Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1102 1109. Puzzle Solving (5)

They didn't understand, but the kid did, so he translated: "About five nights ago, two big cars drove down from the roadside, and then a group of people went to cut trees. Because they set fire, my father noticed it, so he took Qibao and Babao to check the situation. Those people spoke Chinese, but he didn't know who they were."

The matter was clear at this point. The theft of trees had nothing to do with them, father and son. It was a group of people who drove cars to do it. The reason why the old man asked them if they were here to catch him at first was that he misunderstood that they were hired by the tribe's honored mother.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Ao Muyang was a little disappointed.

Before that, Wolf Da and Wolf Er found this hut by smelling the smell of sacks, which made him think that the woodcutters were hiding in the hut, but it turned out that there was no relationship between the two parties.

Seeing his expression change, the old man patted his shoulder and motioned him to follow him into the house.

The child said, "Oh, are you looking for those people who cut down trees? They left some things behind, and my father picked them up."

The wooden house was bare, with only a wooden bed, a tattered quilt, and a few clay pots, wooden blocks, wooden bowls and other things.

The old man solemnly lifted the tattered quilt, pulled out a few pieces of paper from the bottom and handed them to him.

Ao Muyang took a look and saw that the first line on the paper read "Traditional fishing village, thousands of customs, Longtou Village warmly welcomes you"...

Damn, isn't this the village's propaganda poster?

It was so cold that Old Ao was sweating on his forehead.

He hurriedly took these posters out to show Yang Shuyong and others, sneering, "These guys are great, damn, they left these things to frame me, but they were picked up by the old man."

If the old man hadn't picked up the posters, the people from the petition office would have run into them when they came to check the situation, and he would have been accused of more shit.

"Who is so cruel?" Yang Shuyong said angrily, "Captain Ao, who did you offend outside? This is to frame you, but the move is ruthless enough."

Long Deshui frowned and said, "This is to frame Village Chief Ao, there is no doubt, but this matter is a bit wrong. Driving to the mountains to steal wood can make money, but you have to cut enough trees. We have seen the scale of the stolen trees, and they can't make much money. The scale is not large, even if they frame Village Chief Ao, the crime is not a big deal. Why do they do this? To disgust Village Chief Ao?"

"Who would do this?" The village director of Longwangzhuang wondered.

Yang Shuyong said with a gloomy face: "Could it be that bastard Jin Hong in the town? Captain Ao offended him in order to catch the fertilizer scammer some time ago."

Ao Muyang shook his head: "It's not him. First, he doesn't have the courage, and second, he doesn't have the money to do such a big deal."

The old man hurried out and handed him something: a box of cigarettes, Huanghelou.

"Wo saw it." The old man said.

The little-headed child added: "There is a lighter inside. The lighter we brought these days happened to be used up. My father said that this was sent by Vairocana Buddha to our suffering people."

Ao Muyang opened the cigarette box, and it was empty, with only a lighter left.

Some smokers like to put lighters in cigarette boxes. It is estimated that this person saw that the cigarette box was empty and threw it away casually, forgetting that there was a lighter inside.

The lighter is quite exquisite. It is not a disposable plastic product, but an aluminum lighter in the shape of a sword. There are a few words printed on it: For Dragon and Tiger Group only.

When Ao Muyang saw these words, his eyes froze.

He was very familiar with the name of Dragon and Tiger Group. This group is mainly divided into two parts, one is Red Dragon Fishery, and the other is Black Tiger Finance. Needless to say, this group is Sun Beilong's industry.

In this way, the frame-up became interesting: from the existing clues, it can be inferred that this matter was instigated by Sun Beilong, at least he is not divorced from it, and the person who did this is under his company or has a close relationship with his company.

However, this is unreasonable. Why would Sun Beilong come to provoke him again?

However, he thought of Long Deshui's words. The other party did this not to put him to death, but to disgust him.

Sun Beilong had this motive. He had asked Ao Muyang to help him investigate a matter before, but Ao Muyang found an excuse to evade it. According to the rules of the underworld, this was a slap in his face.

The mystery seemed to be solved in this way, and the identity of the woodcutter surfaced.

Ao Muyang felt that this was wrong. Sun Beilong had repeatedly told him that he should make peace and avoid making enemies, and paid a considerable price for this. It was really bloody to make friends with him.

So, why would he continue to do such disgusting things?

You know, this matter can indeed frame him, but Sun Beilong definitely knows his character and knows that he will not be willing to take the blame, and he must investigate this matter.

And the truth of this matter can be found out. After all, this matter is reported by a real person. As long as the relationship with the government is passed, the mastermind behind the scenes can be found along this line.

The reason why Sun Beilong is afraid of Ao Muyang is that he knows the relationship between him and the government.

Then this doesn't make sense. How can Sun Beilong, who is so smart and so skillful, play such a bad chess?

Ao Muyang was confused, and the others didn't think about it. When they saw the words on the lighter, they immediately cursed: "Oh, fuck Sun Beilong, it turns out that this grandson did it!"

"Humph, as expected, Captain Ao, find a way to deal with him?!"

"This paralyzed old brat even went to give gifts to our leader several times to show his goodwill. I didn't expect that he would show off his good side and do the other in the dark side. You must fuck him!"

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "Let's keep this matter to ourselves for now. I'll contact the boss to see how this matter will be handled. Don't mess around in private."

After finding out about illegal logging, it was time for them to return.

This journey is far enough. If they don't go back quickly at noon, they will have to sleep in the mountains tonight.

Ao Muyang invited Zhalongren and his son to go to the village with him and identified himself as the village chief.

The Zhaluren father and his son were honest and didn't ask for anything, so they followed them on the road with their guns and dogs.

On the way, the old man introduced himself. His name was Lazhong, and the child was his son, Duoma. The reason why they were willing to follow him to the village was because it was too cold in the mountains and they lacked supplies, making it difficult for them to survive the winter safely. In this way, Ao Mu After Yang invited them, the two agreed.

In addition, Ao Muyang figured out one thing. The reason why the general did not attack these four golden shorthairs was because he realized that they were his cubs, or in other words, he discovered that the golden shorthair paralyzed at the door was his pet. One of the concubines...

These four dogs and the paralyzed bitch were all discovered by La Zhong when he was patrolling the mountains. The bitch gave birth to pups in the mountains, and her two hind legs were cut off by a trap. The Zhalu people loved dogs as much as their lives, and La Zhong He brought the mother dog and the puppies back together and tried his best to feed them all.

Coincidentally, this female dog was raised by a family in the village and was bred to her by the general. However, she went to the mountains to give birth and got caught in a trap, and ultimately failed to bring the puppies back to the village. Today the general smelled its scent and recognized its identity, so he didn't let Wolf Big Wolf Two bite them.

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