my head, newborn of harmony."

These words seemed to be a joke to the phantom, and he laughed unscrupulously.

"Hahaha, same tune? Don't be silly, this isn't the first time we've met, there's no need to be so formal, right?

I am you, I know you even better than you know yourself, and I know what you want. You're dying, and you want to drag a few unlucky people with you... That's why you're here, isn't it?

Great opening performance, do you really think you can do it?"


"Big Brother……"

Sitting in the passenger seat of a Porsche 356a on the roadside, Gin took a deep puff of cigarette. In front of him was a mobile phone with a live broadcast of Sand Gold.


Vodka looked at him cautiously,"Can you tell what Petrus wants to do?"

"Oh, that gambler, he will do whatever it takes to get the result, even if it means gambling with his own life."

Looking at the phantom in the phone that is exactly the same as Sha Jin, Sha Jin didn't know what he was thinking.

Vodka sighed,"Come to think of it, the content here is quite similar to Petrus' past. The slave owner is the previous sake bar owner, and the woman is Vermouth."


"Maybe you can fool everyone, but you can't fool yourself. I can prove it to you. I will accompany you for the last part of the journey before you disappear completely.

Let's talk about it on the way."

After that, the phantom walked forward on its own.

Shajin turned his head,"Damn it, what the hell are you?"

"Most people in this world spend their entire lives just to reach one result... and I am that result.

Kakawasha... I am your future."

After saying that, it disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Looking at this scene, Shajin rubbed his head and thought, feeling helpless.

"First it was an auditory hallucination, now it's a hallucination - great, should I be promoted to the Harmony Envoy next?"

As he said this, he looked around and found that there was no one around. This was very strange. This was the Clark Film and Television Park, which should be one of the most lively places in the entire golden hour.

"There is no tourist at all, what is that Winged Head doing?"

Walking on this land, Sha Jin gradually came to a statue of the Clock Boy.

And here, he saw the first and only"tourist""

"A Pipisi... No, a child?"

"Remember that minors are not allowed to enter the Golden Hour... Hey, why are you here alone?"Walking behind the child, Shajin couldn't help but ask.

Just this question, his mind was more deeply affected by Tongxue, and he couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"What's wrong, sir? You don't look well?"

Seeing his face, Sha Jin didn't react, but after seeing those eyes, he was stunned.

"Your...eyes? This is impossible, who are you!"

Yukiko was also stunned.

She watched this scene on the screen and rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"How…how could it be…is Kakawashia when he was a child!"

Hearing her exclamation, Nakamori Ginzo looked over and said,"Mrs. Kudo, are you saying this is the little Sagami classmate?"

Yukiko nodded and said,"There’s no mistake. When Kakawashia and I first met, he was still very young and looked like this." Dr. Agasa scratched his head and said,"This is weird. First it’s the future and now it’s the past. What’s the plan?"

"But he didn't seem to recognize himself?"

Yukiko's eyes flashed with sadness,"There are stones but no water, thunder but no rain, blood but no tears. This is indeed the true portrayal of Tsaganya. He had nothing to let him see what he looked like since he was a child."


The child's eyes were so familiar to Shajin, they were exactly the same as his, a unique feature of Evikin.

Kakavasya tilted his head and said with a smile:"They are beautiful, right? My sister said that they were a gift from Mother Fingol. Colored eyes can bring good luck to people."

As he spoke, he also noticed Shajin's identical eyes.

……Ah, sir...you have beautiful eyes too���Looks good!

Shajin looked at him, a little curious,"Are you... alone? Where are your parents?"

"They are all in this amusement park. Dad and Mom went in first. I was just going to look for them."Little Kakavasa waved his hand and said,"So I have to go. Goodbye, sir, I hope you can have fun too!"

Then he ran away.

Looking at his back, Shajin was stunned.

"Those eyes, and Mother Fingal... No, that's impossible... There will be no more Evikins in the universe."


That was a long time ago, when he was about to take over the Aventurine

"Shajin, do you have any more questions?"

In this meeting, he only knew Feicui, so it was natural for her to ask this question.

After hesitating for a moment, Shajin asked the biggest question in his mind,"The Ewekin people of Tsygannia...what happened to them later?"

But what greeted him was obviously not good news,"Unfortunately, there are no Ewekin people in Tsygannia anymore. You are the last lucky one."

"What about those who helped me? I think I can repay them now."

However, Feicui shook her head,"They are all gone."

He had forgotten how he returned to the office.

He should have been happy that day, but he was left with nothing but numbness.

The aventurine he had just obtained was placed on the table, flashing a strange light, as if congratulating him on his promotion, but also as if mocking his incompetence.

He began to doubt, in the struggle with fate, was he really the lucky one?

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