Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 13 13. Craftsmanship

Ao Xiaoniu's family was about to have dinner. In the evening, Song Qiumin didn't cook the rapeseed she picked, but hung it up to dry. In the evening, they had rice and small fish soup.

Seeing Ao Muyang coming back with a pot and a plate, Song Qiumin asked in surprise: "Yangzi, what are you doing?"

Ao Muyang said: "Aren't you having dinner? I'll ask you to taste my cooking skills. I learned to be a chef in Kyoto. I'll make two dishes for you to try."

He opened the lid of the pressure cooker, and the aroma of the chicken soup rose into the air and floated around like a divine power that broke the seal.

When Ao Xiaoniu smelled the aroma, his stomach suddenly made a 'gurgling' sound, and Song Qiumin also swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

When half of the chicken soup was left, the soup turned from transparent to golden yellow, the chicken turned white, and the red wolfberry floated on the soup. The red, white and yellow colors were interspersed, and the colors were moving.

The snow-white chicken looked very tender. Ao Muyang scooped out a bowl of it. The fragrance was even stronger. The white chicken was shaking with heat, which made people greedy.

He handed the bowl to Song Qiumin and said, "Sister-in-law, come and try it."

Song Qiumin hurriedly said, "What are you doing? Did you go back to stew the chicken just now?"

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "Yes, Xiaoniu, don't stand there. Sit down, drink the chicken soup and eat the chicken. The chicken bones are for the general. There is cobia sashimi here. Try your uncle's cooking."

Ao Xiaoniu looked at his mother with wide eyes, full of expectation.

Song Qiumin said in embarrassment: "How can I be so embarrassed? Ahem, look at the chicken, is it a walking chicken? Ahem, you stewed this precious thing."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, you are so polite. How expensive can a chicken be? I see you raise it, right? At most, you can give me one when your chicken grows up. Come on, drink it while it's hot."

Song Qiumin understood his intentions and rubbed her hands and said: "Okay, Yangzi, then sister-in-law won't be polite. It would be hypocritical to be polite. Xiaoniu, thank you uncle, eat it."

Ao Xiaoniu thanked him obediently, holding the bowl and drinking a mouthful of soup first, then his eyes lit up and shouted: "It smells so good, mom, you drink it, you drink it first, you try it quickly."

Song Qiumin took a mouthful of chicken soup, and then she couldn't stop. She sipped it frugally, not drinking it in big mouthfuls, but she finished a bowl of chicken soup quickly.

Ao Muyang pushed the plate over and said, "The chicken soup is greasy, don't drink too much, come, eat it with sashimi."

The chicken soup has a strong aroma, and eating the light sashimi at this time can taste the seafood flavor.

The general was waiting to eat the bones, but the mother and daughter chewed the bones and swallowed them. After waiting for a long time, it only waited for a few pieces of bone residue that were really hard to chew.

Ao Muyang was about to get up and leave, Song Qiumin hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, I'll pour out the pot for you."

Ao Xiaoniu immediately rushed to the kitchen, Ao Muyang stopped him and said with a smile: "No, don't pour out the pot, the fragrance will go away, just leave it in, heat it up tomorrow morning and have soup with rice or chicken noodle soup, it will be delicious."

"What should I do with the pot?"

Ao Muyang said: "It's not easy, wait until you pour it out and let Xiaoniu send it to me, Xiaoniu will eat lunch and dinner with me in the future. You don't have to cook, sister-in-law, Xiaoniu will bring you a bowl after eating."

Song Qiumin shook her head like a rattle: "That won't work..."

Ao Muyang interrupted her and said: "What's wrong? It's boring to eat alone, and it's a matter of having more chopsticks. Okay, sister-in-law, you guys should rest early after eating, I'll leave first."

The general lowered his head and sniffed hard, hoping to find some fragrant chicken bones to eat before leaving.

In the end, it was in vain for all its efforts. After Ao Muyang left, it could only chase him dejectedly, and it was so disappointed that it was heartbroken.

It was not too late yet. Since he had come to the west end of the village, he planned to go to the teacher's house to sit down. He had not visited the teacher since he came back. This time, he could just learn about the condition of Qiu Min's sister-in-law.

His teacher was Ao Zhisheng, who used to be a rural teacher.

Longtou Village is quite large, with a population of more than 1,000 people and more than 300 households. In the early years, there were many children, so the government set up a primary school in the village. Ao Zhisheng was the principal of the school at that time.

However, because the number of children decreased, after Ao Muyang graduated from primary school, the village school was abolished and unified in the town.

Ao Zhisheng and other rural teachers did not have a staff, so the Education Bureau did not arrange work for them and directly let them retire.

In addition to being a former rural teacher, Ao Zhisheng is also a barefoot doctor who runs the only clinic in the village. Villagers would go to him for headaches, fevers, minor illnesses, or disasters. After all, it was too much trouble to take a boat to the town or anywhere else.

As a result, when he asked, Ao Zhisheng took advantage of the good weather to go up the mountain to collect herbs. He learned Chinese medicine from his grandfather and father, and many of the herbs he used were adapted to local conditions and all came from Dalong Mountain.

So, he had to go home first.

At noon, Ao Xiaoniu came to return the pressure cooker. Ao Muyang said it was just right. He took the pot, put the marinated fish scales in it, and put it on the fire to stew.

Ao Xiaoniu asked, "Uncle, do you want to make fish jelly?"

Ao Muyang covered the lid and smiled, "Yes, eat fish jelly tonight. Bring a bowl back to your mother. This thing nourishes yin and relieves cough."

Ao Xiaoniu smiled and said, "Okay!"

Fish jelly is a special cold dish of fishermen. It is made by boiling fish scales in water and freezing them in the freezer. In the past, there were no refrigerators and freezers, and it was mostly made in winter. Now it can be made all year round and is a very popular dish in summer.

For lunch, he had fried rice with pickled peppers and braised meat. He bought enough ingredients from Hongyang two days ago, pickled the pickled peppers and stewed the braised meat himself, so he could eat it today.

The green pickled peppers, black marinated meat, and white rice are fragrant and spicy after being fried in oil. Eating a bowl of rice in the hot summer is very appetizing.

Ao Fugui came to eat at a fixed time. He and Ao Xiaoniu were like competing. Each of them had a big plate of fried rice. Ao Muyang went back to the house and came out again. He actually ate it all!

He was shocked: "You pour it into your mouth?"

Ao Fugui laughed and said, "Damn Xiaoniu eats too fast. I am being led by him..."

"It doesn't matter in private, but don't say bad words in front of the children." Ao Muyang frowned and interrupted him.

Ao Fugui still laughed, and Ao Xiaoniu wiped his mouth embarrassedly and said, "Uncle Yang, did you only make two plates? I ate too much."

Ao Muyang said, "No, there is plenty of rice. I think you eat too fast and don't eat vegetables. The taste is not good."

As he said that, he put down the plate, which contained some bamboo shoots pickled in pickled pepper soup, crispy and spicy.

So Ao Fugui and Ao Xiaoniu each ordered a plate of fried rice...

After eating and drinking, Ao Xiaoniu cleaned up the dishes and washed them neatly.

Ao Muyang did not stop him. He pulled out a lounge chair under the Wanxiang tree and enjoyed the sea breeze leisurely.

When Ao Xiaoniu finished his work and came to enjoy the cool, he took out a stack of money and handed it to him, saying: "Take the food back with you to your mother."

Looking at the stack of red bills, Ao Xiaoniu quickly stepped back: "Uncle Yang..."

Ao Muyang said: "Don't be as stubborn as your mother. If you are too stubborn, don't play with me in the future. This is a little money from selling cobia. It's not much. Take it back."

The reason why he didn't give it to Song Qiumin was because he knew that the woman was very stubborn and he couldn't convince her.

Ao Fugui said that her family had come to persuade her to remarry countless times in the past few years, but no one had ever made her heart move a little.

Ao Xiaoniu wiped his hands and took the money reluctantly.

He wanted to play with Uncle Yang, who had been in Beijing for many years and was a capable man. He could catch big lobsters and big cobia when he came back, and he was even more capable.

He wanted to follow a capable man to make a name for himself, to treat his mother's illness, and to give her a good life.

In addition, he also wanted money. His family was too poor, really too poor, and he knew this better than anyone else!

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