Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1152 1159. Boating and Drinking Wine (5)

In the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, Ambergris Lake has its own unique style. In winter, everything is beautiful and covered with ice and snow. The lake is also very beautiful after the snow. If it snows after the ice, it will be intoxicating.

However, Hongyang is not too cold in winter, or it has not been cold in recent years, so the lake has rarely frozen. The temperature this year is higher than in previous years, and there has been no snow from the beginning of winter to the Chinese New Year.

Ao Muyang rowed the boat on the lake and sighed: "Without snow, boating on this lake would be no fun. Otherwise, it would be very beautiful to have a lone boat and a coir raincoat fishing alone in the snow on the cold river."

"There is no snow, but there is hot wine. Can the village chief bring a pot?" San Deng rowed over with a wave of his arms. His boat was modified, and the middle part of the cabin was cleared to install a balancing table.

This kind of balancing table is similar to a tumbler, but it is more stable. There is a small stove on the table, and a large copper pot is boiling on it, and steam is rising.

As the two boats approached, Ao Muyang asked with interest: "Uncle Sandeng, what kind of wine did you cook?"

"A pot of old wine!" San Deng said cheerfully, "I sell it to tourists for five yuan a cup. If you add another five yuan, you can exchange it for a plate of pickled iron. There is a song that goes well, the iron goes with old wine. That's it. The days are no more.”

Ao Muyang said: "There is nothing like this. What kind of old wine are you brewing?"

San Deng said: "It's rice wine. There's a lot of it in the south. This is what my wife does in her hometown. Every year when she goes back to her parents' home, she brings a lot of rice wine with her. I don't like drinking it myself, so these two days my wife gives it to me. I came up with an idea and asked me to cook it on the lake and sell it to tourists. Hey, the business is pretty good."

As he said this, he became proud.

Drinking rice wine is not very popular in Hongyang. Ao Muyang has never drank it, but he did drink it when he was working in Kyoto. Whenever it snowed and the kitchen turned off the fire at night, their chef and the waiter would make a hot pot. Shabu-shabu meat, and someone cooked rice wine to go with it, which is indeed quite good.

Seeing his interest, San Deng poured some tawny wine from the copper pot into a small clay pot.

This kind of pottery pot is very common in rural markets. It costs more than ten yuan a piece. It is made into a purple clay pot and sold to old men. The old fishermen like to lean on the corner and bask in the sun in the afternoon when the weather is warm, sucking the spout and drinking tea slowly. .

Ao Muyang got the small clay pot, which contained a red date, a few wolfberries and ginger slices. The steam was coming out, and the taste was a bit sour...

"It smells like rice wine." He smacked his lips and nodded, then gave the paper cups to Lu Zhizi and Yan Qingcheng, "Here, let's take a cup each. This thing will keep you warm."

The rice wine sold by San Deng is very authentic. He should have put rock sugar in it. In addition to the slightly sour wine taste, there is also a faint sweetness, which is sweet when it enters the throat.

Rice wine is one of the traditional wines with health benefits, but it has been difficult to popularize due to its taste and drinking method. After taking a few sips on the lake today, Ao Muyang thought about cooking some for the New Year's Eve dinner. Rice wine.

He drank most of a pot of rice wine by himself. The wine was very hot. After drinking it, it was not very strong and not very heady. It only made the body warm. No wonder Sandeng's business was good. This thing is really suitable for drinking in winter, especially in Drink on the lake.

While drinking hot wine, Ao Muyang found the sight of tourists fishing on the lake more interesting.

Ao Mufeng led people to set up fish baskets in the water. He brought two golden shorthairs from home and asked the golden shorthairs to hold the fish baskets and arrange them.

Some tourists couldn't stand it and said, "You let dogs go into the water on such a cold day? This is so inhumane. What should I do if my dog ​​catches a cold? They trust you so much, how could you hurt them like this?"

Ao Mufeng was stunned and said: "F*ck, are you kidding me? Our fishermen's dogs are all doing this work. What's wrong with going into the water in winter?"

"What's wrong? I'm going to catch a cold. The water is so cold in winter!" the tourist continued.

Yan Qingcheng said calmly: "Tell him not to argue, and let the dog put the fish basket on the boat quickly. I'm afraid that person is a dog lover, or a pastoral dog lover. This kind of person is like a pastoral feminist fighter, very not to be trifled."

Ao Muyang said: "It's okay, I have a way."

He nodded to the general, who also jumped into the lake.

Wolf 2 also jumped into the lake, and then he climbed up and shook his hair vigorously, with a confused look on his face: It's so cold.

As soon as it did this, it was the turn of the three people on the boat to be confused, and they were suddenly covered in water.

Ao Muyang now agrees with the dog lover's words. The water temperature is too low in winter.

Fishing in fish baskets is not an easy task, and it is especially difficult in winter because the water temperature is now low and the activity of fish is poor. Even if there is bait in the fish baskets, it is difficult to attract them to get in and hunt.

Therefore, if you want to catch fish with a fish basket, you must find the location of the fish school, slowly lower the fish basket, and invite you to enter the fish basket.

When Ao Muyang saw that he was wet, he sighed, took off his clothes and put on the water, and said: "Madman, please let the dog come up. It is not easy to rely on dogs at this time. I will go down and dive to set up a fish basket for you."

Upon hearing this, Ao Mufeng suddenly became energetic.

Ao Muyang was waiting for him to come and thank him, but instead of doing so, the boy said to the dog lover: "See? What's wrong with the winter? We fishermen can endure hardship and cold, and now we are the ones who have to go into the water. Village chief, the local emperor of our village!”

"The emperor has an order, you come into the water with me." Ao Muyang said angrily.

Ao Mufeng was immediately trembling with fear, as silent as a partridge in the cold.

After diving into the lake, he quickly discovered a school of crucian carp. The fish stayed in the aquatic plants at the bottom of the lake and swam very slowly.

After finding the school of fish, he manipulated the two fishing lines in front and behind the fish basket and sank it slowly. When it fell into the water at the right position, he surfaced and fixed the fishing line on the float. In this way, the fish basket was almost stable.

After arranging the two fish baskets in turn, he returned to the boat, put on his cotton coat and asked, "Do you have any more rice wine?"

Lu Zhizi said, "There are two mouthfuls left just now. I fed them to the general."

Ao Muyang asked San Deng, "Uncle San Deng, do you have any more old wine? Give me another pot."

San Deng laughed and said, "Yes, but this pot is charged. Five yuan for a cup and twenty yuan for a pot. For an additional five yuan, I will give you a plate of spit iron and a bag of five-spice peanuts. My wife pickled and fried them herself. They are delicious."

"I'll give you forty, just the wine." Ao Muyang didn't feel cold in the water. After getting out of the water, the cold wind blew and he shivered.

On the contrary, the general behaved as usual. The sweat glands on the dog's skin are not well developed, and the heat dissipation ability is poor in summer, but the heat preservation ability is good in winter.

Ao Muyang helped Ao Mufeng deploy two fish baskets, and several other families taught tourists how to set up a maze in the water. This required several nets, and it was not easy to set up.

Drinking hot wine, Ao Muyang watched for a while and found that he had worried in vain. Even the fishermen in the village had to work hard to set up a fishing net trap and seal array, let alone these tourists who were casting nets for the first time?

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