Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1287 1294. Means (5)

The fishing village has a strong clan concept and a tough folk style. Almost all children's childhoods are accompanied by fights, and most of them have been bullied by older children.

Ao Muyang was quite tough when he was young, and he was considered the leader among his peers. Because of this, he was beaten more often. After all, Longtou Village had no power at that time, and the children in the surrounding villages were not afraid of their village.

As a victim of underage violence and bullying, he hates the older children bullying the younger children the most, and he hates the teenagers bullying others in groups at school.

Speaking of which, the education of children in their village is good. Although the children in the village often get together to fight, there is no such thing as vicious bullying.

Take Ao Xiaojun for example. Although his father often beats him, most of the time it is just thunder and rain, so he did not develop a violent character. He also likes to scare people among his peers, but he just yells a few times verbally and never really fights.

Today, a child in the village was really beaten. Ao Muyang was not polite in the face of such a thing. He grabbed the boy's arm and brought him in front of him like a chicken.

The boy wanted to struggle, but Ao Muyang grabbed his arm with both hands and pushed it back. The boy screamed and knelt on the ground.

After subduing the boy, Ao Muyang asked him: "How old are you?"

The boy screamed: "I am less than sixteen years old, ah, let go of my hand, it hurts me to death!"

Ao Muyang frowned and asked: "Less than sixteen years old? Still a child?"

A boy below saw that he was not easy to mess with, so he shouted: "Yes, we are just children fighting, you adults have the nerve to argue with children?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "You are right, but I like to bully you kids! Especially bad kids like you, who are so young, I can bully you for a long time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the boy in front of him on the buttocks, kicking him directly into the air and falling on the land under the river bank.

It had just rained heavily, and the ground was soft, so it didn't hurt much to fall on it, which made Lao Ao quite dissatisfied.

The boy was brave enough to get up, pick up a stone and yell angrily: "Let's go together, what's wrong with adults? It's not like we haven't hit adults before! Beat him hard, beat him to death. We also have the Juvenile Protection Law, so we don't have to go to jail!"

Upon hearing this, Ao Muyang's face changed immediately.

The boys thought he was afraid, and they became more excited. They bent down to pick up stones, and some even snatched a fishing rod from a village child and used it as a stick.

Ao Muyang acted quickly, grabbing the bicycles on the ground and throwing them down one by one.

The boys had just climbed up to the river bank and were stunned by this scene. They didn't expect anyone to dare to throw their bicycles into the river.

The river was surging, and bicycles fell one after another and were washed away by the water, with only a few splashes...

Two teenagers screamed and threw away the stones and ran into the river, but the other four teenagers were furious. One of them waved the fishing rod and shouted: "Fuck you, I'll kill you!"

Ao Muyang grabbed the last bicycle and didn't throw it down, but blocked it. The fishing rod passed through the spokes of the wheel and got stuck. So Ao Muyang turned the bicycle with both hands, and with a click, the boy's hands hurt and he couldn't hold the fishing rod.

After snatching the fishing rod, he kicked out and kicked the boy hard, sending him flying.

Other teenagers raised stones and threw them at his head. Ao Muyang held up the bicycle to block in front of him. The stone hit the bicycle and made a loud noise and bounced back.

The three teenagers wanted to pick up the stones, but Ao Muyang didn't give them a chance. He threw the bicycle to the farthest teenager, followed up and grabbed the boy in front and kicked him again. The three teenagers were knocked to the ground before they could react.

Grabbing the boy in his hand, Ao Muyang waved his hand and slapped him several times.

He had no good feelings for this kind of bad boy, and the harsh words the boys said just now angered him, so he did not hold back. A few slaps made the boy's cheek swollen!

The boy wanted to scream, but the slap was too strong and it took back his scream.

After beating him, Ao Muyang threw him away like throwing garbage. He walked towards the boy who was kicked away with a gloomy face. The boy covered his stomach and barely got up. He opened his mouth and said, "Don't, big brother..."

"Do you still want to scold me?" Ao Muyang pinched his shoulder, twisted his waist, pulled him up and threw him to the ground.

The boy screamed after being thrown, but he couldn't stand up this time, so he could only roll on the ground holding his stomach.

He walked towards the boy who was knocked to the ground by the bicycle. The boy pushed the bicycle away and tried to run away. As a result, after taking two steps, a big hand like a clamp pressed on his shoulder and pulled him back.

Ao Muyang didn't say anything, and punched the boy's chest twice. The boy's face turned pale instantly. He squatted on the ground and could only gasp for air for a while.

Two other boys jumped into the river to grab the bicycle. The water flow was so fast that they almost overturned them. They were so scared that they hurriedly climbed ashore.

After getting ashore, they saw the scene of their companions being beaten severely, and they were so scared that they wanted to go down to the river to avoid it.

Ao Muyang dragged the boys on the river bank and pushed them to the river bank below. He walked down with a gloomy face and pointed at the two boys trembling by the river and asked: "Did they beat people?"

A child in the village said with tears in his eyes: "They beat me. They slapped my face."

Ao Muyang looked at the two men. The two teenagers retreated in panic, but there was a torrent behind them, so there was really no place to retreat.

Ao had no experience in dealing with these little hooligans. He thought about it, took out his mobile phone and called Jin Hong, introduced the situation and asked: "Brother Jin Hong, how can we deal with these guys so that they will remember?"

Jin Hong said: "Find a few social people to scare them, they are afraid of these big brothers."

"Then come over?" Ao Muyang asked.

Jin Hong secretly said that it was not good. Isn't this asking for trouble? He quickly added: "There is a more powerful trick. How many people are there in total? Six, right? Well, let them fight, and whoever fights hardest will be let go. In this way, they can't be brothers anymore in the future. I know these kids. As long as they can't get together, they can't do bad things."

This trick is really cruel. Ao Muyang closed his phone and showed a malicious smile on his face.

As a result, Jin Hong's voice was loud, and the teenagers heard what he said. These people were not stupid. One of the teenagers stretched his neck and shouted: "Don't listen to him, we don't have to be afraid of him, he dares not do anything, let him do it, if he dares to beat us to death, he will also be sentenced to death!"

The other teenagers gathered together and nodded in panic. Some people wanted to agree, but they were frightened by Ao Muyang's glare and quickly shut up.

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Little brother, you know nothing about this cruel world. Now I will let you see the methods of adults!"

After that, he rushed up and grabbed a boy and started to strip his clothes...

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