Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1061 1068. After Xiaoxue (4)

Even though it didn't snow heavily, it snowed intermittently for a long time, lasting three nights and two days.

When the snow stopped, Ao Muyang looked back at Dalong Mountain. The previously green mountain peaks all turned white. After the sun came out, this pure white revealed golden color, which stung people's eyes.

On the roof, he brought a bowl of frozen prickly pears.

Although the temperature was low at night, the frozen prickly pear did not completely turn into ice cubes, but resembled a smoothie. This is the magical effect of prickly pear, which makes water less likely to freeze.

Sitting high on the roof, he peeled off the plastic wrap and took a bite of the prickly pear smoothie into his mouth. It was sour, sweet, and cold.

The charm of frozen prickly pear is that it's just a little cold when you eat it, but as you swallow it it starts to get even colder, until it's as cold as an ice lump in your stomach.

Therefore, people with gastrointestinal problems should not eat frozen prickly pear. If they eat it, they will definitely get stomachache.

If your gastrointestinal function is healthy, eating frozen prickly pear is a very unique experience.

The little marmosets sat on Ao Muyang's shoulders and looked curiously at the frozen prickly pear and drooled. Ao Muyang twisted a little and stuffed it into their mouths. After they swallowed it, they started to shiver...

Lu Wuji saw him sitting on the roof eating, and felt that this gesture was very domineering, so he climbed up and got a bowl.

The whole frozen prickly pear is half-frozen and the surface is frozen, making it look like crystal and looks very good.

So Lu Wuji happily ate a big spoonful. After eating, he took a deep breath and quickly stood up trembling.

Lu Zhizi was about to go to work. When he saw this, he frowned and said, "What are you doing? You have nothing to do all day long. If you want to dance hip-hop, you go to the street. Why are you dancing on the roof? You can easily get injured if you fall, you know?"

Lu Wuji was speechless for a moment, just twisting his waist and stamping his feet.

Zhu Zhu looked up for a while, shook his head and said: "There is no sense of rhythm and it doesn't look good. Come on, let me teach you."

As she said that, she started twisting quickly in the yard. Wolf Er thought she was teasing him, so he pounced on her and swung his tail to make trouble with her...

The light snow has just stopped and the sun rises into the sky.

There were few tourists in the village at this time, and the villagers who had nothing to do ran to Dalong Mountain.

After the snow, it is a good time to catch rabbits and pheasants. At this time, there are rabbit and pheasant footprints in the snow. You can look for rabbit nests and pheasant nests, and bring a golden shorthair to catch them accurately.

Ao Muyang has a default attitude towards this. This year, they have released more than tens of thousands of pheasants and rabbits into the mountains. If they just let them go without catching them, the ecological environment of Dalong Mountain will collapse.

However, the village has regulations that prohibit catching rabbits and pheasants. The hare must be more than three kilograms and the pheasant must be two kilograms in order to be caught.

There was nothing to do, so he went to join in the fun and took Zhu Zhu, Liu Mei, General and Wolf Big Wolf Er to climb the mountain.

The head of state watched them leave. He stood on the wall with a lonely face. Under the wall were a group of kittens meowing. He was now a full-time nanny...

Ao Muyang met Ao Qianwen on the way up the mountain. He asked, "Uncle Qianwen, why did you come down?"

Ao Qianwen said gloomily: "We met a few weasels all morning, which is not a good sign."

Ao Muyang said: "Hey, this is all superstition. There are so many weasel farms now, where they are slaughtered and skinned to make clothes. Do you think if weasels are really capable, why not punish them?"

There are indeed a lot of weasels on the mountain behind the village, which is related to their lack of natural enemies.

The mountains have luxuriant weeds and wild fruits. There are mice, bugs and birds. The weasels live happily without any pressure and give birth to babies with great enthusiasm.

Ao Muyang did not organize people to hunt weasels. These weasels were also helpful to the village. Originally, it was located on a mountain and there were many rats in the village. When he first built a breeding pond in the backyard of the small building, rats always came to steal fish.

Weasels will hunt rats for food. With them, there will be fewer rats on the mountain and fewer rats in the village. The absence of rats is a good thing for the health and environment of the village.

Nowadays, there are a lot of game in the mountains, but you can’t see much when walking on the road. After entering the path, you can see some rabbit paws and chicken feet from time to time. These footprints are either clear or blurry on the snow. It is easy to find out if you pay attention to them. discovered.

Although it is easy to spot pheasants and hares, it is still not easy to catch them.

Pheasants can fly, and they can fly from time to time, so it is difficult to find their nests simply by following the footprints.

Rabbits have a low center of gravity and run fast. They are like F1 racing cars on the mountain. After snowing, the mountain is very slippery. Golden Shorthairs and people don't dare to run too fast, otherwise they will slip easily.

Rabbits are not afraid. They will not slip. Even if they slip, it will be fine. The same reason is that the center of gravity is low. After falling, they can get up and continue running.

Ao Muyang wandered around the mountain for a while and saw several condoms in the weeds. Each condom was marked. It was the villagers who found the rabbit nest and used the condoms.

Catching rabbits after snow all relies on traps. This thing is very simple to make. Find the rabbit nest, insert a stick next to it, then tie a rope with a buckle and place it at the entrance of the hole. If the rabbit runs out, it will dive in, and it will be fixed on the wooden board. The button on the stick shrinks and the rabbit strangles itself to death.

After walking for a while, they happened to encounter a rabbit getting into the trap.

Seeing this, Wolf Er's eyes lit up and he immediately pounced on it: He didn't care whose family this set belonged to, anyway, it belonged to Meng Yi when he saw it!

Zhu Zhu shouted: "No, Meng Yi come back quickly, don't go there..."

Lu Wuyi exclaimed: "Xiaozhu is such a good girl. If it's not our trap, then the harvest doesn't belong to us. This is the correct three views."

Zhu Zhu explained weakly: "No, I think rabbits are so cute, how can we eat them?"

Ao Muyang said: "Rabbits eat grass, people eat rabbits, people die and become nutrients to make the earth more fertile, and grass absorbs nutrients from the earth to grow. This is a cycle."

Zhu Zhu asked: "But, when people die, they are cremated. What is left after cremation is inorganic matter, and organic matter has been burned out. In this case, how can it help the earth?"

Ao Muyang smacked his lips and said: "You understand this too?"

"I'm not a little girl who knows nothing." Zhu Zhu rolled his eyes at him.

The rabbit struggled even harder after seeing Wolf Two, and soon strangled himself to death.

Wolf Two squatted beside and waited patiently. As soon as the rabbit kicked its four legs, it picked up the stick with its mouth and dragged it over.

Ao Muyang took the stick out of its mouth and put it back, saying, "This is not ours, we can't..."

Just as he walked to the entrance of the cave, a rabbit ran out of it. This is a rabbit den!

The wolf brothers, the second wolf and the general ran after it, while Youfu circled slowly in the mountains, howling from time to time.

Usually, the wolf brothers and the general were good at howling in the mountains. The rabbits and pheasants they targeted had no way to escape, but today there was snow on the mountain, so they couldn't catch up with the rabbits.

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