Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1279 1286. What a big fish (2)

Although the lake is contracted by Ao Muyang, the aquatic products produced in the lake, such as crabs, pearl oysters, fish and shrimps, are still allowed to be fished by the whole village in normal times.

Even when the harvest season comes, Ao Muyang catches and sells the fish, and the money earned goes to the village account, which is used to buy seaweed for the manatees in the sea and fish and meat for the whales and dolphins.

Therefore, everyone in the village knows how good he is, and his appeal as the village chief is very strong. As long as he calls people to work, there will be no one who doesn't work hard.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the people in the village know how powerful he is and are willing to follow him to get some glory.

The crab larvae are delivered in foam boxes, and they can survive as long as a little water is put in them. After being poured into the lake, they quickly dive into the lake.

Ao Muyang stood on a rock and looked around. He saw countless small crabs burrowing into the lake. Some were timid and dug holes in the swamp beside the lake on the spot.

Lu Wuwei said proudly: "How about brother-in-law, are the crab seedlings this year very energetic? I am responsible for selecting them!"

Ao Muyang said: "Well, it's indeed good. Also, where is the bitter grass you mentioned?"

Lu Wuyi said: "This bitter grass is also called flat grass. It is a perennial stemless submerged herb. It has stolons that can be eaten by crabs. This kind of aquatic grass grows in Hongze Lake, Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake, and Yangcheng Lake. Lu Wuyi Hu suggested that this kind of aquatic plant should be planted in Ambergris Lake to facilitate the fattening of crabs. "

Ao Muyang said: "Understand, I asked where the bitter grass is, not what the bitter grass is."

Lu Wuyi smiled and said: "Where is the bitter grass? The bitter grass is on the boat. There are aquatic plant seedlings and aquatic plant seeds. The aquatic plant seedlings are put together with the crab seedlings. Ask them where they moved."

Ao Muyang asked Ao Mupeng: "Dapeng, where did you put the aquatic seedlings on the boat? They stayed with the crabs. The small green seedlings were wrapped in tarpaulin."

Ao Mupeng was stunned and said: "Are those aquatic seedlings on the faucet? We thought they were weeds used to buffer the crab seedlings box. Brother Dong said that after collecting the crab seedlings, he would throw the grass to the manatees for them to eat. Lose."

Lu Wuyi suddenly jumped up: "They are messing around, stop them quickly, those are aquatic plants planted for crabs to eat!"

Ao Mupeng took out his mobile phone and put it to his mouth and said: "Hey, hey, Brother Dong, Brother Dong, those..."

"When did you leave the WeChat voice message! Make a call!" Ao Muyang kicked him angrily.

Ao Mupeng said innocently: "Aren't you trying to save money so you can find a wife?"

Lu Wuyi said: "With the current conditions in our village, are the young men still worried about finding a wife?"

Ao Mupeng smiled and said: "Yes, but don't you try to find something good-looking?"

Lu Wuji shook his head and said: "Brother Peng, you are so naive. This is not how you look for a wife. You must not only look at her appearance, but also your own appearance..."

Ao Wenchang, who was next to him, handed his cell phone to Ao Muyang and said, "The call has been connected. Dongzi hasn't thrown away those aquatic seedlings yet."

After transporting the crab seedlings, it was time to transport aquatic plant seedlings. Land Rover sent a lot of seedlings, as well as seeds. Lu Wuji arranged for a group of people to row a boat and scatter seedlings along the lake. The seeds can be thrown deep into the lake.

"Now is a good time to plant Vallisneria. Vallisternia generally requires the water temperature to be above ten degrees Celsius. The best sowing period is now." Lu Wuji turned around and said.

Ao Muyang was about to answer when Lu Wuyi turned around and shouted: "There are plenty of seeds. Don't be sparing when spreading them. Spread two handfuls per acre of lake, evenly."

Ao Qianwen next to him said in confusion: "You don't need to spread so much, right?"

Lu Wuji said seriously: "You must sow so much, just to be on the safe side, because the quality of the seeds may be questionable, so use more seeds with poor maturity."

He turned back to Ao Muyang and said: "I can't stay in the village for a few days, so in the future, you have to get some snacks for aquatic plants, and you can't rely on me for everything. I will ask someone to leave some seeds for later use. Brother-in-law, please pay attention. Wait until next month to check the emergence status. If the emergence of Vallisneria is not ideal, you will have to replant it. There are many crabs in the lake, and they will also eat these Vallisneria. Then replant more. "

Ao Muyang said: "Okay, I remember this."

It is estimated that Lu Wuji used to be an uneducated playboy in the village. This time he finally got the opportunity to display his professional skills, and he kept showing off.

He pointed his fingers and said solemnly: "According to what I know from my study, during the production process, this Vallisneria is usually sown once in mid-March and re-planted in early April. We are planting it directly now, so in the future It’s inevitable to replant.”

At this point, he changed the subject and asked, "Do you know how to replant?"

Ao Muyang was about to answer, but he shook his head with a disappointed look on his face and said, "Oh, you definitely don't know. You all don't know what Vallisneria is. There are certain things to pay attention to when planting Vallisneria seeds. Before sowing, you must first Put the seeds in a container and soak them in water for about 5 days. During the soaking process, you should often rub the Vallisneria berries with your hands. The current seeds are collected by the breeding company, but you will have to do it yourself next time. "

"Okay, Teacher Lu, please take the trouble." Ao Mupeng teased with a smile.

Lu Wuyi frowned and said, "Don't be so playful. The planting of these bitter grass seeds is related to the fattening of crabs. You must listen to me carefully and do as I say."

Ao Muyang nodded to the group of people around him and said, "Give my brother-in-law some respect. Come on, everyone, listen to what he has to say."

Lu Wuyi said: "That's it."

At this time, there was an exclamation from the lake: "Oh shit, did you see it? Did you see it?"

"I saw it, I saw it, what a big catfish."

"What catfish? What did you see?"

Noisy sounds rang out, and Ao Muyang stood on tiptoes and looked into the lake. He saw a huge ripple spreading out on the lake surface, and two small boats swaying as the lake water oscillated.

The fisherman on the boat shouted in shock: "A big catfish, oh my god, it's one and a half meters long. How did it grow like this? Does it eat human flesh?"

There are many catfish in Ambergris Lake. These fish have a very diverse and aggressive diet, so they grow very fast and very large. Especially the fishermen have marine fish to eat and have little interest in catching these freshwater fish, so they live for a long time. He grows even bigger.

Most of the catfish produced in the lake weigh more than five kilograms, and many weigh more than ten kilograms. However, catfish that grow to one and a half meters long are extremely rare, and Ao Muyang has never seen them.

After listening to the words of the fisherman on the lake, Ao Daguo stood up and asked: "Dalin, are you sure? One and a half meters?"

The fisherman nodded vigorously and said: "It's not bad, I estimate it weighs forty or fifty pounds. It was floating on my side just now, and its tail slapped the water, and my boat started to rock. If you don't believe me, ask the stool, he will definitely Saw."

The fisherman who was sowing bitter grass seeds on the boat next to him nodded, and Ao Daguo said in a deep voice: "Okay, this catfish is going to become a sperm, so we have to catch it!"

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