Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1192 1199. It's yours (5)

The meat of saury can attract tuna, but it is difficult to introduce it into the fishing net, so after Lao Ao spread the fishing net, he still put some gold drops in it.

This thing is a big killer for fishing!

The tuna crashed into the fishing net, and Ao Muyang repeated his old trick. When he got close to it, he flew up with a fork and hunted the tuna out directly.

Even though he procrastinated, the total time from when he took the boat away to when he harvested two bluefin tuna was still less than an hour.

When Ao Muyang's fishing boat returned, Xiaoyi and her husband also sailed back. Looking at their listless looks, it was clear that they had not harvested anything this hour.

This made several people feel a little embarrassed. Xiaoyi Kazuo personally sighed: "There is no way. The tuna here are not hungry. They have no interest in our bait. It is really disappointing. Oh, how are you? ?”

He didn't have any hope for Ao Muyang and his party. The old man was also a man. He guessed that Ao Muyang and others left just because they didn't want to see them in an embarrassing situation without any gain.

Before the three of them spoke, Asano Hiro couldn't help it anymore. His face turned red with excitement and he said loudly: "Master Xiaoyi, Ao Sangguo is really an unparalleled Chinese master. He caught two Japanese tuna, the largest one I estimate is one One hundred and eighty kilograms of weight!”

For a moment, the two ships became extremely quiet. They could only hear the whistling of the sea breeze, the crackling sound of the waves hitting the ship, and the faint whistle of a ship in the distance.

Kindaichi Kosuke couldn't understand Chinese. He showed the same expression as Kazuo Koi, then laughed and asked what was going on in Japanese.

This time Asano Hiroo didn't say anything. He directly opened the tarpaulin used to cover the tuna on the boat, revealing two big fish side by side below.

The two-and-a-half-meter bluefin tuna was really big. It was like a visual shock lying across the boat. After seeing it, Kindaichi Kosuke gasped and his eyes widened.

Ao Muyang said with a smile: "Excuse me, Master Xiaoyi, I am very lucky today. It seems that this ocean, like the starry sky last night, has favored me, a guy from a foreign country, and actually gave me a surprise."

Kazuo Takai finally realized what he was doing. He pulled the side of the boat hard and leaned out to look at the tuna. He was not afraid of the rocking hull and the waves that almost hit him, and just stared at the tuna carefully.

After looking at it for a long time, he sighed and said: "It's really shameful to do whatever you want."

Ao Muyang followed their example and bowed: "Master Xiaoyi's words make me feel ashamed. I just have better luck today. In addition, these two fish are my gift to Master Xiaoyi. Thank you Master Xiaoyi for his enthusiasm for us." Hospitality.”

Xiaoyi Kazuo waved his hands and said: "Ao Sang, what you said makes me even more ashamed. These are the catches you hunted. Of course they belong to you. There are great people in the land of China. I will bow my head and study devoutly all my life, above the birds, There is also the sky, and beyond the ocean, there is an abyss!”

He shook his head and went to the bow of the ship. He put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky. It was a sunny day and the sky was as blue as a gem. The strong sea breeze rustled his clothes, and for a moment, the back of Kazuo Xiaoyi gave people the feeling of being as lonely as snow.

Ao Muyang looked at Lu Hu with a tentative look. Lu Hu shrugged and said, "It's okay, Xiaoyi is very open-minded."

Lao Ao whispered: "What I mean is, whoever catches the fish here belongs to him. If he had known, I would come here with a longline to harvest the wool of Japanese capitalism!"

Lu Rover was speechless and speechless.

But what he said was right. After a while, when they gathered on the big ship, Xiaoyi and his husband became cheerful again.

The two fish were carefully carried onto the boat. He stroked the big fish and laughed heartily: "Haha, I won't come back empty-handed this time. If I see that bastard Jiuyou, I will definitely laugh at him."

Ao Muyang said modestly: "It's just luck. If Master Xiaoyi comes across these two fish, he will definitely be able to catch them faster."

Kazuo Takai nodded with his hands behind his back and said: "I once had a record of catching four tuna in one hour. This is still a Japanese fishing record, but that was a long time ago, and there were more fish at that time. Well, I can’t do such a feat now.”

He went up and patted Ao Muyang on the shoulder and said: "Ao Sang, you are an outstanding Jiang Hailang, with unfathomable abilities like the ocean, but also a mind as broad and vast as the ocean. If you take a job in Haijiade, Then my position must be passed on to you."

Hiroo Asano had been translating for both parties. He would completely translate Chinese into Japanese and assist Kinda Kazuki. However, he only translated half of Kazuo Takao's words and did not say the second half.

Kazuo Takaoi was unwilling, and said: "Asano-kun, I once heard that you are as tough as a sword, why do you act as smooth as butter now?"

A look of shame suddenly appeared on Asano Hiro's face. He lowered his head and bowed: "Master Xiaoyi taught Asano a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, he translated the remaining half of the words to Kindaichi, who was assisted by Kindaichi. After being assisted, Kindaichi nodded with a convinced look on his face, expressing his approval of Kazuo Takashi's words.

Takagi Kazuo turned to Ao Muyang and smiled, "Asano-kun thinks these words will hurt Yukisuke's dignity, but how can the weak have dignity? Only the strong can care about their own face! Therefore, Yukisuke needs to become stronger. He will become a better fishing master than me. I firmly believe it!"

Asano Hiroo naturally translated this. Kindaichi laughed dumbly, then bowed to Ao Muyang and said a few words. Asano Hiroo translated it simultaneously: "If Yukisuke wants to make progress, he needs to study harder. I hope to have the opportunity to learn more from Ao Sang. When the time comes, please don't hesitate to teach me!"

Ao Muyang bowed in response : "Teach each other."

The fishing boat sailed to Tokyo Bay. Lu Wuyi leaned close to Ao Muyang and whispered: "Brother-in-law, I now know why Japanese girls can unlock so many postures. Their men bow every day to exercise their waists, and the girls must exercise more. Oh, I really want to fight with them. I have practiced it too."

"If the locals hear you, the next time I want to see you, I will have to see you on the computer."

The two bluefin tuna will also be sent to Tsukiji Market, and because they are fish handled by professionals like Hiroo Asano, they can be sold at a higher price.

Xiaoyi and Fu asked Hiroo Asano to send the three people to the resort hotel, and then said that they would not host a banquet for them in the evening, because they would take them to visit Tsukiji Market tomorrow, and Tsukiji Market would open at dawn, so they had to rest early.

Dinner was delivered to the room. Ao Muyang ate it hastily and was ready to go to sleep, but someone knocked on the door.

This hotel is very high-end. There is a small screen inside the door of the room. When it is opened, you can see the scene outside the door.

Ao Muyang turned on the screen and was shocked to see Kurosawa Kenma standing outside...

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