Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1046 1053. Grabbing Food

The Tutulong was a big ship in Qiantan Town. When Wang Youwei was the village chief, the ship was overbearing and domineering.

Later, because of smuggling, the ship was seized by the coast guard. Wang Youwei and his son were imprisoned for different reasons. Wangjia Village fell from grace and was replaced by Longtou Village.

After Yang Shuyong became the village chief of Wangjia Village, he did not get the Tutulong back. He was just an ordinary fisherman, at most a strong ordinary fisherman, with no connections in the officialdom. So as far as Ao Muyang knew, the Tutulong had always been in the hands of the coast guard.

At this time, seeing the Tutulong in the fleet, he was a little unsure for a moment: Is this really the ship he is familiar with? Could it be two fishing boats of the same model and similar paint?

There are two arguments to support his guess. The first is that in his impression, the Tutulong is a big ship, and the white fishing boat in the fleet is a little small. It is just a little brother among a bunch of thousand-ton fishing boats.

Second, he doesn't know anything about this fleet. How can Wangjia Village have news? How can it join the fleet?

Ao Daguo and his party were just as confused as him. Ao Daguo drove the fishing boat close to the white boat, and then they confirmed that this was the Tutulong:

At the stern of the white boat, Yang Shuyong, wearing a military green jacket, was waving at them with a big smile on his face...

Ao Daguo connected the radio, and Ao Muyang asked in confusion: "Old Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Shuyong's voice came from the radio: "Hey, of course I'm here, I followed the Japanese to catch saury."

Ao Muyang continued to wonder: "You are well-informed? I haven't received any news about the fleet here, how did you get it?"

This time it was Yang Shuyong's turn to wonder: "You are too out of touch, right? The Ocean and Fisheries Bureau has been promoting the news of the establishment of an ocean fishing fleet since the opening of the sea, and has issued notices to our village committees. Didn't you notice it?"

Ao Muyang really didn't notice it. After all, he has been busy developing the village's tourism industry since the opening of the sea, and he doesn't care much about going out to sea for fishing.

Yang Shuyong also told him that the reason why Tutulong was taken back was because he joined the fleet. This time the fleet went to the high seas around Japan to catch saury in order to attack the Japanese Fisheries Association. It was a private fishery attack action and was officially supported. All the fishing boats participating in the fleet would benefit.

Ao Muyang was depressed. There was no benefit for him. Dai Zongxi almost squeezed him into the fleet by driving a sow to the kang.

The fleet sailed all the way to the northeast, and he got more information on the way.

As we all know, saury has always been a favorite delicacy of the Japanese. Grilled saury is one of the most famous winter dishes for drinking in Hokkaido.

However, in recent years, the number of foreign saury fishing boats operating in the high seas has increased a lot, resulting in increased pressure on the catch of saury in Japan, and local fishermen and people have complained.

In June this year, Japan held a meeting called the North Pacific Fisheries Commission. This was the first meeting of the meeting.

This meeting had multiple topics, one of which was about the allocation of saury resources in Northeast Asia. Japan proposed that the participating countries curb the rapid increase in saury fishing boats and catch saury resources more reasonably.

At that time, the countries talked very well and distributed the saury resources in the high seas very friendly.

In this way, the Juzhang-Hongyang deep-sea autumn fishing fleet was formed, and all large fishing boats participated in the action. The scale was huge and the momentum was magnificent!

Although the fleet was very domineering in the sea and the fishermen were in a heroic mood, Ao Muyang was not very optimistic about this action. Catching saury was not that simple.

Saury is a cold-water stream-swimming fish. There are currently four species distributed in the three oceans, including the North Atlantic saury, the Pacific saury and the Indian Ocean saury.

Japan, North Russia, North Korea and China are going to catch Pacific saury, which is mainly distributed in the waters from the eastern Pacific Ocean to the Hawaiian Islands. They migrate southward from Hokkaido to the northeastern region from late August to December to reach the southern waters of Japan. The migration route is clear and the migratory population is huge.

Historically, Japan and North Korea have always had the tradition of autumn saury fishing. They are more experienced and capable in this regard. They send out professional saury fishing boats, and the fishing operations are more efficient.

Especially in Japan, saury resources play an important role in the country's fisheries. Many research institutions regularly survey saury resources every year, and they will continue to release long-term and short-term saury sea conditions forecasts.

For example, in August, the Resources Division of the Fisheries Agency of Japan and the Independent Administrative Institution Fisheries Research Institute jointly conducted a long-term forecast of the fishing and sea conditions of saury in the northwest Pacific this year.

At this moment, the Northeast Fisheries Research Institute of Japan is also conducting similar surveys. There is no doubt that the fishermen in their country have the most scientific and timely relevant information. They understand the latest fish migration routes and the dynamics of fish schools, so they can be targeted and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

And what about their fleet? It was organized with passion and encouragement from relevant policies. It is very difficult to fight against others at their home ground and gain an advantage.

In the evening, the fleet entered the high seas. Long Shaoying chose a sea area with suitable depth and issued an order to drop anchor. They had to anchor here tonight.

After the ship anchored, a radio command was issued to the Longtou. The driver on Long Shaoying's ship politely conveyed his invitation, saying that Ao Muyang was invited to have dinner on their ship and get to know each other.

Upon receiving this news, the cabin of the Longtou was immediately in an uproar:

"Oh, the captain didn't say anything, and just found a random crew member to notify. This is a good score."

"What the hell is this? Do you know the rules?"

"Don't worry about Longtou, we'll eat by ourselves."

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