Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1112 1119. Traitor (5)

The Dalongtou broke free and slowly drove towards the depths of the ocean.

There was a chair on the bow, and Ao Muyang was sitting there. He was holding Youfu in his arms, and there were pockets and trouser pockets on his shoulders. Then there were General, Wolf and Big Wolf on both sides. They looked like villains. of power.

Seeing this scene, Er Deng's heart skipped a beat, and his expression changed instantly.

No need to talk nonsense, Ao Muyang got straight to the point: "Uncle Erdeng, you are my uncle in terms of seniority. Counting three generations up, our grandfathers are the same family. We are related, right? We have the same blood in our bones. blood, right?”

Er Deng swallowed his saliva and said: "Yes, yes."

Ao Muyang said: "As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water, so why did you join forces with outsiders to trick me? Why can't I, Ao Muyang, tolerate you and make you hate me so much?"

Er Deng waved his hands hurriedly and said: "Village Chief, what are you talking about? How can I trick you? This is impossible, right?!"

Ao Muyang said: "Stop talking nonsense, do you think you can hide this from the world?"

Er Deng said in a panic: "No, village chief, I really didn't slander you..."

"Okay, I've got all the evidence, what's the use of you still quibbling here?" Ao Muyang smiled coldly and waved, and a strong old man wearing a Tibetan robe walked out, it was La Zhong.

During the New Year's Day holiday, La Zhong had some free time, so Ao Muyang pulled him onto the boat.

However, Lazhong was seasick. As soon as the ship started sailing, his eyes straightened up, and he didn't walk as menacingly and as eagerly as usual.

Ao Muyang originally expected him to say a few words, but now it seemed that he could no longer count on him. La Zhong closed his mouth hard, and he was probably going to vomit when he opened his mouth.

So, he said to himself: "This is our school's new gatekeeper Lazhong. Do you know about his coming to the village? You should also know that I found him from the old forest of Dalong Mountain. You should not I know, I met him when I went to check on the illegally cut woods. Razhong and his son live on the hillside opposite the forest. He saw everything that happened that day..."

His words were weak. He couldn't get Razhong to say that he had seen Er Deng among the people who were illegally cutting down trees, because he didn't know whether Er Deng was directly involved in illegally cutting down trees.

He pulled out La Zhong, which was just one more element to put pressure on Er Deng, one more breakthrough point.

In fact, he didn't need to put so much thought into it. Who was Er Deng? An uninformed fisherman, otherwise he wouldn't be confused by a young lady.

Hearing him say that he had found out the inside story of the reported case from Dai Zongxi, Er Deng had already given up resistance. When he finished explaining La Zhong's situation, Er Deng collapsed: "No, village chief, I am not to blame for this. I was It’s so hard!”

When he said this, Ao Mudong from behind raised his foot and kicked him hard: "Ouch! You traitor! Damn it, it's really you, it's really you!"

With a thud, Er Deng was kicked and rolled over on the deck.

Ao Muyang winked, and Heilong went up to Erdeng and beat him even harder!

Seeing this, Lao Ao stood up in a hurry: "My God, Heilong, I'm not asking you to beat him, I'm asking you to stop Dongzi! Come on, Dongzi, stop Heilong quickly!"

Ao Mudong said angrily: "Longtou, are you still soft-hearted at this time? The idiot Erdeng actually colluded with outsiders to slander you. What the hell is this? How can we in Longtou Village do this?" What a scumbag!"

Ao Wenchang, who had always been the most soft-hearted, was also angry. He pushed away the black dragon with a sullen face and looked down at Erdeng: "Uncle Erdeng, why can't Longtou forgive you? Did you treat him like this? What has happened to our village in the past two years? You don’t know the situation? Without the leader, how will our village live now? You don’t have any idea? If you don’t say anything else, just tell me where you got the money to go to whoring and who made it for you. , you don’t have any idea?”

Er Deng covered his head and huddled on the boat, crying for a moment.

Ao Mudong dragged him up and yelled: "Cry your ass, you idiot, do you still have the nerve to cry? Joining forces with outsiders to slander the villagers, or slandering the village chief. Damn it, nothing like this has ever happened in the history of our village. , You actually did this, damn! Traitor, you traitor!”

Er Deng has become a traitor, which is what makes the fishermen the most angry!

Historically, men in fishing villages were poor and had little money. The only thing they could be proud of was their strong physiques and steel-like bones that had been tempered by wind and waves.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the fishermen's family in Hongyang had always been the main force in fighting against the Japs. Many families were massacred by the Japs because of this, but the fishermen still refused to give in and just fought to the end.

Er Deng's actions not only hurt Ao Muyang, but also insulted the quality that fisherman men have always been most proud of.

When Ao Muyang teamed up with Yang Shuyong to deal with Wang Youwei, Yang Shuyong was unwilling to help Wang Youwei even though he knew that Wang Youwei's resignation would be of great benefit to him. It was Ao Muyang who convinced him that Wang Youwei and his son's crime would harm their entire village. From this we can see how afraid the fishermen are of becoming traitors.

However, Er Deng became a traitor. How could this not make the men on the ship angry?

Er Deng was at a loss and kept mumbling: "Village Chief, I was forced to do this. They forced me to do this. They said that reporting it would only be effective if I was from the village. I was forced..."

"Did they force you with a knife?" Ao Mudong raised his foot to kick him again, "What if they force you with a knife? Do these idiots dare to kill you? What if they even dare to kill you? You Why are you so cowardly?"

The people around him continued to criticize him, and their words became increasingly unpleasant.

Er Deng is also a person with a temper. In the end, he exploded and suddenly got up and shouted: "Yes, I did it, but I am not a traitor. I did it for revenge! I just vented my anger on myself!"

After hearing what he said, several people were furious and wanted to beat him. Ao Muyang stopped a few people and wanted to ask what he meant, but Ao Mudong and his party were really angry, and he couldn't stop them alone.

At this time, the pale-faced La Zhong came up to help. He quickly came up to help Ao Muyang block Ao Mudong, and turned around to lift Er Deng away. But I couldn't suppress the feeling of seasickness this time. I opened my mouth and vomited a bunch of stuff on the second lamp head.

Suddenly, everyone stopped, and they all stepped back, holding their noses and gloating: "What did this old man eat? Why is it so smelly?"

Er Deng was stunned. He was stunned for four or five seconds before he suddenly fell to his knees, put his hands on the deck and vomited.

Razhong was still vomiting. It was his first time on a boat and he was so dizzy that he kept vomiting in front of Er Deng. Er Deng was also vomiting, one at the top and the other at the bottom.

"What is this? Two dragons playing in the water?"

"Hey, is this Shuangdie Waterfall?"

"Stop talking, vomit!" Ao Muyang's throat felt sore and he wanted to vomit...

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