Golden Experience

Episode 419: May I have a seat?

The most important thing in fieldwork is to build trust on the ground.

Originally, you can learn languages and letters before that, but you don't need them in this gaming world.

It is unclear what kind of system it is, but apparently when some intelligent race or ethnicity develops a language, it is adjusted to ensure that the official language is adopted.

In other words, even if the continent is far apart, there will be no problem.

In addition, the currency seems to be the same, but it is hard to believe that this has naturally become the same design and the same material. I don't know if the currency came from the western continent to the central continent or vice versa.

Given the differences in the economic size of the race as a whole, it is reasonable to assume that it crossed from the Central to the Western continents, but according to the book that was left in the Shape's Imperial Castle, the gold coins from the Central continent were prepared by the former Spirit King.

Although there was no description of where the Spirit King came from, if he had crossed from the Western continent to the Central continent, it would not be strange if the gold coin roots were the Western continent.

Since the origin of the Spirit King is unknown, the same can be said of the southern continent covered in the tree sea.

I can't say without knowing the currencies currently in use in the Southern Continent, but Lyla will reveal them eventually. She did say she was going south.

If the currencies used on all continents and islands are common, it is likely that this was prepared in advance by the operation.

To prevent excessive inflation, or deflation, or stagflation in the game, it is possible that only the operation has complete control over the currency and financial manipulation.

For example, mercenary unions throughout the Central Continent, which act as terminals for central banks, subtly adjust the circulation of gold and coins to stabilize overall prices.

In other words, it is possible that players have been preparing for the downside of the game for more than a few hundred years in anticipation of a market economy that will be destabilized by the emergence of players.

If that's the case, we probably didn't know where the gold coins came from.

I'll put it in the corner of my head for now, but I can remove it from my priorities for now.

Anyway, as long as there is no problem with language or currency, there is no problem with living there.

You can confidently build a relationship of trust.

Fortunately, the management contacted me when I stepped foot on the Western continent, and I got regular gold coins from someone for a small amount. It's not a big deal, but the most expensive equipment is basically covered by bartering among friends, so if you don't have luxury, you won't have to eat it.

"─ ─ I see. Do people in town stay out because it's dangerous? But the fact that some people come from outside means that there are settlements outside the town in some way. Very well. Thank you."

"What a waste of words, Professor."

The professor waved his hand and lowered the hostess.

Originally, fieldwork such as folklore should be done on an annual basis.

One reason is to foster trust on the ground, but another reason is that it is not possible to investigate things like seasonal events throughout the year.

However, if you have a relationship of trust, you don't have to worry about building the best if you "use" all the employees like the accommodation you are staying at right now, and if you have a relationship of trust in the event, you can ask as many locals as you want. A genuine scholar might not be able to investigate unless he actually sees it, but the professor doesn't want it that far.

"... I don't think I'll get anything more from this port town. Gustav seemed to have" operationalized "the locals around the dock, and if the inn and dock were held, it would be fair to say that the city's economy was virtually in Magnum's hands. The market wasn't so big, and people like the mayor said Kelly controlled it."

What bothers me is that sometimes people outside come to town to shop.

There are plants and monster materials that can only be harvested on the Central Continent because professors have left the port and traded with the Western Continent until the merchants in Ricebach risked their lives.

As far as I can hear from the inn lady, few people in this town go outside. If so, it must be someone outside the city who is supplying the materials.

It is clear that the city would not have left without trade with the Central Continent, and I am concerned about the economic vulnerability of entrusting all of the city's lifelines to outsiders, which the professor cannot help but care about.

Whether logistics is delayed by external factors or not, players come from far away.

Given their high carrying capacity and viability, it is not strange to blow up small markets and so on overnight.

It is not a major issue whether a town of this size is financially independent. Instead, it is until the damage is smaller if you do not expect domestic productivity from the beginning.

I wonder if she said it was irregular. I wonder if she will come today. If you come, I'll talk to you for a minute. "

When the people outside the problem came to town, they first took a beat at the inn, made a deal the next day, and left as soon as it was done.

That's why the professor who ruled the inn was able to grasp the trend immediately.

Having been contacted by a midwife, the professor went down to the cafeteria on the first floor of the inn.

Then, two pairs of suspicious robes and two people thought to be outsiders were on a table.

I happen to be staying at the same inn, or because there is only one inn in town, but it seems that they also happened to meet the outsiders in this cafeteria.

It is a mystery why we are talking at the same table, but it may be that we have a high ability to communicate regardless of appearance.

In any case, the professor will not be late.

"─ ─ Hi. You... you were on the same boat as me. You're from the Central Continent. I don't remember either of you....."

The professor must have seen a suspicious robe. If so, I'm not a stranger at all.

It wouldn't be unnatural to talk to him.

"Mm. You're from that ship... Aren't you with the merchant and the escort?

"They seem to know the mayor of this town. I'm staying over there. The two guards are not me, they're my friends' guards, so I'm lonely staying here alone."

I see. Do you come to this town often?

No, it's my first time.

"... I'm afraid I'd better hire an escort for you. From what I've seen, it doesn't look like you're used to rough stuff or fightin 'hard. This place seems to be more dangerous than the Central Continent, and alarm is dangerous."

I got advice.

I thought it was based on something, but I wonder if you have a "true eye" or something. Seeing the glow of the professor's LP disguised by the concealed choker, he decided it was nothing serious. I can't help but point it out in detail.

"I see, maybe so. Thank you for your advice."

"Obviously, it's like nodding. Well, we're not going to die, you're going to die, and you're going to like it."

The black robe poisons me.

It's hard to understand, but it seems to be a reminder to the professor.

Very common sense and kind players for tone.

"Let's remember the liver. By the way, can I sit down?"

The two robes and the two outside gave permission, and the professor arrived at the same table.

"Thank you.

... so what were we talking about? The two of you in the black and white robe seem to be from my hometown, but you will be from this continent. Is there something in common?

- I'm sorry! Drink and cook at this table! I'll pay for it!

He wanted some time to cook, but the liquor came quickly.

"This is a thank you for getting to know me. Don't hesitate to drink."

Players are not really drunk when they drink in the game. Therefore, the age limit in reality is irrelevant. The professor doesn't mind drinking.

If you drink too much, you may get drunk with an abnormal condition, but the professor is not the only one to worry about it. Sometimes I drink alcohol in my fieldwork, because I paid 20 XP points for the characteristic "Uwabumi" during character makeup.

Instead, I had to give up useful interpersonal characteristics such as beauty, but it was also cleared by the remake process at the time of billing rehabilitation. In the sense that you can acquire a certain amount of experience and then acquire some attributes that can only be acquired when creating characters, let's say that was just the right power for a billed item.

"... I'm kind of sorry I've never met you before.

We are residents of a settlement west of here. I'm basically self-sufficient, but I can't get some metal for my weapons. I can pick things like ore, but I can't make them look like metal. That's why I'm here to buy something like that. "

"Even if it's just metal, there are parts of it. It's like a blacksmith, but repairs are the main thing. So I feel like I'm here to buy a weapon."

One was fed, the other named Pasi. They're both beasts.

I have introduced myself to black and white robes in the flow.

When I heard about it, it was a name I often saw on SNS. I see that these men were famous pervert combinations.

Rumors don't count. Their appearance is certainly suspicious, but they are far from perverted.

"My name is Ursus, yes. He's a scholar in the Central Continent. This time, I want to know the lives of people in the western continent, and that's how I crossed the ocean."

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