Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1 1. Golden Light

The sun scorched the land and the ocean mercilessly. It was only June when Hongyang City was already experiencing high temperatures.

Ao Muyang walked up to the dock and casually looked around. Just like when he left his hometown five years ago, there were dozens of ships docked on the turbid sea, mostly rafts, sampans and small fishing boats, with few large ships.

This small dock is called Longwangdu, and the village he is in is called Longtou Village. The two names are closely related - it is said that a dragon once appeared in Ao Muyang's hometown during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The dragon soared from the deep sea and passed by the dock, leaving the name "Longwangdu". It later ascended to the shore, and the place where the dragon head was before ascending became their village.

Ao Muyang had just gone over the legend he had heard since he was a child in his mind, and a small iron boat with an outboard motor docked at the dock.

As soon as the boat stopped, a dark-faced young man in his twenties on the bow shouted: "Ferry, ferry, Longtou Village, Shijia Village, Qiantan Town, are there any people going? If you want to go, come and buy tickets quickly, the boat will not wait for anyone!"

A travel team of more than ten people walked over, and someone asked: "Captain, how much does it cost to go to Qiantan Town?"

The young man looked at them and said in a sullen voice: "40 yuan each."

Someone else asked: "So expensive? How much does it cost to go to Wangjia Village?"

"Is this expensive? Nonsense! One hundred yuan to go to Wangjia Village!" The young man left a stiff quote and lowered his head to pack up the ropes.

The tourists heard the perfunctory meaning in his tone, and some were dissatisfied and said: "Don't think that we outsiders are easy to deceive. Wangjia Village belongs to Qiantan Town, not far from the town, why is there such a big difference?"

The dark-faced young man said without raising his head: "If you want to sit, sit, anyway, it's 40 to Qiantan and 100 to Wangjia Village."

He said this very aggressively, and the expressions of the people around who were preparing to take the boat looked ugly.

Ao Muyang walked up quickly and asked with a smile: "Brother Chuan, what about Longtou Village?"

The young man still didn't look up, but his attitude improved. He said: "Longtou Village is cheap, only 20 yuan, and we will introduce the fishing village for free. We will definitely not cheat you."

Ao Muyang took out 20 yuan and handed it to him, sighing: "It's only been a few years, and the price has risen so much. When I went to Kyoto, I remember it was still 5 yuan a trip."

The young man raised his head after hearing what he said, and then shouted in surprise: "Fuck! Yangzi? It's you? You, when did you come back?"

As soon as the young man appeared just now, Ao Muyang recognized him. This was his good friend in the village, named Ao Fugui. The two grew up playing naked.

Patting his buddy on the shoulder, he smiled and said, "I just came back. It's that day in two days. I came back to accompany my parents."

After hearing his words, Ao Fugui's face darkened. He opened his mouth and closed it again, and finally whispered, "Okay, it's good to be back. Get on the boat quickly and let's go home."

Ao Muyang got on the boat, and more than a dozen people followed him. They all paid 20 yuan for the ferry fee and also went to Longtou Village.

After more than ten minutes, no one got on the boat. The external engine covered with rust on the surface started to roar, and this old-looking iron boat sailed into the vast ocean.

When Ao Fugui came back after collecting the money from the passengers, Ao Muyang asked curiously: "Our village is not far from the town. It only takes half an hour to walk there. Why do you charge half the money?"

Ao Fugui pursed his nose and smiled honestly, saying: "You don't know Yangzi. In recent years, the town and the village have been doing fishing houses, and there are several in our village. If you save half the money, everyone will be willing to take a boat to our village. In this way, someone may eat at our fishing house on the way."

Ao Muyang understood and said: "You are still as kind-hearted as before."

Longwang Ferry is about 25 kilometers away from the dock of Longtou Village. The outboard engine of the iron boat is not powerful enough and the speed is very slow. It is good to run seven or eight knots. It takes about one and a half hours to complete this distance.

Twenty-five kilometers is not far. If you walk by land, you can easily reach it in an hour even if you ride an electric bike.

But his hometown has a very bad terrain. It is a rare area in China where mountains and seas meet. There are mountains everywhere on the land. Many villages have no roads yet, so people can only travel by sea.

Looking at the continuous mountains on the shore, Ao Muyang asked: "I heard outside that the country has a project called "Village-to-Village Road", which is dedicated to building roads in rural areas. Is there no road in our village yet?"

Ao Fugui kicked the boat board with a cigarette in his mouth. He said sullenly: "It can't be repaired. The government said that the cost is too high. We have a ferry, but it has never been repaired."

Hearing this, Ao Muyang shook his head.

They can indeed ferry, but every household has a small and broken boat. It takes an hour and a half from the village to the dock, not to mention going to the city. If a child goes to school or has a headache or fever and wants to go to the hospital, he will have to toss half his life.

While chatting, he looked around. There were no boats in the shallow sea nearby, only some small sampans floating on the sea.

After more than ten minutes, a trawler painted white appeared on the sea. Ao Muyang casually said, "This boat is good. Whose is it?"

Ao Fugui looked at it and his face changed. He said angrily, "It's not good at all. It's Wangjia Village's boat. You ran into them when you came back. It's really unlucky!"

Wangjia Village and Longtou Village are neighboring villages, and there is a lake between the two villages.

As the saying goes, a distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor, but this does not apply to these two villages.

In Ao Muyang's memory, there was a feud between the two villages, and it was related to the legend he just remembered.

It is said that before the divine dragon ascended, he hit his head on the ground and spit out a spiritual spring to the west of the land. The spring water later turned into a lake called Ambergris Lake.

At that time, many people saw it, and several families rushed over to live in this land stained with dragon energy.

Everyone wanted to live here, but the land was too small to accommodate so many families, so families started fighting over it.

The ancestors of Ao Muyang won the battle in the end. They lived on the land where the dragon's head touched. The other families stayed on the east side of Longxiu Lake and formed a village called Qixing Village.

After hundreds of years of development and integration, the Wang family overcame the other six families to become the largest family in the area, and renamed the village Wangjiacun.

The two villages initially competed for the land of Longtou Village, and later began to compete for the catches in Ambergris Lake, and later on the catches in the ocean.

In this way, the struggle continued for hundreds of years and eventually turned into a feud.

Ao Fugui turned the rudder with a sullen face, trying to turn, but the fishing boat from Wangjiacun came specifically towards him. His boat was too old and dilapidated, and the fishing boat that came was a new type of trawler, which was far inferior in speed and agility. It was easy for them to approach.

Wangjiacun's trawler must have been bought not long ago. The white paint on the hull is bright and shiny, and the name of the ship is written under the side of the ship: Tu Tulong!

The two ships approached, and there was a young man standing on the bow of the trawler. When he got closer, he shouted loudly: "Ao Fugui, you are a bastard and are engaging in private smuggling? You are so bold, you are looking for death..."

The young man cursed when he opened his mouth. Ao Muyang glanced at him and interrupted him: "Wang Dongliang? Please be more polite. We haven't seen each other for several years. Why do you keep wandering back?"

This young man named Wang Dongliang is his middle school classmate. His father is the village director of Wangjia Village. He has had a bad temper since he was a child.

When he was in school, he was jealous of Ao Muyang's good grades and popularity. He often went to find trouble, but as long as there were not many helpers, he would be dealt with miserably every time.

Hearing his words, Wang Dongliang was stunned. He looked carefully and said with a smile: "Oh, who is this? The top student in No. 1 Middle School? I haven't seen you for several years. I thought you were He's dead. By the way, I haven't seen your parents for several years. Where are they? "

These words were very unpleasant. Ao Fugui's face changed drastically. He reached out and picked up the harpoon on the bow of the boat and shouted: "You idiot, grandson, I will kill you!"

Ao Muyang was even more angry. If Wang Dongliang dared to say this face to face, he would definitely beat him so hard that he would not even be able to recognize his own mother.

But there is no way to take action now. The opponent's trawler is one or two meters higher than their iron boat, and there are more people on board. Anger will not help.

Suppressing his anger, he pressed Ao Fugui's shoulders and said solemnly: "Just listen to the dog barking and deal with him later."

Seeing that Ao Muyang didn't get angry, Wang Dongliang seemed to find it meaningless. He returned to the cockpit and took control of the rudder himself, lazily shouting: "Sit down, let's go..."

The trawler slowly accelerated and moved away from the iron boat. But just as their bows approached, the bow of the fishing boat suddenly turned slightly and hit the bow of the iron boat!

The iron boat was not stable. It shook violently after being hit. Ao Muyang, who was standing on the bow of the boat, could not stand still. He staggered and his head hit the harpoon raised by Ao Fugui next to him. His forehead suddenly hit him. There was a big gash!

Feeling only a sharp pain, Ao Muyang subconsciously covered his head. But at this moment, the fishing boat hit the iron boat again!

Now the iron boat shook even more violently, and the passengers on the boat were knocked around and Ao Muyang couldn't stand still due to the pain in his forehead, and suddenly fell into the sea water.

He didn't panic after falling into the sea. Which fisherman child who grew up by the sea has not been proficient in water skills since childhood?

In addition, Ao Fugui, who was standing next to him just now, jumped down and reached out to grab his arm to pull him out of the water.

But at this moment, a golden light vaguely appeared in Ao Muyang's field of vision!

This golden light is only the size of the belly of your thumb, and its light is soft, like a firefly. It swam rapidly in the sea water, its trajectory was chaotic, and finally hit Ao Fugui's back.

Then, something happened that surprised Ao Muyang. This golden light actually passed through Ao Fugui's body and hit him at a very fast speed, hitting the injured spot in the middle of his forehead!

Just when he was wondering what this golden light was, his brain suddenly felt like an electric shock, and then he discovered to his horror that he couldn't control his body.

In addition, what frightened him even more was that his body could no longer feel the buoyancy and sank to the bottom of the sea like a piece of iron...

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