Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1032 1039. Fisherman's Spicy Stew

Boiled first and then roasted, this small sparrow is delicious and crispy. It tastes spicy and crunchy. Ao Muyang just sucked a mouthful and his lips went numb, and then his appetite immediately opened up.

The pepper and chili used to apply the sauce were very flavorful. After he started eating, the three of them hissed and gasped.

After all, the young boy wanted to eat it, but Jiang Caoqi stopped him and said, "Hiss, it's so spicy, it's too spicy, kid, hiss, kids can't eat it, it will hurt your stomach."

"Then I'm not afraid."

"You can't be afraid, even a man like me can't stand this spiciness. Hiss, go, pour a glass of water for your uncle, cold water, cold!"

Jiang Caoqi couldn't eat spicy food, and fanned his mouth with his hand while waiting for the water to come.

After all, she stretched her little face to bring him a cup, and he poured it into his mouth without looking. As a result, a mouthful of water entered his mouth and he spit it out with a puff.

Jiang Caoqi wanted to turn his head and spray it on the open space, but he couldn't hold it in halfway, and the contents of his mouth sprayed on Lu Wuyi's head...

Lu Wuyi was annoyed, and grabbed Ao Muyang and acted like a spoiled child: "Brother-in-law, look, he spit something on me."

Ao Muyang wiped his mouth and said: "Hiss, so disgusting."

"Yeah, Jiang Shao, why did you drink a mouthful of the marinade soup?"

"No, I said your tone is really disgusting."

Jiang Caoqi quickly took a few tissues to Lu Wuyi and said: "Xiaolu, wait for me for a while, I will beat this naughty kid to death and then come to apologize to you."

After all, running away, like Nezha on a wind-fire wheel.

Spicy little sparrow is delicious but you can't eat too much, because you have to suffer twice when you eat it, the first time is when you eat it, and the second time is when you excrete it.

Ao Muyang kept hearing someone screaming in the toilet during those two days, and he also saw someone taking ice cubes to the toilet.

Lu Wuyi laughed and said, "These people really can't eat spicy food. Brother-in-law, you see I'm fine after eating so much, it's not spicy at all."

Ao Muyang said, "That's because you're lucky with me. Why do you think I put so many peppercorns in it? If there weren't any peppercorns, try eating this and going to the toilet again."

Lu Wuyi smiled and said, "No wonder, I didn't feel anything when I went to the toilet these two days."

After all, he asked in confusion, "Uncle, why don't people feel sweet when they eat candy and feel spicy when they eat chili?"

"Because spicy is a kind of pain, and sweet is a kind of taste."

The young boy suddenly realized, "So that's it. I thought people's chrysanthemums also have taste cells."

"How is that possible? If chrysanthemums have that thing, wouldn't every time you poop be equivalent to tasting the taste of shit?" Lu Wuyi drew inferences from one example.

After he finished speaking, he was happy: "If it's like this, those who poop fast are fine, but those who poop slowly and are constipated are savoring the taste carefully, right?"

"You're disgusting." Lao Ao was amazed at his brain circuit, "I tell you, Xiaoxiao, change your temper, otherwise no girl will want to talk to you."

"I won't talk to girls casually. I can't let Sister Yan misunderstand me." Lu Wuyi said in a passionate tone.

Ao Muyang said: "You're done, there's really no possibility between you and Sister Yan."

"Why not? I admit that there are some barriers between Sister Yan and me, but we are changing for each other."

Ao Muyang wondered: "I believe you changed for Sister Yan, but Sister Yan changed for you? How did she change? Did she take the initiative to disfigure herself?"

Lu Wuyi said: "How is it possible! She, she changed her mobile phone number..."

Ao Muyang hurriedly called, but Yan Qingcheng's commonly used mobile phone number replied with a 'This number does not exist'.

"Oh my god, I have to kill you today, you evildoer!"

The spicy stewed dishes are hard to eat, but the taste experience is beyond words. The spicy stewed small sparrows are sold very well in the village. Although the villagers caught a lot of them before, they were sold out in two or three days.

The villagers had a brainstorming session. Although the small sparrows were gone, the old soup was still there, and the recipe for the stew was still there. They used this stew to make something else, and it was just as spicy!

The Big Dragon Head brought back some mantis shrimps from the sea. This season is not the time to eat mantis shrimps. The shrimps don't have much meat and are not plump.

So, the villagers made spicy stewed mantis shrimps. They saw that the mantis shrimps of uniform size were killed and cooked alive, and the freshness of the mantis shrimps was perfectly preserved, and then stewed.

The mantis shrimps stewed in the old soup do not need to be peeled, but eaten one by one, which is very chewy and allows people to enjoy the spicy taste.

There are also spicy stewed jade snails and spicy stewed prawns, which are very common. The villagers made spicy stewed small squids.

They used squid, which was small in size and had very elastic meat. It was a real treat to eat a mouthful of spicy squid and a sip of beer.

In addition, there were more spicy marinated conch, spicy clams and even spicy abalone. Tu Yishao opened a new dish for the fisherman's house, and the spicy style began to prevail in the village.

Originally, Hongyang's seafood was sold for its freshness. The seafood just out of the sea was either steamed or dry-roasted to preserve the freshness of the seafood as much as possible.

But now tourists really like spicy food, for no other reason, this thing is the most suitable for drinking.

In the morning of early November, Ao Muyang combed the general's hair at the door. It was the time for it to shed its hair twice a year. Now it had to shed its short hair in summer and grow long hair to spend the winter.

The name of the golden shorthair dog carries the word "short hair". Their hair is not long, but it has a relative length. In autumn, the hair they shed is very fine, and you can't even find that they are shedding without paying attention.

Even if Ao Muyang didn't clean it up, it could moult on its own, but the dog hair that fell off was too fine and stuck to furniture and appliances, making it difficult to clean, so he took a hair brush at the door and started cleaning it up.

It was already late autumn, and the direct sunlight on his body not only did not make him hot, but also made him feel warm and comfortable. The general lay on his side on the ground and squinted his eyes, enjoying the sunshine and caressing. It was so satisfying.

Wolf Big Wolf II also moults, but their moult is much simpler. The fine hairs fall off quickly, and then grow coarse, long hair on top of them.

Wolves do not need to be groomed when they shed their fur. They are wild animals and can do it all on their own.

The general was lying on his side on the ground, while the big wolf and the second wolf were making a fuss on their own. Or rather, the second wolf was making a fuss. They kept pounced on the big wolf, either nibbling on its ears or on its tail. The big wolf could only give it a look. Pushing it out in disgust.

Sometimes when the wolf gets upset, the big wolf will bite the second wolf. Whenever this happens, the second wolf immediately squeals and lies on the ground with its belly exposed, as if "you can bite me to death, you don't like your brother anyway" Posture.

Lang Da was helpless because of the torment, so he hid next to Ao Muyang.

The general, who squinted his eyes as if he was asleep, stretched out his paw to push it. Ao Muyang wanted to change places, but he immediately retracted his paw and pressed it on Lao Ao's hand: Don't move, just here, do it again, it's very comfortable.

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