Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 131 130. Net fishing

Rice fish, also known as croaker, belongs to the Sciaenidae family of the order Perciformes and looks very similar to sea bass.

They are abundant in the East China Sea, with the fishing season from June to August in the lunar calendar, and the peak season in July, which is now. The rice fish produced at this time are the most plump.

As a stonefish, the meat of rice fish is similar to that of large and small yellow croakers and yellow croakers. They are also delicious and nutritious, and are also a fish with high economic value.

However, compared with wild large and small yellow croakers and other similar species, which are known as marine gold mines, wild rice fish are much cheaper, and the market price is usually about 100 yuan per catty.

The price of rice fish now is more expensive, and it can be sold for 150 yuan per catty, because the rice fish produced in these two months is the most abundant, and the time is in the closed sea fishing ban period, and there are few fresh rice fish in season on the market.

After confirming the identity of these fish, Ao Muyang became interested.

Rice fish do not like to live in large groups, so the chance of catching them at sea is not high. Scarcity makes things valuable, which gradually increases their value.

With a twist of the submersible, he quickly surfaced, and the sea fishing boat was not far away.

After entering the water, he fixed the direction and speed of the sea fishing boat, and then changed to automatic driving, so the two sides kept their positions synchronized in the sea.

After surfacing, he pointed at the stern and blew a whistle. The general jumped down with the fishing net in his mouth, and swung his tail hard to send the huge fishing net over.

After getting the fishing net, Ao Muyang kissed the general, released the submersible, and began to deploy the fishing net.

Fishing for rice fish should be done at night. They are warm-temperate bottom sea fish. They like the environment with a depth of 10 to 70 meters. They sink during the day and float at night.

At this time, the fish school stayed on the seabed. Ao Muyang estimated that the water depth here was about 40 meters. His fishing net was not big enough, and the boat’s capacity was not good enough, so he could not trawle.

So after thinking about it, he decided to use a net fishing method to deal with this school of fish.

Fishing generally uses fishing rods, fishing lines and fish hooks, but Ao Muyang doesn't use these. He uses a fishing net.

After jumping into the water, he spread out the fishing net and let it unfold naturally, then drove the boat back to look for a school of squids he encountered in front of him.

Rice fish are predatory fish with ferocious temperaments. They feed on small fish, cyprinids and cephalopods.

After finding the school of squids, he used another small fishing net on the boat to catch them. After spreading it, the fishing net was covered, and then some squids were caught.

In addition, he saw that there was a lot of mud on the seabed in this sea area, so he went to the boat to get a bucket down, filled it with mud on the seabed, and after floating up and down several times, some mud and sand accumulated at the stern of the boat.

After a busy day, he drove the boat back to the sea area where the rice fish school was.

The small fish school did not leave, and still swam slowly on the seabed to hunt.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang adjusted the angle of the unfolded fishing net and let it stretch along the direction of the waves. The waves pushed from south to north, and he arranged the fishing net to the north of the fish school.

The general came to help. He pulled one corner of the fishing net, and the general held the other corner, and then swam in the east-west direction to completely unfold the fishing net.

After arranging it, he went on the boat and sprinkled the mud and sand he dug up, so that the surrounding sea area soon became turbid.

After spreading the mud and sand, he threw all the squids he caught down. After everything was done, he got on the propeller again and dived to the bottom of the sea.

The school of rice fish that had been swimming slowly on the bottom of the sea became agitated. They found food, and the food was in a turbid water area, which made them very excited.

Ao Muyang had read a book called "East China Sea Atlas" before. The introduction of rice fish on it was: like to live in turbid water, can make sounds with fish bladders, and are ferocious.

He now created a turbid sea area and prepared food for them, so he was not afraid that they would not take the bait.

This is net fishing. The target fish's food is the bait, the environment it likes is the fishing line, and the fishing net is the hook!

The fish floated up in a commotion, and then rushed to attack in the turbid sea water, swallowing fresh squids one by one.

When the fish almost finished hunting, Ao Muyang suddenly grabbed the submersible and floated up from the bottom of the sea, rushing towards the fish from the north.

The fish were frightened. They found a threat in the north, so they swam south together along the direction of the water flow.

At this time, they were not on the seabed, but in the surface waters. The fishing net blocked their way from the south. The rice fish rushed forward with a "ga ga" sound, and finally rushed into the fishing net...

When they fell into the fishing net, they were immediately entangled, and a spectacular scene appeared underwater: dozens of large fish over half a meter long twisted and struggled in the water, tearing and entangled the huge fishing net, making it a mess.

This is the cost of fishing. Every time a big fish is caught, the fishing net will be damaged.

Ao Muyang didn't have to worry about it anymore. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't be as strong as dozens or hundreds of rice fish. What he had to do now was to wait patiently and wait for them to consume each other's strength.

If the rice fish swarmed in one direction, the fishing net would not be able to trap them. They would be taken away by them, and then they would be released sooner or later to escape.

But they couldn't have such wisdom. After falling into the fishing net, they would fight and struggle on their own. There were stress points in each direction, east, south, west, north, up, down, left, and right. The forces offset and consumed each other, and finally they were exhausted. That was when the fishermen harvested.

Ao Muyang absorbed water vapor from the sea water, and the golden elixir gradually grew stronger. The rice fish swarm gradually became weaker. When the struggling movements were almost gone, he withdrew his troops and went home.

Rice fish is not a rare seafood, but it is the sea ban period, and fresh wild rice fish is still quite rare, so Ao Muyang called Lu Hu to trade.

He drove towards the Hongyang direction, and a speedboat caught up soon.

The speedboat was all white, with a red shield-shaped badge surrounded by four wheat ears in front. There were five stars on the badge, one large and four small, and an anchor. There were four words written on the side of the boat: Ocean Supervision.

After the speedboat appeared, a broadcast sounded on it: "Ship ahead, please slow down, ship ahead, please slow down, this is the inspection ship of the Ocean Administration of the People's Republic of China, please slow down and accept inspection!"

Ao Muyang knew that he had run into the marine police, so he slowed down and prepared his documents.

There were four capable policemen on the speedboat. As the two boats approached, a policeman saluted and said, "Comrade, hello, what do you do?"

Ao Muyang said, "I am a fisherman from Qiantan Town. I caught some fish and I am going to sell them."

"Please show your ID!"

Ao Muyang handed over his ID card and seafarer's certificate, and also a copy of the "Fishing Vessel Net Tool Index".

The coast guard took a look and asked, "Where is the seafaring vessel's household registration book?"

According to the provisions of the "Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China", fishermen must have at least three certificates to go out to sea for fishing. One is the seafaring vessel's household registration book, which proves that the vessel is legal, the second is the seafaring vessel's certificate, which proves that the person's seafaring is legal, and the third is the ID card, which proves that the person's existence is legal.

It is not known who the sea fishing boat driven by Ao Muyang belongs to. How can he have the seafaring vessel's household registration book?

He does have the seafaring vessel's certificate. The children in Longtou Village will apply for this certificate when they apply for their ID cards, because they may follow their parents to go out to sea to fish at any time.

This makes him a little embarrassed.

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