Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1040 1047. Does the manatee know?

Ao Muyang hung up the phone and put it on mute.

Lu Zhizi asked in a daze: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." This matter has to be said tomorrow morning. It was obviously a call from a certain student, but the kid was quite smart and used the voice changer that comes with his phone. He couldn't tell whose doll it was.

But no matter whose family it is, it must be from the surrounding villages, so it is not difficult to find it.

He lay down and fell asleep again, but his cell phone still rang.

Ao Muyang got up angrily, Ma De had seen a ghost, the phone was clearly set to silent mode!

When he got up, he took a look and realized that it was his cell phone that was ringing this time...

It was another unknown number. He guessed that it was the caller from before and wanted to hang up. But he was really angry, so he answered the phone and asked in a dark voice, "Who are you?"

"You don't have to worry about who I am. You are Teacher Lu Zhizi's man, right?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"I've already said that you don't care who I am. You wake her up and have a word with her. This is very important."

"You go ahead and stop talking nonsense. If you keep talking nonsense, I will die." Lao Ao was very impatient.

"Let her get up! When can I go to bed after finishing my homework, let her sleep again!"

Hearing this, Ao Muyang laughed angrily. Lu Zhizi was woken up and asked in a daze: "What's wrong? Why are there so many calls today?"

Ao Muyang motioned for her to continue sleeping. He took the phone and went to the door. A gust of cold wind blew through him and made him shiver twice. This made him feel even more angry. All his grievances were pinned on this man's head.

He said: "You must think I don't know who you are, right?"

The other person was just a child, and he was immediately frightened: "You must not know, I just bought this number, and no one knows who I am."

"You are Teacher Lu's student, so you should know how powerful I am. Do you know how strong my relationship with the Public Security Bureau is? Tomorrow I will find a friend to investigate your account. I will find out who bought it and where it is! "Ao Muyang said through gritted teeth.

The other party was so frightened that he immediately hung up the phone.

Think you can just hang up your phone? Lao Ao sent him another message: I have saved the number. Unless you go to Teacher Lu to admit your mistake tomorrow, otherwise...

He didn't say much about the threat. It would be interesting to leave some suspense. People's biggest fear is the unknown.

This time the phone was set to silent again, and he could finally have a good sleep.

He didn't take it to heart. The next morning when Lu Zhizi went to work, he planned to go to the beach for inspection. But just as he went out, he received a call from Lu Zhizi:

"Hey, hubby, what happened last night? Why did a child kneel down to me in tears as soon as I arrived at school today and said that he made a mistake last night and provoked me?"

Upon hearing this, Lao Ao Le was shocked. He told Lu Zhizi what happened last night in detail, and then told Lu Zhizi: "Teach him well."

Lu Zhizi smiled bitterly and said, "There's no need to train him. This unlucky kid was scared to death by you. I saw that he packed a bag of snacks and probably ran away from home if he doesn't apologize today."

Everything in the village was as usual, the area was clean and tidy, there were many fishermen in the lake and on the beach, but there were no disputes. Even in autumn, the tourism business in the village was vibrant.

He stayed at the Green Turtle Sanctuary for a while. Some green turtles did not leave. He was surprised when he saw it and asked: "Professor Li, don't sea turtles have seasonal migration characteristics? Why are they still here at this time?"

Li Ji smacked his lips and said, "I don't know if this is a good thing. These green turtles are not from our protected area. They swam from the northern sea. When they found our greenhouse here, they stayed."

Ao Muyang was happy and said: "Isn't this a good thing? Now in winter tourists can see turtles."

Li Ji shook his head and said: "It is a good thing for the village, but not a good thing for the turtles. It may disturb their migration memory and affect their endocrine."

This is a big deal. In addition to viral and bacterial infections, almost all reptile patients are caused by endocrine problems.

Ao Muyang comforted him and said: "It's okay, the green turtle's life is not so fragile, so don't worry."

Li Ji sighed: "I'm not only worried about this, but also about some things in the Provincial Aquarium."

"What happened over there again?"

"During the Spring Festival last year, the Mexican government delegation sent a group of manatees as a gift when they visited China. Do you know about manatees?" Li Ji asked.

Ao Muyang was surprised, and he said: "I know the manatees, but weren't they eaten to extinction by humans? I have seen a column on marine animals before, which said that manatees were discovered in the 18th century, and then in the 18th century It was eaten up, it seems to be in the North Pacific or the Arctic Ocean? "

Li Jidao: "You usually have to study more. What you are talking about is sea cows, also called Bering sea cows, because they are found in the Bering Strait. This is the largest known species in the order Sirenia. Compared with its close relatives, manatees and sea cows, Dugongs are much larger, and among the manatees that have survived to modern times, they are the only species adapted to cold climates..."

When it came to professional knowledge, the old professor started giving lectures again.

Ao Muyang was concerned about the manatee issue and asked, "What happened to the manatee that Lao Mo gave us?"

Li Ji frowned in dissatisfaction and said, "The manatee sent by Mexico is the American manatee, which is a relative of the Steller's Sea Cow. Let's not talk about it now, let's talk about the Steller's Sea Cow first. Alas, it is really a tragedy. From the time Stella discovered the Steller's Sea Cow in 1741 to the time the last Steller's Sea Cow was killed in 1768, it existed in the human vision for only 27 years before it was declared extinct. Alas!"

Ao Muyang cooperated and said, "At that time, humans had no concept of species protection, which is understandable."

"Humph, you are very familiar with finding excuses, so why would you find excuses for your own kind?" As a big shot in the animal protection industry, Li Ji would explode when mentioning extinct species.

Ao Muyang said aggrievedly: "Old man, please don't wrongly accuse me. It was the white people who exterminated the sea cows. They are nothing like me."

"You are all foodies." Li Ji said, "The sea cows were eaten to extinction. In the following years, the European fleets that visited the Bering Sea, those bastard foodies, regarded the sea cows as a special dish. Every ship passing by would try every means to catch the sea cows..."

Ao Muyang said hesitantly: "Old man, you seem to be a foodie too?"

He thought that the reason why Li Ji was so angry about this matter was because the sea cows were eaten up, so that he, an old foodie, could not enjoy the deliciousness of the sea cows.

But this is just a thought, it is definitely not true. The old man's moral integrity is still clear. It is unfair to think so to the old professor who has devoted his life to the research and protection of marine animals.

But his words did hit the seven inches of Li Ji, the old snake. He was silent for a while and said: "Where were we talking just now? I was talking about the problem of American manatees."

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