Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 100 100. Come on

"What's this for?" Lu Zhizi asked.

Ao Muyang put his hand over his brow, shielding the sun from the sea, and then his face darkened: "Fuck him, a sand pumping ship that will destroy our family line!"

In the distant sea, the ship appeared and pumped seawater at full speed. It pumped up the seawater with mud and sand, and ejected it from the stern.

In addition to the thick nozzle at the stern, there is also an even thicker iron net. The mud and sand flow back to the sea through the iron net, while reefs, clams, shrimps, crabs, shellfish, big fish and small fish will be caught by the iron net.

Someone was busy at the stern. They took out the stones that fell into the iron net and threw them away. The rest were collected, the big ones were classified, and the small ones were mixed together. Soon, they were loaded into boxes.

Lu Zhizi was a little short-sighted and couldn't see the situation on the boat, but she knew that this must be a very bad thing, otherwise Ao Muyang, who always paid great attention to his image in front of her, would not swear.

She was wondering what bad things a sand pumping boat could do, when the people around her started discussing:

"Which village's boat is this? Damn it, they are so shameless to do such a thing that will destroy their descendants!"

"Someone in the county did this last year, and you see these bad guys are following suit this year, using sand pumping boats to pump fish fry, shrimps and crabs from the bottom of the sea. They are so conscienceless!"

"Call the police and arrest them. There are fewer and fewer things near the coast, and they are the ones who are catching them. What is this called? This is called draining the pond to catch fish!"

Listening to the angry discussions of the villagers, Lu Zhizi understood what was going on. This is not an ordinary sand pumping boat. This is a fishing boat that specializes in catching small fish and shrimps on the bottom of the sea during low tide.

In shallow waters with abundant sunlight, the deeper the water, the richer the life, and the more fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish are hidden on the bottom of the sea.

They are hidden in the mud and sand on the bottom of the sea, and it is usually difficult to catch them with fishing nets or fishing rods. In normal times, the sea is relatively deep, and the pipe length of the sand pumping boat does not meet the standard and cannot be used.

So these people took advantage of the low tide, which caused the relatively deep sea area to become shallow today, and drove the sand pumping boat to kill all the small fish and shrimp hiding in the mud and sand on the seabed!

Ao Fugui, Ao Mupeng and other young people from the village ran to him and said, "Brother Yang, what should we do? If they continue to pump like this, this beach will be finished this year and next year!"

"This year and next year, when will it not be finished in the future?" Ao Mufeng said angrily.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Small fish, shrimps and crabs not only play a role in reproducing species, but are also an indispensable part of the food chain on the seabed. Once the food chain is broken at this point, the entire chain will collapse!

Ao Muyang returned the shoes in the general's mouth to Lu Zhizi and said, "Wait here, I'll take people to see what's going on."

The boats at the dock were stranded, and they could only carry the rubber raft into the sea and paddle to get close to the sand pumping boat.

When the raft approached, Ao Muyang looked up and asked, "Hey, which village are you from?"

A big man with half of his eyebrows broken was squatting on the side of the boat smoking. He glanced at him coldly and said, "What are you doing?"

Ao Mufeng said, "If you are not from Qiantan Town, even those dog coins in Wangjia Village will not do such a thing. This is a bad deed. No one in our fishing family does this!"

Ao Muyang said to the people on the boat, "Hey, where are you from? You are not allowed to use sand pumping boats to catch fish, shrimp and crab seedlings here!"

The middle-aged man said contemptuously, "Who are you? Is this ocean yours?"

Live by the mountain and eat by the mountain, live by the sea and eat by the sea. The fishermen really regard the beach and sea in front of their village as their own one-third acre of land.

In the past, when the world was in chaos, each village often fought for a piece of land on land, with the purpose of occupying the corresponding sea area.

Because they regard the sea area in front of the village as their own territory, everyone is very protective of it. Although Wangjia Village is a bastard, they will not do such an immoral thing. Those who do this are foreign ships, who only want to make money and don’t care about the environment.

Facing the questioning of the middle-aged man, Ao Muyang said confidently: "This is my home, what's wrong? Do you know what you are doing? Don’t you know that this will destroy this sea area?"

Another middle-aged man came over and laughed: "Fuck, you are an environmental protection organization? You are so annoying. Of course we know what we are doing. We are making money."

The people next to him laughed: "They protect a fart, they are just meddling in other people's business. What does the destruction of the sea have to do with us? You are so impatient!"

Ao Fugui had a bad temper and wanted to climb up from the boat immediately: "Fuck, get out of here!"

The people on the boat kicked him up from above. Ao Fugui was climbing the gangway with his head raised, and was kicked on the forehead by someone. He couldn't hold the gangway and fell into the sea.

Seeing this, the young men of Longtou Village were furious and prepared to fight.

The people on the boat were not afraid at all. Some people even took out harpoons and stood on the gangway, shouting: "Whoever comes up here will be pierced by me!"

"Come on, record the video and leave evidence. I will beat anyone who dares to break into my boat! This is my boat. This is a private house. We are not afraid of going to the police station!"

"I came to beat your beach to give you face, a bunch of mud-legged country bumpkins, but you are shameless!"

Ao Fugui climbed onto the raft. He was furious and gritted his teeth to break into it again.

Ao Muyang grabbed him and said, "Don't be impulsive, let's go back."

Ao Fugui said angrily: "Yangzi, are we going back like this? This is too cowardly!"

Ao Mufeng and others were also very dissatisfied: "That's right, Brother Yang, I don't believe he really dares to touch us, mobilize the whole village to deal with them!"

"That's right, we can't kill these bastards!"

Ao Muyang said calmly: "I'll handle this matter, go back first."

They paddled back on the raft, and Ao Muyang lowered his head and led the general away from the dock and walked towards the village.

The villagers asked anxiously how to deal with this matter. Ao Mufeng and others said the result with gloomy faces, and the fishermen on the beach were furious.

"What's going on? How does Yangzi want to deal with it?"

"How else can it be dealt with? Go ahead, fuck them!"

"Yangzi is young, but he is timid after all!"

Seeing the villagers' indignation, Ao Zhiyi felt that the people's hearts could be used. He saw an opportunity, an opportunity to suppress Ao Muyang and enhance his prestige!

So after calculating in his heart, he stood up and shouted: "Can you rely on Yangzi for this kind of thing? What can he do as a young man? Everyone get on the raft and follow me, everyone go over, fuck him, I'll kill these dog coins!"

"Okay, follow the village chief!" Someone immediately responded with passion.

"Fuck them!"

Several rafts were pushed into the sea and headed for the sand pumping ship.

Ao Zhiyi was full of energy and waved his hand and shouted, "Get on!"

Suddenly, rafts rushed to the sand pumping ship, and Ao Zhiyi's raft fell to the last.

The people on the sand pumping ship were annoyed by this. The man with half eyebrows said in an evil voice, "Damn it, these stinky farmers are looking for death. Erhou, you hold the harpoon and guard the side of the ship. Jianguo, turn the sandblasting tube for me. Don't they want the catch? I'll give it to them!"

The raft was much shorter than the sand pumping ship. The fishermen standing on it could not reach the side of the sand pumping ship even if they raised their hands, so they were in a disadvantageous position.

When they approached the sand pumping ship, the people on the ship moved the sandblasting tube from a high position, and suddenly, streams of mud and sand mixed with sea water sprayed on the raft.

The mud and seawater were sprayed out by the machine, which was more powerful than a high-pressure water gun. The people who were sprayed could not even stand and were directly washed off the raft.

The people on the boat laughed loudly. Ao Zhiyi, who was at the rear of the fleet, saw that the situation was not good and waved his hand quickly: "Let's go!"

Their raft was rowed backwards, and they immediately went from being at the rear to being at the front.

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