Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1176 1183. Use the big move (4)

Riding on the tiger's head, Ao Muyang secretly sighed: Human beings, you are really nothing.

This whale shark was unlucky to meet them. It was originally a good husband and wife concubine with the bonito school. It provided shelter to the bonito school, and the bonito school looked for food for it to feast on.

Bonito has excellent swimming ability, and whale sharks consume a lot of energy during swimming, so reducing activities is necessary for its survival.

But it has to find food. If it stays with a school of bonito, the job of finding food is the bonito's task. The bonito will look for some small fish, shrimps and cephalopods to make food, and they will eat the big ones themselves, such as whale sharks. Eat small.

Although whale sharks are big and have big mouths, they are actually filter-feeding species just like basking sharks. They use their mouths to filter small species for food.

Ao Muyang wants to take the tiger to drive away the whale shark so that the leader can lower the net to catch bonito.

In fact, this has little impact on the whale shark itself. The dragon head can capture at most 20 to 30% of the fish school, and the remaining bonito will gather around the whale shark again to form a whale shark-bonito symbiosis group.

In addition, he also saved the whale shark's life. If he hadn't attacked the whaling ship and forced it to anchor at sea, the whale shark would have been dead. Fuso formed a team of whaling ships and fishing boats, clearly to deal with the symbiosis. The group will catch them all in one fell swoop.

The tiger arrived aggressively and plunged into the bonito school, and then Ao Muyang began a fantastic experience:

There were cannonball-like bonitos above and below him, in front and behind him, and they were numerous and countless. In a daze, he seemed to have become a bonito, following the school of fish forward...

Finally, among the complicated bonito schools, the huge figure of the whale shark appeared!

It's like a prehistoric god floating in the sea, rippling with the waves, majestic and vicissitudes of life!

The whale shark's recovery ability is amazing. After only two or three hours, the deep wound on its back no longer bleeds. It is obvious that the damaged blood vessels have closed the wound.

The tiger rushed forward to bite the whale shark, and Ao Muyang quickly waved his hand at its eyes.

Seeing this, the tiger understood what he meant, and reluctantly gave up the fat meat in his mouth, and instead quickly circled around the whale shark, hitting the whale shark's body with its hard head from time to time.

In comparison, whale sharks are much stupider. They are much larger than killer whales, but their brain capacity is less than half that of humans, and their IQ is much lower.

As soon as the tiger threatened, the whale shark became confused and fled with all its concentration and heart.

Killer whales are ocean killers. Apart from not hunting humans, they are called domineering in the sea and will kill anything they encounter. From blue whales to sea bass, there is nothing they do not eat.

Therefore, marine creatures are naturally afraid of killer whales. Even if they are as tough as great white sharks and bull sharks, they have to run away quickly when they see killer whales.

The tiger chased after the whale shark, bumping its head against the back half of its body from time to time, always telling it: run quickly, the wolf is coming.

Behind, a huge fishing net was spread out, and the deep-sea trawl started!

Ao Muyang followed the tiger and kept driving the whale shark away, driving it in different directions of the fishing boat. He was careful not to let the fishing net hurt it or let it tear the fishing net apart.

Net after net of bonito was caught, and at night the dragon head was brightly lit, so the fishermen worked hard and stayed up all night long!

Bonitos are big and heavy. They are very strong, with round and plump bodies. The fish meat is very firm and feels good to the touch.

After a busy night, the fish schools have been dispersed, and it is time to call it a day.

The remaining bonito will then gather together with the whale sharks not far away. They are still a symbiotic group, and then leave the sea in panic and go far away.

After Ao Muyang changed his clothes, he looked at the direction where the fish were leaving. Ao Qianwen smoked the pipe and said, "Longtou, are you unwilling to accept it? Alas, I am unwilling to accept it either. It's such a big school of fish. I haven't seen such a school in a long time." Guy!"

"Yes, it's not just big. Look at the body curves of this fish. It's exquisite and graceful. It's fat where it should be, and thin where it should be. Suddenly, I had a bold idea..."

"No, you don't have any ideas." Ao Mubing grabbed Ao Mupeng and said solemnly.

Ao Mupeng rolled his eyes and said, "Do you know what I think?"

"We are both bachelors. I don't know and I don't want to know. Anyway, you don't have any ideas."

The fish school was no longer traceable. Ao Muyang turned around and said, "Okay, no joke, tell Black Dragon to start the boat and leave quickly, at full speed."

"Go back?"

"If you don't go back, go to the spawning ground of bluefin tuna and see if you can continue your good luck."

There are already so many bonito and amberjack, and Ao Muyang is generally satisfied, but their original goal is tuna, and Ao Wenchang has done so much homework for this, and it would be a shame not to take a look at the homework.

The spawning area of ​​bluefin tuna is not specific, but generally speaking, it is a large area of ​​​​sea related to ocean currents. Because the cold and warm currents meet here, the fishing resources in the sea area are extremely rich.

Tuna swim all day long and never stop. Their demand for food is very large. During the spawning season, they need even more food.

For the next two consecutive days, Ao Muyang followed the tiger in search of bluefin tuna underwater.

The resources of this kind of fish are indeed very small. They are like looking for a needle in a haystack, and they have never found any trace of tuna.

But they also had some gains. There was a sea area with complex terrain, and the seabed mountains bulged to form a reef area. There were many mantis shrimps living here. Ao Muyang took people to row a small boat to catch a lot of mantis shrimps.

There was no sign of tuna, and the people on the boat began to lose heart.

During this period, they encountered dozens of ships, all of which came to catch tuna, and some were fleets.

Seeing this, Ao Wenchang was also very discouraged: "Damn, the Japanese are too cruel. Do they have to make such a big fuss just to catch a tuna? How many fishing boats have we encountered? Alas, no wonder this fish is endangered after being caught!"

"There are indeed tuna around, but the number is small. The fish-finding radar has found it." Ao Qianwen comforted him, "The place you found is fine, but there are too few fish, and it's not easy to catch them."

"We have no experience. I saw that the Japanese tuna boat should have some gains." Ao Wenchang sighed and said.

The Lantern Festival is coming soon. They can only stay for today at most. They have to return home at full speed to prepare for the festival in the evening.

In this case, since there has been no harvest, Ao Muyang is ready to use his ultimate move.

He went into the water again, riding the tiger to quickly skim in the surrounding sea, and constantly put gold drops into the water.

Fishing tuna with gold drops!

There are tuna in the surrounding sea, but they are very sensitive. The killer whale is too big. Before they can find the tuna, the tuna has already noticed it and fled.

So he decided to use the gold drops at all costs. He had to catch a few bluefin tuna to make up for the cost, otherwise this trip would be in vain.

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