Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1065 1072. Dragging Bamboo (3/5)

Chapter 1065 1072. Dragging Bamboo (35)

Old Ao found it incredible to see Wolf Two dragging the bamboo.

Bamboo is very resilient, and the ancients liked to use it to describe themselves. Many poems are titled with this, such as "The bamboo is pressed down by the snow, and it is about to get wet in the mud. When the red sun rises, it is still as high as the sky."

With Wolf Two's strength, he might be able to drag the small dead tree, but it is absolutely impossible to drag the bamboo.

Ao Muyang went to check, and the pocket and bellyband were howling and crawling from his trouser legs to his body, looking frightened.

Climbing onto his shoulders, the little marmoset squeaked and began to complain, and at the same time stretched out its arms to ask for kisses, hugs, and lifts.

Old Ao didn't care about them. These two little things have been getting more and more naughty recently, and Wolf Two should teach them a lesson.

Seeing that the expected caress did not appear, the little marmoset got angry and grabbed Ao Muyang's ears and shook and tore them gently, and the squeaking sound became more miserable.

Ao Muyang picked up the loudest trouser pocket and threw it to Wolf Two. Wolf Two pressed it to the ground with one claw. Seeing that the pocket was quiet, he quickly got into the pocket of Lao Ao's jacket.

There was a broken bamboo on the ground. Ao Muyang picked it up and saw that the outside of the bamboo was still green, but the bamboo wall inside had been gnawed into a mess. Some fat white worms could be seen in some holes.

Bamboo worms!

Bamboo worms are different from other insects. Their vigorous growth season is autumn and winter. From October to February every year is their most active season. Because they hide in bamboo tubes, they are not afraid of severe cold weather.

Seeing these bamboo worms, Ao Muyang knew that there were too many bamboo worms in this bamboo, and the bamboo trunk had been gnawed into a thin layer, so Wolf Two shook it hard and deduced it.

He cut down along the bamboo pole, and finally cut all the way to the bamboo root, revealing more bamboo worms inside. Most of them have already formed pupae. A pile of fat white pupae are piled up at the bottom of the root, densely packed and quite a lot.

Ordinary people feel disgusted when seeing this scene, but Lao Ao finds it appetizing. Bamboo worms are the best quality edible insects, and bamboo worm pupae are like silkworm pupae, with better taste.

Seeing these bamboo worms and pupae, he stopped digging winter bamboo shoots and found a bag to collect worms and pupae instead.

Bamboo worms are very harmful to bamboo. They eat young bamboo shoots to absorb nutrients. They usually parasitize in bamboo tubes, eating from the tip of the bamboo to the bottom section by section, and finally hide in the root to become pupae, which can break out in spring.

This thing harms bamboo all year round. They harm bamboo from beginning to end. First, the adults lay eggs in the tender branches of bamboo. After hatching, the larvae attach to the bamboo tubes of the twigs and eat from May to mid-September. They are very particular and do not eat bamboo directly, but absorb bamboo sap.

Some bamboos in the bamboo forest have yellow spots on the outside, which are the battle records of bamboo worm larvae. Once the yellow spots are connected into pieces, the bamboo is basically scrapped.

In addition, as the larvae grow up, the yellow spots of the bamboo will gradually expand into galls. From early September, they will drill into the bamboo and start eating from top to bottom. After eating and drinking enough, they will pupate and hibernate.

Moreover, these bamboo worms are very cunning. They specialize in those tender bamboos under two years old. Once they are allowed to spread into a large area, the bamboo forest will basically be extinct.

It is not easy to deal with bamboo worms. When they are eggs and larvae, they are small and good at hiding, making them difficult to detect. When they grow fat and become pupae, they hide in the pillars and cannot be searched.

In the fishing village, the only way to deal with bamboo worms is to find small holes in the bamboo, insert the barbs into them and drag them out, so that there is a chance that the bamboo worms inside can be hooked out.

But doing so is too inefficient. When Lao Ao was a child, every household lacked food, and the children had nothing to do, so they would go together to hook bamboo worms and take them home for adults to cook and eat.

Yes, bamboo worms are not fried, but roasted. They are put into bamboo boards and roasted with flames. Because bamboo worms are rich in fat, they are very fragrant even without frying.

Seeing so many bamboo worms in the bamboo, Ao Muyang caught them all. After that, he looked for bamboo worms in the bamboo forest. He had to catch as many bamboo worms as possible while the bamboo was dry in this season.

He searched in the bamboo forest, looking for bamboos with many holes on the surface.

When he found such bamboo or bamboo with galls, he would break it. Bamboo with too many parasitic bamboo worms will definitely die next year, so it doesn't matter if he breaks it now. He should even break them to catch bamboo worms, otherwise the bamboo worms will pupate and cause greater damage to the bamboo forest.

He broke the bamboo from the root, dragged it to the open space outside and piled it up together, and then went back to collect all the pupae at the root. He wanted to eat roasted pupae tonight, which was the taste of childhood.

It would be slow for him to do it alone, and he also had to dig winter bamboo shoots. After thinking about it, he mobilized several furry children together.

The pockets of the clothes and pants went to look for winter bamboo shoots. When they found winter bamboo shoots, they squeaked to signal him, and the general and the wolf helped him drag the broken bamboo outside for collection.

As for Wolf Two? Lao Ao couldn't rely on this guy. He asked Wolf Two to drag bamboo before, and Wolf Two disappeared with one bamboo. He might have gone to the deep bamboo forest to play the game of riding bamboo horses.

He worked until noon, and all this work made him so hot that his thermal underwear was soaked with sweat. He took off his coat, and immediately hot steam came out, like steaming buns.

When it was time for lunch, he tied up the bamboo with wild grass vines and prepared to drag it home. At this time, Lu Wuyi's voice rang out: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, where are you? Are you here? Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, it's time to go home for dinner."

Hearing his shout, Ao Muyang responded, thinking that this kid had a conscience and knew to ask him to go home for dinner when it was time for dinner.

Lu Wuyi ran over and said: "Brother-in-law, why are you still on the mountain? What time is it? Let's go home and cook."

"What? Didn't you ask me to go home for dinner?"

"Yes, go home for dinner, but you have to cook first. Come on, go back and cook. Lao Jiang and I are starving to death!"

Ao Muyang was so angry. He just wanted to praise this kid for having a conscience, but in fact, he was really overthinking. How could this guy have a conscience?

He stuffed the bamboos to Lu Wuyi and said, "Okay, I'll go home and cook. You drag all the bamboos back for me. Drag them slowly and carefully. There are bamboo worms in them. If they fall, you won't be able to eat today!"

Looking at the pile of bamboos, Lu Wuyi's eyes widened: "Fuck, brother-in-law, what are you doing? Going back to build a bamboo house?"

"Don't worry, just drag all the bamboos back for me." Ao Muyang left this sentence and walked down the mountain with the bamboo basket. Lu Wuyi screamed behind him: "No, brother-in-law, don't let me do this job by myself. There are too many bamboos!"

"Not much, do it well, I have confidence in you, keep going!"

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