[The World is Exactly] New Area Western Continent Related Repertoire Part 2 [The Great Sailing Era]

214: Balance

Finally arrived in the western continent!

It's been a long way....

215: Oleso.

Was he a victim of some sort of travel fraud?

How much did you get?

216: Gilgirgames

Don't listen to me.

217: House

If you wear a name, you'll get more and more confusing names.

I thought you knew each other for a moment.

218: Cuvirico

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

219: Saint Regan

I bet you did.

Look at your name. Okay.

I'm telling you, if we go back to the original story, we'll all be the same.

220: Scoop doco.

Anyway, the scammers are gone.

Thanks to you, I was able to get on the boat normally.

221: Saint Regan

Sounds like it.

If you're interested, you should come and see me, because I'm standing on a different thread with suspected fraudsters.

222: Balance

There's no way I'm not interested.

223: Gilgirgames

Thanks for telling me.

I'll see what I can do.

224: Li Nour

Did he go?

But speaking of houses to St. Regan, it's a regular reflection thread.

This thread means you've been in the western continent.

225: Saint Regan

Yeah, I guess so.

If it's a new neighborhood, I'll have to go once.

There was a change in the specifications of the transfer service.

226: Araki Nin.

What are you talking about?

Can you fight?

227: House

Not as good as the top players.

I don't usually write to SNS, but I also have my main friend in combat

As powerful as the King of Hills' capital, he can go to the imperial castle and come back alive.

228: Cheese.

Looks like you're in a hurry.

229: Saint Regan

Well, it's nice to talk about people.

You were the ones who wrote it on the notorious tombstone thread a while ago.

You can't go outside.

230: Incest.

When are you talking to me? You've already escaped.

That's why I heard about the Western continent, so I came this way first.

Back then, there wasn't a lot of scams, so I was able to get on the boat smoothly.

231: Araki Nin.

The monsters around the port town have been roughly investigated, and it's time to move inland.

It's like there's an underground kingdom and a country, and there's a whole city under the ground.

Even if it's underground, it doesn't feel like the bottom of the earth, but it feels like a half-sky dome. About half the city is covered in ground, and the other half is open air.

232: House

Yeah, we heard about the city.

If you want to go to that city, why don't you join us in a raid?

A little more power would be better.

233: Cheese.

You're welcome if you're a squad member.

We're staying at a hotel near the harbor. Where are you?

234: Saint Regan

We're in a new building, so we're in a different place.

Well, wait till then.

In-game Setup Summary Thread Part 13

952: Aidan Momoko

The blonde good-looking gentleman on the roof of the tombstone is under the vampire of the Western continent, the silver-haired good-looking butler is under that authority, the kissy mistake and the undead is under that authority, so FA?

953: Jack, I'll eat the meat today.

What do you mean, "FA"?

954: Okokoshin,

It's an old slang. Does that mean I can come to a conclusion?

I don't know where it came from.

955: Son of God Uduk

Whoa, whoa.

Momoko-san, how old are you?

956: Alonson.

Isn't that a handsome word for death?

I mean, it all goes through, but it does.

957: Aidan Momoko

Welcome aboard.

I mean, at least there must be a better monster in the Western continent than the blonde Count, so it's better to be careful.

958: Saint Regan

What, are you worried about us?

959: Aidan Momoko

That's not it. It means we don't have time to die casually to get information on the Western continent.

I'm not worried about you!

960: Jack, I'll eat the meat today.

Ah! This is the legendary Tunderello Ribaa!

961: Aidan Momoko

Who's Baba? I'm gonna crush you.

962: House

This thread has changed a lot....

963: Alonson.

The professor is gone, and there are many people who have moved from the reflection side to the verification side or the field side, anyway, and the Magnum relationship, which is the greatest concern, is because there is a thread.

Maybe it's a good thing that the settings were subdivided.

964: House

I wonder how things are going to change in a new continent like the Western continent.

In the meantime, let's just offer the topic as an old student.

First of all, the western continent, but the port town, which is the entrance, didn't look any different from this one.

Well, it's not fat, because there was a regular exchange.

However, I don't know if the interaction will become fatter in the future

The ships that took us on board, the other trading ships, they say it's not G.N.G. to cross the sea with too many convoys.

It seems like the sailors don't even know why they're saying that, so some players may come out with gold coins to push.

965: Son of God Uduk

Is it civilization level that doesn't change much?

The inhabitants' ethnicity?

966: House


However, equipment and other materials are used from that continent, so basically it performs better than the central continent.

The metallic material didn't seem to change much, but it wasn't because I saw leather gear and bone gear.

967: Alonson.

Leather and bones are as strong as metal, that's a great story.

Wizard systems and other STR and VIT non-raising groups can also be expected to improve their defenses, and Speed Attackers can also increase their speed.

968: House

There are quite a few production facilities, so it should be interesting enough for the production job.

New market means almost everything is coming, so the merchant system is also rewarding

969: Onkoshi shinta

That's good.

I think I'll go too.

970: House

I'm just a little worried about seeing a familiar NPC.

Sure, his name is Gustav Urban. He's the head of the Urban Chamber of Commerce in the city of Reflexion in the former Hills.

Maybe it's easier to say that he's a servant of the town around King Hills.

971: Jack, I'm gonna eat the meat today.

Is that what you used to do with intercontinental trade?

972: House

No, as far as I can tell, it didn't feel like a trade deal.

It seemed to be partitioning production equipment-related stores like the one I just mentioned, and stores selling intermediate materials and stuff.

With the emergence of the tombstone, it would have been easier for him, a big merchant, to know that the players were all headed west, and he would have built a base there first.

All the shops were brand new, but they seemed to be close to the administration, and they probably made a considerable investment.

973: Alonson.

You mean you have foresight?

974: Saint Regan

That's what happened to the township.

It may be an NPC that helps players prepare their environment so that they don't have any trouble going there, but it's no harm getting along anyway.

We're going to the rumored underground kingdom now that we're inland from the port town, but we're going to call the Urban Chamber of Commerce.

It's an opportunity for them to grow their business, and we're safe because we're going to have a lot of people.

975: Alonson.

Spicy Pollack Roe, too, but that's a bad way to make money.

976: House

And I don't know what Spicy Pollack Roe earns.

977: Aidanmoko

Hey, you said earlier, "Let's start with the Western continent." Is there anything else you want to talk about?

978: House

Ah, there must have been six catastrophes from the upper ecclesiastical levels of the Old Hills and from church officials in other Old Nations.

Now that one of those archangels is dead, and all three of them are in trouble,

One of them said that there were real ancestral vampires in the Western continent.

Well, that's what Aidan Moko said earlier about the Lord of the Blonde Count of Handsome.

979: Aidanmoko

If you ask me, yes.

That's all I can think about.

What the hell is Aidan Momoko?

Maybe it's just a pea or something with Momoko.

980: Okokoshin,

/(adv-to, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim)

981: House

Currently, we only have access to the central continent and the western continent, but there are others who say that we are in the southern continent, the Far East, the eastern sea, the northern pole.

In the future, as these fields are opened up, I think the mystery of the world will gradually be revealed, centered on the existence of disaster.

If you want to think about it, you need to stretch the antenna from the inside out to the front line of information and move it into action as soon as the target field is released, or you won't be able to follow the front line of information.

982: Jack, I'm gonna eat the meat today.

But I can't believe I'm suddenly able to storm a newly opened area.

983: Saint Regan

That's what you're supposed to do.

That's how we do it.

984: Okokoshin,

You need experience before you can do anything.

985: House

And a friend you can count on.

Magnum Related Discussion Thread PART2

52: Jeans.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

53: I'm sorry.

He said he was super busy.

Probably related to the founding of the country.

54: Andy.


Tell me, isn't there just as many people as the pets of this sled?

Why are you so busy?

55: Lin Company

I didn't ask for the details, but it seems that there are more people who want to enter the country than expected.

They're expanding their territory.

56: I'm sorry.

Some of them are helping you.

Me, too.

That's why I can't write much.

57: Jeans.


Well, I guess I'll go help.

58: Andy.

Yeah, I guess so.

I don't think it's a very prominent story here.

59: Nishimin Rose Castle.

More and more players are going to the Western continent.

Everyone in Magnum went that way, too.

60: Au Norda.

Norwegian may have disappeared from the roof of the tombstone.

But it's a little too far.

Ked, it's too hard to get caught up in this.

61: I'm sorry.

Are you out of your mind, O'Norda?

62: Au Norda.

Of course not.

That's the opposite of Norwegian, because one of the players said it on his own, and when I think about it, I don't have a reason to believe it.

I wish I had my own truth.

63: Andy.

Oh, wow.

64: I'm sorry.

I wasn't out of my mind.

65: Bevels.

Well, suppose Magnum isn't in the Central Continent right now.

The players are heading west, so they're not always heading west, are they?

66: Nishimin Rose Castle.

Is it possible that you are going abroad outside the Western continent?

67: Bevels.

/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) slightly/slightly/slightly/

You know, there's something that got us into the fan club, that forest. Not anymore.

Soon after that forest vanished, there was a mysterious crack south of the crater at the forest site.

68: Fast water, Haimi.

I mean, there was, but there's still a variation.

69: Bevels.

If it was a trace of something moving, it would be something related to Magnum Mellum, and it would be south of where it moved.

70: Andy.

So Magnum went to the South, not the West?

71: Jeans.

The Southern Continent?

I thought you had a big demon.

72: Lin Company

I see.

For example, there is a reason why I defeated the Archangel before, and I can think of the same reason why I want the life of the Archangel.

73: I'm sorry.

Since the trail of movement is such a canyon cove, it's probably something big to move, but in that case, you wanted to walk towards it.

If you think about it, it seems like it would take two days on a ship with skilled driving, but it is also possible that the southern continent is closer than the western continent....?

74: Jeans.

I don't know if Portley- or not anymore, but I don't think the southern seaway has been cleared because the tree sea is in the way.

If we can break through that tree sea dungeon, we can go south.

I wonder which is more difficult, a travel fraud or a tree sea dungeon....

75: Andy.

Travel fraud is already a lot on fire, and the tree sea dungeon seems to be hanging out with the MPC people recently, so I think the hurdle is lower in the west.

76: Lin Company

What the hell is going on?

The MPC is a monster player's country, I'm sure.

You're attacking a dungeon.

77: Andy.

No, that's what I heard.

Thanks for working with the monsters in the dungeon.

78: Bevels.

Uh, what's that?

Do monster players get along with monsters?

I've never heard of it.

79: Andy.

I just asked. I don't know the details.

80: Saint Regan.

... why don't you say that this is the most cutting-edge consideration?

Since the reflection thread is neglected, at least you can talk about Magnum.

102: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

Before, who was there when the woods were wiped out?

103: # Morning Run # #

Then I'll be watching!

Of course I ran away before they wiped me out!

104: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

Oh, you're the funny one.

At that time, there was a two-headed dragon on which a member of Magnum was riding.

What kind of guy would you like to see on your back?

105: # Morning Run # #

Of course!

I'm not proud, but my vision is 2.0 for both eyes!

106: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

No, I didn't hear anything about real vision.

But I think he's got visual enhancements.

How many people were there?

107: # Morning Run # #

First of all, when I saw her, she was flying on her own without a ride, but she was a white robe girl.

This is probably Septum.

There were four others on the back of the dragon wearing black, red, green and brown robes.

As far as your threads are concerned, the black one is Octo, and the red one is Norwegian.

108: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

Ah, you've read a thread in the past.

Not only is it funny, but it's also serious.

109: Jingu Shi Akira

The only good thing about number one is that it's serious.

110: Rising River

Sometimes that's a tough time.

111: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

Anyway, thank you.

I suppose it's true that such a serious number one is green and brown.

Yeah, I see.

112: Lin Company

That's a lot of crazy writing.

Something wrong?

113: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

No, actually, I mean, I kind of got a name down, but I got some information about a new member of Magnum from someone I knew.

an old gentleman wearing a brown Inverness coat, a monocle and a stick

They don't know how to fight, but they can use metamorphosis magic.

114: Andy.


Where did you run into him?

115: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

Uh, the western continent.

116: Bevels.

Rose Castle was right.

117: Jeans.

Oh, come on. Oh, my God.

What do we do, we go on a Western expedition?

118: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

I just made a country.

119: Alafuki.

Oh, my God!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

120: It's sturdy and resistant to peeling.

Hey, they found us!

121: Andy.

... you'll find it.

122: Blue-eyed soldier Kotonoha

Come back soon, because you have visitors.

185: Au Nord.

Are we all going to the Western continent after all?

186: I'm sorry.

No, some of them don't.

I think there are fewer of them going.

I'm a little suspicious about the source.

187: rising river

We're going to try.

I'll write it down if I find out anything.

188: jeans

You guys are naturally becoming sledgedwellers.

189: Au Nord.

/(adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) slightly/slightly/slightly/(P)/

I was just wondering if I'd go over there.

But I was wondering if you could just leave me alone.

190: Lin Company

What do you care?

191: O-Norta.

It's the easternmost town on the continent, Moitier.

A while ago, there was sightings of a group of people who might be in Magnum Mellum.

192: Andy.


What kind of information?

193: O-Norta.

Suddenly he killed a player in the street.

It might just be a PK, but the killers were four pairs, one wearing a red robe and the other three a white robe.

So he fled on the boat.

I don't know about the three white robes, but the red robes could be Norwegian.

194: Ama.

I think that's all there is to the PK population of Magnum Melm fans.

195: O-Norta.

So I thought I'd go check it out.

196: Lin Company

I see.

But you've found information about the city that you don't usually hear about.

197: O-Norta

"Red robe." "Red robe." "Fog."

198: Andy

That's awesome.

Normally disgusting.

Chat Overall Thread Part 21

456: Maniho.

Anyone can build a country.

Looks like there's a whole house full of horses and a whole country in turmoil.

457: Clamp

Yeah, I saw it. I saw it.

There are sesame grains on the map. It's funny.

458: McGee.

Suspicion that you applied at the Hesperides Garden when you said you saw the map.

459: Clamp

A man admires the lord of the castle!

460: Tallows.

The lord of a country with only one house.....

461: Clamp

By the way, I'm going to change my mind, but what do I do when I want to move?

462: Maniho.

Have you changed your mind?

463: Masato Akiyama.

It seems that if you apply for bankruptcy to the NPC in charge at Hesperides Park, the state will be dissolved.

It seems like we can't build a real country for a week with penalties.

And then I heard that the NPC in charge was looking at me with a very contemptuous eye and cursing me.

464: Tallows.

You're breaking my heart.

Penalties are high

465: Clamp

What kind of reward comes with penalties?

466: McGee.

Yeah? Yeah.

467: Masato Akiyama.

Huh? Huh?

468: Tallows.

Don't hold back deep (adult response

Why do you want to move the clamp?

Did you see the movie thread a while ago?

469: Paleoctra.

Oral is a good idea if you're moving!

470: McGee.

I didn't call you. Yeah!

471: Clamp

No, I wanted to attend an event or something.

It's a country where events are held like every day.

472: Strawberries.

You mean the Holy Amarier Empire.

All right, listen to me.

473: Tallows.

What are they, a real estate agent or something?

474: Clamp

You don't even have to attend, you just watch, you know, some fun events.

Miss Montgomery contest, fashion show.

475: School underwear.

I know the fashion show.

It's funny just to watch.

476: Maniho.

No, someone who really understands fashion doesn't name it that way....

Dungeons Part 23

34: Nogis.

I haven't seen TKDSG's writings lately, but what's the status of the attack in the aerial garden?

35: Nose elevo.

Well, they don't write much.

36: Mayzak.

Because they are in the production job and the clan, the materials do not flow, and people who are famous and mysterious

37: Dicron.

Their strategy information is paid for.

Maybe it was Hills' place of work, where I could get information.

38: Ajillo leaves, spring onions

A garden in the sky is like a rock golem or something.

The other day, when I was nearby, it seemed like Rock Golem was back.

You're not attacking anymore, are you?

39: Nogis.

Well, then where did he go?

It's a big place, isn't it?

It's hard to think of retirement for all of us.

40: Mayzak.

Somewhere in time, you'll get some sightings.

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