Golden Experience

Episode 118: Reunion

"Did you say player? Rae, you're always a player! Lords were lies!

"Whoa, were you guys players too? One correction, I'm not lying that I'm a lord."

More problematic than that is why I could tell Rae was a player with all this.

From what I have just said, only Rare was nursed by the Lords as a player.

It is clear from the fact that no one of the Reid party members at that time, including the Waynes, has yet noticed that it will probably be impossible to discern that from their appearance and behavior.

Is there any connection to that player named Justine? As I assumed, it's not an unlikely story if Justine had already gotten a connection to the lord.

No, if this lord is a player, it's also possible that this lord is Justified.

But I don't know what it means to write like that on SNS alone. I very much don't think I thought I could catch disaster with that alone.

Above all, until earlier, this lord himself should have considered disaster to be the event boss.

"You look at how you realized I was a player.

Rae, do you mean? I see, it's a name without a twist, but I can't tell you about people. "

I felt like I had my heart eagled.

─ ─ This guy, no way.

"Shall I tell you? That's the answer."

Lord ─ The player in front of him slowly took off his helmet covering his head and let it go to the floor.

"... eh. What? What!?

I compare Rare to the Lords like Bran was confused.

There was a face there that was exactly the same shape as Rae's, just blackened Rae's hair and eyes.

"The reason I found out I was a player is simple. Something's getting very white, but somewhat more, it seems to be beautified by the effects of the game's system, but I, uh, Rae? You can't possibly see the wrong face."

"What? Huh, lid?

"Whoa, I'm glad you said something, my friend. But unfortunately, I'm a little older."

Why do you live in a place like this, why do you trap like this, what does it mean to be a lord when you're a player, and no, where do you live right now when you were playing this game in the first place?

I have a lot to ask, but I don't know if it's something to ask. Rae is confused.

"You look like you have a lot to ask, but you don't know where to start."

"Huh? Really?

"... no"

"You're not!

"No, probably not. Well, no. There's time, and it's not an atmosphere of continued combat. Either way, it's obvious I'm losing today. Let's answer everything."


Obviously, I don't think winning or losing was so conclusive, but this place should be considered conceded. Together, regrets also gush more than loses, but desperately kills the heart and pretends to be calm. I'm used to doing that in front of this face.

First, there's something I need to ask you. I can't even talk smoothly if I don't know that.

"... what's your name?

"Oops, I was. My name is Lila. As you can see, it's a player playing in the human avatar. I'm usually the lord of this city. Uh, what about you over there?

"... it's such a name I've heard somewhere else. Uh, I say blanc. Skeezy... oops, uh, it's a vampire"

"... Lyla, for what purpose are you doing this?

I have a lot to ask. But first, the game. There's Bran too. You should ask about the game.

"You don't know which one you're referring to. But it's okay. Let me give you an answer.

This whole thing, does that mean I lured Rae out and locked her in here?

Rae nodded.

"The purpose was to serve the event boss," The Death of Coming Down "."

There is a unique noun for the first ear.

Could it be that I'm talking about Rae? If so, I'm too embarrassed.

"That face. No, I'm sorry, I just wanted to see that face. Don't worry, some players just call it that on their own, it's not an official name."

"... Lyla can use 'The Servant'?

"The way you put it, not surprising, means Rae can use it, too. Well, naturally, if not, you can't destroy the city with ants and undead. Exactly."

"That's fine. By the way, how did you take it?

"... are you still confused?

It's a far-fetched question. It's like teaching me that there are multiple means of mastering 'servants'. "

Rae covered her lips.

"Stop, your lips will get rough.

Well, let's just say we didn't ask.

I was able to get the "Servant" because I was reincarnated from a human to a superior race. My current race is called "Noble Human". It's called the aristocracy. "

"You mean you could have been a lord because you became that noble?

"Blanc... That was it. Well, that's one of the factors. I'll explain that to you later. Rae, thanks for being so close to me. Shall I answer Rae's question first?"

It's also very interesting to see how he became a lord. But when I speak to myself on my own, I go out of line, but this sister doesn't like to be directed to it by others.

Yeah, I told you. I'm sure you'll explain it, but I guess after I finish each one.

"Shall we then also share general knowledge of the race? Rae's been called a disaster or something, and you've never heard of a normal city NPC anyway, have you?

"... that's not true. Because we talked a lot today."

"It's a lie! I'm not talking about that!

"Oh, I know about that. That's why you've been waiting here tonight.

Then I'll tell you because you may not have heard of it.

The noble class of human beings is Noble Human. You mean me.

The noble class of the elves is High Elves.

And Dwarf's noble class is Elder Dwarf.

The noble class of beasts is not supposed to exist among NPCs. However, some NPC beasts are inspired by animals that players can't pick early on, so I'm wondering if they are. "

My view of the Beast Man is the same as Rare's.

Rare knows more about the superior species of elves than anyone else.

Dwarf's reincarnation destination is his first ear. This would mean that Dwarf ascends the stairs with Elder Dwarf, Spirit, Spirit King is the regular route.

Lyla says nothing about Dark Elves. I'm not sure if you know it or hide it, but if you open your mouth, they'll pick up information from it again.

And there's got to be Dwarves and something else. There is a Dark Elf present in the reincarnation destination of the Elf, and it is not strange that there is something similar in Dwarf than having a Demon King at its end.

"You can think of this as a common perception of NPC. Maybe there's something else, but the NPCs don't seem to know that, and as far as checking the SNS, there's nothing even the players know.

And these superior races, Noble Human, High Elves, Elder Dwarves, etc. are open to 'serving' as a pedigree skill.

... right, there's a constraint to this' servant ', but let's just say I answer that after he asks me "

It's a very distracting way of saying it.

But the questions are well answered. I was wondering if I should share this information.

I don't want to borrow it, but I'm going to disclose this information in return for this amount of information.

"In the meantime, I'm answering questions and teaching a lot because I lost earlier. You don't have to think about anything else."

You don't have to open your mouth to be read.

"I wonder if this is okay with how I got the 'servant' and its race.

The purpose, as I said, is to keep the Seventh Catastrophe in hand.

I can imagine the next question, but before I do, shall I answer the b (...) la (...) n (...) chi (...) n (...) question?


"Oh, there's something I don't like."

"... no especially"

"I hope so.

That was how I became a lord.

Explain it from the beginning, it'll be a long story, but once you get a break?

"It's okay. There's something else I want to ask you, and go on"

"Let's go on then. Hmm, that said, I wonder where I talked to you from. Shall we go chronologically? Let's start with the first closed-alpha test I took."

"From there!? Not too first!?

"... wait, are you sure that's where you're first?

"That's right. That's where it starts.

... I mean, it's gonna be really long, so it's not as good as taking a break, but can I get you a chair or a drink or something?

Don't be alarmed. Because I don't want to fool around anymore.

And I'm sorry, can I take off my armor? "

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