Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1485 1492. Follow along (1)

Upon learning of their arrival, Mu Dongcheng, the president of the local fishery association, came to greet them in person.

This was also a little old man, about the same age as Pan Atang, but he was tall and strong. Although his hair was already very gray, his back was straight, he walked with the wind, and spoke like a bell, and he looked very energetic.

Similarly, when introducing Ao Muyang, Mu Dongcheng's mood became much more high-pitched. He held Ao Muyang's hand and waved it vigorously: "Ah, this is Village Chief Ao? I have heard of you for a long time. Now I meet you. Your reputation is well-deserved!"

Ao Muyang felt that the eyes of Pi Yuyu and others looking at him were even colder.

This time he was too lazy to care. You can think whatever you want. Anyway, I don't intend to provoke you. If you dare to provoke me, I will definitely make you die in various ways.

It was already noon, and Mu Dongcheng prepared a banquet at a food stall.

On the way, he said: "I didn't arrange this welcoming banquet in any big hotel or famous restaurant, that's all fooling people, let's go to a place where we can eat seafood properly, even though this restaurant doesn't look good, it is the soul of Chaodao's food!"

"Yes, although Chaoren's Hometown is a food stall, its dishes are excellent, and we all eat there." Pan Atang introduced.

Another vice president Jiang Yinman added: "The food stall we are going to is called Chaoren's Hometown. Let me explain, the Chaoren here refers to the people of Chaodao, not the people who follow the trend. Don't get me wrong, otherwise you will be disappointed later."

This made the group laugh. Ao Muyang didn't know what the joke was, but everyone was laughing, so he couldn't stand out from the crowd, and he laughed a few times.

No wonder Jiang Yinman made a special explanation. Chaoren's Hometown is a very ordinary food stall. The only feature is that it is old and dilapidated. For restaurants, the old and dilapidated style is not very popular.

The food stall is made entirely of wood. There is a main wooden house, and then it is expanded to the left and right. The wood supports the roof and two halls are built.

There are various seafood dishes placed at the door of the wooden house. It is quite rich. After Ao Muyang looked around, he found that some shellfish he didn't recognize.

This meal was naturally eaten heartily, but everyone was fishermen who were in contact with seafood all day, so they were not surprised.

After the meal, they dispersed. They had no learning tasks that day, so they could use it to adapt to the local environment.

Pan Atang asked Ao Muyang to go hiking and go to the old temple on the island to participate in the worship. The weather in Zhoushan is hotter than Hongyang, so they waited until 3:30 in the afternoon before leaving.

"I'll take you to a good place first." Pan Atang said mysteriously after meeting.

Ao Muyang followed him along the beach to the distance. There were many tourists and garbage on the beach. He was originally walking barefoot, but he stepped on plastic paper and broken glass several times, and finally had to put on shoes again.

Pan Atang didn't care. He had been barefoot all his life and had thick calluses on his soles, so he could walk on gravel beaches as if they were flat ground.

However, when Ao Muyang was putting on his shoes, he realized the garbage problem on the beach and said angrily: "Alas, it's all caused by tourists. They are very uncultured and litter everywhere. It's really annoying."

Ao Muyang asked: "Whose idea was it to develop tourism on the island?"

Pan Atang said: "Whose idea could it be? It's a bad idea that the officials over there came up with on the slap of their heads."

As he said that, he pointed in the direction of the mainland.

Ao Muyang understood that Chao Island was the front fortress of the Fishery Association and the base camp of the fishermen. They still rely on fishing to make a living, and it was not their intention to develop tourism on the island.

He expressed his thoughts, and Pan Atang said: "It's not just that we don't want to open the island to tourists, but the officials have given the order, what can we do? Anyway, it's not their hometown that is being tossed around, they just want to make money and GDP!"

The reason why the islanders complain about tourists is that the local situation is different from Longtou Village. They can't get much benefit from tourism. The government has invested in supermarkets, hotels and restaurants on the island, and they make most of the money, while the locals can only make a small fraction.

This small fraction is meaningless, because the arrival of tourists has raised the prices of islands and increased the cost of living for the people.

Originally, seeing Pan Atang and Mu Dongcheng's enthusiastic attitude towards him, he thought that the two wanted to learn from him about the experience of developing fishery tourism, but he obviously thought too much.

They turned a small corner on the beach, and then a row of blue colored steel tiles appeared on the beach, surrounded by a circle, half open to the ocean.

Someone was smoking at the door, Pan Atang shouted: "It's foggy, you bastard is smoking again, you keep smoking, sooner or later you will go to heaven to find your grandfather!"

Seeing him appear, the man turned his lips, and the cigarette that was originally in his mouth disappeared...

Ao Muyang was shocked: "Did he eat the cigarette?"

Pan Atang went up to smoke the man, and the man hurriedly ran back. After running a few steps, smoke floated out again. It seems that he started smoking again.

After all, he was old, Pan Atang did not catch up with the man, and said angrily: "This unfilial son!"

Ao Muyang asked: "President Pan, is this your son?"

Pan Atang said: "No, he is my neighbor's child. His father got lung cancer from smoking and is still in the hospital. When I went to see him, my old friend asked me to take care of this stinky boy!"

Ao Muyang was sweating: "That's not how to use it."

After entering the area enclosed by colored steel tiles, he saw a sand pond surrounded by some wooden machines and tarpaulins, on which snow-white powder was drying.

The sea breeze blew, and the strong salty smell came into his nostrils. He was surprised and asked: "Is this sea salt?"

When mentioning sea salt, the anger on Pan Atang's face disappeared. He smiled and said: "Yes, this is sea salt. Have you heard of Chao salt? It was tribute salt in the Qing Dynasty and was famous in Jiangnan."

Ao Muyang had never heard of Chao salt. He knew about tribute salt, but Wangjiacun also said that the salt they dried in the ancient method used to be tribute salt. So how much salt could the royal family eat in the past? Did they have a heavy taste or did they like to pickle pickles?

This is a Chao salt drying field. The lifeline of salt is now controlled by the state, but if it is not for consumption and industrial use, that place can also dry salt privately, of course, it must be reported to the relevant superior departments.

Pan Atang took him to visit the salt field, and then said: "We saw that you dried salt and sold it to tourists, and tourists bought it as a special gift, so we came up with this idea."

Ao Muyang understood that he was talking about the situation in Wangjia Village, so he introduced Yang Shuyong's salt tourism project.

Pan Atang listened very seriously, and said that they also planned to dry salt and sell it to tourists to get a share of the tourism industry.

The government tourism bureau is involved in all industries operating on the island, from life to entertainment, and the main market is occupied by them. If the locals want to make money from tourists, they have to take a different approach.

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