Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1097 1104. Framed

Two merchants were caught selling electrocuted fish at the dock market. They were both casual traders who set up temporary stalls. After they were caught, they behaved in the same way, and they kept shouting about their grievances and demanding evidence.

Ao Muyang had no evidence at all. It was not that he identified these fish as electrocuted fish, but that he had many stalls at the dock market and now had many connections and resources. This was all reported to him by someone.

It has to be said that strength is king.

When Longtou Village first set up stalls in the dock market, they encountered a lot of difficulties and were bullied by the seafood vendors. However, as they occupied more and more stalls in the market, even Sun Beilong took the initiative to show off to Ao Muyang. Well, no one in the market dares to provoke them anymore.

Not only did they not dare to provoke them, but they became their good friends one after another. Of course, they were fair-weather friends.

The dock market was scanned, and they went to the next market, so that they had to rely on Ao Muyang's real ability to identify the electrocuted fish.

To laymen, dead fish are all the same, but to experts they are different. Electrocuted fish are particularly beautiful, because net fishers struggle to death, and there will inevitably be crowding during the process of being caught. There is no damage caused by pressure, but there is no damage to the electrocuted fish, they are all intact.

If anyone has ever gone to the market to buy fish, they should know that many dead fish have blood-colored eyes, while the eyes of electrocuted fish are smooth and beautiful.

Another thing is to look at the gills of the fish. The fish caught in the net are either squeezed to death or dehydrated and die of lack of oxygen. The capillaries in their gills will rupture, but the gills of the electrocuted fish are still intact.

In addition, the flesh of electrocuted fish is relatively compact, because they are killed by electric shock all over the body. To put it simply, the flesh of the fish is electrocuted. Just like when a human being is electrocuted, the muscles will tighten and contract, and the electrocuted fish will become a hard piece. Net fishing is just as different.

From morning to evening, the Fisheries Bureau and the police station made a lot of gains. In one day, they caught more than ten waves of people selling electrocuted fish.

After being caught, some of these people acted violently, some pretended to be stupid, and some acted miserably.

Ao Muyang didn't care at all. He only provided professional advice and couldn't care about anything else.

There were people who wanted to beg for mercy from him, but he turned a blind eye. Such people could not be trusted. Besides, fishermen hated electric fish and poisonous fish the most. He especially hated this kind of behavior because it was too destructive to marine resources. !

After visiting the last farmer’s market, it was already eight o’clock in the evening.

Dai Zongxi held a celebration banquet and thanked Ao Muyang for his help.

After finishing the meal, he arranged a hotel for Ao Muyang. Obviously it was getting late now and it was inappropriate for Ao Muyang to go back. It was inconvenient to travel at night in winter.

After opening a room for him, Dai Zongxi followed him up and said, "Let me tell you something."

Ao Muyang whined and said, "Dai Ju, what new job have you found for me?"

Dai Zongxi pushed him and said: "How can there be so much work? This time I want to tell you something private. It is related to your village."

After entering the house, he asked: "Your village is building a pier recently, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Ao Muyang's heart lifted when he mentioned this matter.

Repairing the pier required a lot of money, but the village's account did not have enough money. Even after the whole village raised funds, there was still a shortfall, so he allocated money from his bank card and transferred it back when the village general ledger had enough money.

Dai Zongxi stared at him and asked slowly: "What's wrong? You don't know what's wrong?"

Ao Muyang secretly wondered, what's going on? Did he use a large amount of cash on his own to arouse suspicion from any unit?

He couldn't admit it, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know, Dai Ju, don't show off to me. What's wrong?"

Dai Zongxi lowered his eyes and said: "It seems that it has nothing to do with you anymore. That is, someone falsely accused your village, saying that your village is building a dock? Didn't it use a lot of wood? Someone petitioned to report that you were logging wood from Dalong Mountain. ”

Upon hearing this, Ao Muyang felt relaxed and angry at the same time. He was relieved that the matter had nothing to do with his money laundering, but angry because who was so shameless that he was doing it behind his back?

He slapped the table and gritted his teeth and said: "This is definitely a false accusation. The wood used to build the wharf in our village was purchased by the engineering team. The list and invoice are clear. If you don't believe me, Bureau Dai, go check it out. I, Old Ao, can do it." This kind of thing? I don’t understand that green waters and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver?”

Dai Zongxi lowered his palms and said, "Can I not believe you? Then you have offended someone, right?"

Ao Muyang was stunned and asked: "Who is the petitioner? Why do you believe this?"

"I can't tell you who is petitioning specifically." Dai Zongxi said slowly, "Anyway, as long as it doesn't happen, we just have a clear conscience."

Ao Muyang became anxious and said: "Dai Ju, what you are doing is unethical..."

"It's indeed unreasonable, but don't I care about you?" Dai Zongxi interrupted him.

"I know." Dai Zongxi said.

Ao Muyang said: "You know you won't help me clear my grievances?"

Dai Zongxi said: "Don't pay too much attention to this matter. The comrades in the Petitions and Calls Office did not believe that person's words. They will continue to investigate the matter and will definitely not wrongly accuse you."

Knowing that Ao Muyang was dissatisfied, he continued to explain: "It's not that I don't want to help you. In fact, I shouldn't get involved in this matter, because I don't know who reported you.

Ao Muyang snorted and said, "You really don't know?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind: "Continue to investigate this matter? The Petition Office has already investigated this matter. Do they doubt me? Is that right?"

Dai Zongxi said: "It is true that some trees on Dalong Mountain were cut down and transported away, so they want to investigate this matter."

Ao Muyang was anxious when he heard this. Gold and silver mountains are green mountains and clear waters. This slogan is not just a slogan. Their village and even the surrounding villages have indeed implemented it. Dalong Mountain has become one of the popular tourist destinations in their villages.

Knowing that trees on Dalong Mountain were cut down and he didn't know about it, the situation was more serious.

After sleeping in the hotel for one night, he drove back to the village early the next morning, and then hurriedly found Yang Shuyong and others to climb the mountain together.

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