Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1186 1193. Dispute (4)

The traditional fishing method of one-line fishing is not uncommon in the tuna fishing industry. Even on the Atlantic coast of the United States, it is the main way for fishermen to fish for tuna.

However, the tuna caught in Japan is not mainly caught by one-line fishing, but by three methods: longline fishing, custom net fishing and reel fishing.

The journey to the sea was a bit boring, especially after leaving Tokyo Bay, when even the vague land could not be seen around, so they talked about fishing methods.

Longline fishing is the most common method of tuna fishing in Japan. Ao Muyang knows this very well. It is to tie a buoy on the main line of the longline, and then float at a certain depth underwater. At intervals, a branch line is tied to the main line, and a fish hook is tied on the branch line.

But the longline fishing he used is nothing in Japan. The longline fishing mentioned by Kindaichi Kosuke can stretch for dozens of kilometers, and the number of fish hooks can reach three to five thousand, which is amazing!

When talking about this fishing method, Kindaichi Kosuke shook his head repeatedly: "Such a long sea area is too deep and wide. They can catch large tuna, which is amazing, but they will also accidentally hurt other marine life, such as dolphins and sharks, and some rare humphead wrasse."

Hearing him say this, Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "Don't you Japanese fisheries regard catching dolphins and whales as an industry? How can we talk about accidental injuries?"

When it comes to this topic, Kindaichi Kosuke's face showed a few traces of sadness. He whispered: "First, not everyone regards harming dolphins and whales as an industry; second, we only catch tuna in Yiben fishing, and dolphins and whales are not our prey."

At this time, Xiaoyi and Fu walked towards them, and Kindaichi Kosuke quickly changed the topic and talked to them about reel fishing again.

Lu Hu whispered to Ao Muyang: "Xiao Yi and Fu are old-fashioned Japanese fishermen. He takes a radical attitude on the issue of dolphin and whale fishing, believing that Japanese people have the right to catch these fish."

Ao Muyang suddenly realized that it was no wonder that when he saw Xiao Yi and Fu coming, Kindaichi Kosuke quickly changed the topic.

They talked about reel fishing, which is a very brutal fishing method. It uses large fishing nets to catch all the fish. The catch using this fishing method is large, but the quality of the caught tuna is not good. First, they will be pressed together and injured in the struggle. Second, if the tuna is not caught for a long time, they will burn.

Of course, it is not the desire that burns the body, but the excessive secretion of creatine cannot be decomposed, corroding the fish meat.

After Takagi Kazufu arrived, he listened to their conversation for a while and then interrupted the topic. He said indignantly: "The Emperor should take care of this matter. Reel fishing is destroying the country's tuna industry. They catch small tunas, which is not good for the protection of tuna resources!"

Kindaichi Kosuke laughed and said: "Teacher, the Emperor has long stopped caring about it. We need to find senior officials from the government and the Ministry of Fisheries. They are condoning this criminal behavior."

Takagi Kazufu angrily punched the side of the boat with his fist, his face full of anger.

Kindaichi Kosuke went to pour a cup of tea and handed it to the old man, saying: "Teacher, don't be angry, drink a cup of tea to cool down. Anyway, you are about to retire. You have a lot of free time for the rest of your life. You can devote the rest of your time to the cause of tuna protection. I am optimistic about you, come on!"

As he said this, he clenched his fist and paused his arm, and joked with Takagi Kazufu.

From this point, it can be seen that the two have a close relationship.

Hearing his words, Takagi Kazuo laughed and said, "Having fish to fish every year is more important than catching a lot of fish in a particular year. Why don't many people who are well fed and clothed realize this?"

Kindaichi Kosuke hugged Takagi Kazuo and said with a smile, "Teacher, I know this very well, so please pass the position of chief fishery appraiser to me, and I will help you continue to implement this concept."

Takagi Kazuo's laughter suddenly became louder. He held a teacup in one hand and pointed at Kindaichi Kosuke with the other, and winked at him mischievously and said, "I have already told your senior brother , there is a test for the position of chief fish appraiser, whoever passes it will get it. ”

Hiroo Asano explained to Ao Muyang: “Kindaichi and Kurosawa are both gold medal fish appraisers of our club, and they are also the top disciples of Master Xiaoyi. After Master Xiaoyi retires, his position will be inherited by one of these two. ”

Ao Muyang suddenly thought of something that happened last night, and he asked Hiroo Asano: “Is it that Maki Yujiro has a good relationship with Kindaichi?”

Hiroo Asano smiled and said nothing, so Ao Muyang understood why Kurosawa Kenma was picking on Maki Yujiro last night.

At this time, Xiaoyi and Fu said to the three of them: "Gentlemen, make preparations. We will arrive at the Yalisongone Sea in 20 minutes at most. When we get there, our ship will be transformed."

Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "So fast?"

Xiaoyi and Fu nodded and said: "Yes, Yalisongone is only 18 kilometers away from the nearest land. It is a very beautiful coral reef and is famous all over the world. It's a pity that you came at the wrong time. If it were summer, you could go diving. It's a diving resort."

The people on the boat were busy. At this time, only Ao Muyang and the other two were free.

Lu Wuyi said while eating melon seeds: "Brother-in-law, did you see that this Asano Hiroo and Kurosawa Ken really have a special relationship. I'm afraid that Yujiro Maki can't go out to sea with us not because he drank too much."

"Besides, I know Japanese people. For them, work is the most important thing. Not to mention that Maki Yujiro drank until he vomited yesterday, even if he drank until he vomited blood, he would have to accompany us to sea today without orders from above."

Ao Muyang frowned and thought for a while and asked: "How did you figure it out? Is there a way?"

Lu Hu looked at Lu Wuyi with a sharp gaze and said: "Yes, there are complicated factions within Haijiade. The two gold medal appraisers, Kurosawa Kenshin and Kindaichi Kosuke, are currently fighting the most fiercely. Both of them are trying to attract customers from all over the country. I am an important customer in China, so they each sent a confidant to connect with me."

After introducing the situation, he asked again: "Xiaoxiao, how did you figure it out?"

This question also made Ao Muyang very interested. He didn't see the trick inside, but Lu Wuyi actually saw it, which made him look at this kid with new eyes.

Lu Wuyi said indifferently while eating melon seeds: "It's such a simple thing. In the melodramatic urban dramas, there are such plots as long as it involves the interests of the company or the family. I guess I can guess it."

Ao Muyang, Lu Hu: (⊙_⊙)!

At this time, Lu Wuyi quickly took out his mobile phone to take a photo of them and laughed: "Haha, look at your expressions, it's so interesting. Well, I said, this is all analyzed, everything is very simple."

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