Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1272 1279. Fish Hot Pot (5)

The two surface trawls finally joined together, and the two sides successfully joined forces. The fishing nets were full of slender barracudas.

There were still some barracudas floating on the sea. Ao Muyang called out a raft halfway, which was dragging a large fishing net. He and Ao Wenchang picked up fish on the sea and dragged them into the fishing net behind the boat.

Ao Wenchang was very happy with a one-meter-long barracuda in his hand, and said: "We are like a blind bear picking corn, it's so easy."

Some words can be said in the heart but not in the mouth, and some flags cannot be easily raised, such as starving to death and not eating your food, but in the end you say it's delicious.

Not long after Ao Wenchang finished speaking, when he reached out to grab the barracuda again, the barracuda that was stunned by the electric shock happened to wake up, and when he saw him reaching out, he opened his mouth and bit it!

This bite was brutal, and Ao Muyang heard a scream. The last time he heard a similar scream was when Ao Mukang performed castration surgery on his pigs.

Old Ao hurriedly turned back and saw Ao Wenchang dragging a half-meter-long barracuda onto the boat with a ferocious face. The fish's mouth was biting his hand, and blood was dripping!

"It's bad." Ao Muyang said subconsciously, and hurriedly went up and chopped off the barracuda's head with a knife.

Fortunately, this is a barracuda, not a crocodile. Although its teeth are sharp, its bite force is relatively small-due to the arc of its mouth opening and the shape of its head, the barracuda's bite force is not great, so when they catch some hairtail and pomfret, they can often only eat the soft parts such as the belly of the fish.

The teeth pierced into the back of Ao Wenchang's hand and palm. Ao Muyang said, "Bear it."

Ao Wenchang said, "Woo, I can't bear it."

Old Ao found a piece of cloth on the boat and stuffed it into Ao Wenchang's mouth, saying, "Hold tight, I'll open the fish's mouth for you!"

He easily opened the mouth of the pike. Ao Wenchang was bitten on his right hand. After the fish head on his right hand was taken off, he didn't care about bandaging it and hurried to scratch his throat: "Ugh, ugh!"

Ao Muyang patted his back and said, "What's wrong? Did the fish bite your tongue?"

Ao Wenchang's tears flowed out of his throat. He wiped the saliva from his mouth and said, "Dragon head, you didn't even look at what you got before you stuffed it into my mouth? Whose sock is this!"

Old Ao looked at it and it was indeed a sock. He quickly threw it into the sea and said with disgust on his face, "It's disgusting."

He wanted to throw the fish head in, but Ao Wenchang stopped him : "Don't throw this away. I'd rather throw away the car and the cow than the sea wolf head. Take it back and stew it to make me feel better."

After the two speedboats met, they came to help. When Ao Wenchang turned around, Ao Mudong at the bow was shocked: "Oh my god, what happened to you, scholar? Why are you vomiting blood? Poisoned?"

Ao Muyang said impatiently: "What time is it? Are you still joking? Is there a medical kit on the speedboat? Find alcohol quickly."

"No, faucet, don't use alcohol. It hurts too much to disinfect this thing. Do you have hydrogen peroxide? Red and blue medicines will also work." Ao Wenchang asked expectantly.

Ao Daguo searched for it and shook his head: "There is no on the boat, but there should be on the island."

"Then go back." Ao Muyang said decisively.

He took Ao Wenchang on a yacht and asked Ao Mudong to take people to pick up fish on the sea, and then they went back to treat Ao Wenchang's wounds first.

When he returned to Zhuantou Island, he asked Zhong Cang if he had disinfectant. Zhong Cang said yes, but when he looked for it, it was empty. Old man Ao Zhibing said, "It doesn't matter if there is no disinfectant. I have old wine, which is more than 70 degrees, almost the same as alcohol."

Ao Wenchang's face changed when he heard this. He shook his head and said, "I will deal with it when I return to the village. Just wrap it up first. I don't need old wine to treat the wound."

Ao Zhibing said anxiously, "What time is it? Still picky? Come on, two people come up and hold him down. I will wash his hands."

Ao Wenchang was held down, and then he screamed, "It hurts, it hurts!"

After bandaging his wound with great difficulty, Ao Mudong came back with a distorted face and his hands were bloody.

Seeing this, Ao Wenchang smiled happily, and his distorted expression was relaxed.

Ao Muyang said angrily: "Didn't I tell you to be careful when I left?"

Ao Mudong said with a sad face: "It's hard to guard against."

Ao Mubing was not happy either, and said: "You don't want me to drink, right?"

After bandaging Ao Mudong's wound, he raised his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ao Muyang said: "It's just a bite from a barracuda, are you scared?"

Ao Mudong said: "What are you afraid of? I breathe a sigh of relief because I think I have a wife now. If I don't have a wife and my hand is bitten by a fish again, it will be fatal!"

It's not known whether the barracudas in the fishery have been cleaned up. Ao Muyang can't leave. He has to stay on the island for two days until he is sure that there are no barracudas.

In fact, he really wants to raise barracudas. Barracudas are not cheap and grow fast. They also like to eat mud rich in organic matter on the seabed, which can clean up the garbage in the fishery.

But wild barracudas are too fierce. They not only eat mud, but also fish and shrimp. They are greedy by nature, just like wolves. When wolves encounter a flock of sheep, they don’t just bite one or two to death and eat them, but bite them all to death.

Wild barracudas also have this virtue, so Lao Ao can’t raise them.

Ao Daguo and his party packed the barracudas into the ice cabin of the Purple Deer and took them back, while Ao Muyang stayed on the island.

He remembered that there were still guns hidden in the blue hole on the seabed not far from the Brick Island. It has been two years, and he has not been able to use these things in the past two years. Now he doesn’t know what they have become.

For ordinary people, guns are too far away from their lives.

At night, they ate pike, which is tender and meaty. It can be steamed, braised, or cooked at home. Ao Muyang cut the fish meat to make hot pot.

The island is even colder at night. The sea breeze is too strong. It is early April, and the island still needs to use the stove to heat, otherwise people will freeze to death at night.

The four people ate hot pot around the stove. Ao Muyang installed a large stove on the island, which can hold a small iron pot. He saw that there were pork bones in the refrigerator and boiled soup in the afternoon. In the evening, he used the soup to make hot pot.

Ao Zhibing poured him a glass of wine and said with a smile: "Dragon head, try the wine I got from my old friend. It is pure grain wine, a real green drink."

Ao Muyang saw that the wine was slightly turbid and had a little taste of traditional soju. He felt it while watching the iron pot fish hot pot.

Without saying anything, he took the cup and took a sip.

With just one sip, he immediately had tears in his eyes: no other feeling, just spicy, choking, and a little bitter, just like drinking alcohol.

"Ahem, ahem, this wine is too strong, what the hell is it?" Ao Muyang almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

Ao Zhibing laughed and said, "This is a good thing, sweet potato cake, your father used this wine when he got married, is it strong?"

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