Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1501 1508. Temporary meeting (2)

Qiantan Town also dispatched another boat, the largest fishing boat in Wangjia Village.

Yang Shuyong came to lead the team. People from the surrounding villages such as Houloumen Village, Longwangzhuang, and Zhongjiashuigou all signed up to go out to sea, but Wangjia Village itself was not short of people, so they boarded the boat of Longtou Village.

The next week was for preparation. The Fisheries Bureau and the Fisheries Association each issued a guide to guide the preparation of fishing boats going out to sea.

In addition, all fishermen who were going out to sea had to undergo a comprehensive physical examination. No problems were allowed, because the distant-water fishing work this time was too harsh.

The cold environment, the long journey, the arduous work intensity, once something went wrong in the Arctic waters, it would really be a minor illness, a major illness, and a major illness would be fatal!

Ao Mubing was rejected. He had some high blood pressure. Although it could be controlled, he still couldn't take risks. Ao Muyang asked him to stay in the village to cooperate with Ao Wenchang to do the work.

The long-distance fishing work was being prepared intensively, and Ao Muyang was particularly busy, because he not only had to work on the sea, but also had to work on next year's wedding.

The wedding date was set, and after negotiating with Lu Zhizi, he decided to get married when the weather warmed up in the early spring of next year.

His uncle Yang Baokun helped him and Lu Zhizi to find a master to calculate that April in the lunar calendar and mid-May in the solar calendar were good days for the two of them.

It just so happened that the weather was suitable at that time, so the two set the wedding date.

In this way, there was less than half a year left before the wedding, and some things that should be prepared had to be prepared, such as banquet matters, such as taking wedding photos.

He handed the banquet over to Tu Yishao, and there was no need to go to any hotel for the wedding, and he could directly hold a buffet in the village. Anyway, he was not short of money now.

He had to be responsible for taking wedding photos himself, and he could not find someone else to replace him.

In early December, Lu Hu called him: "Xiao Ao, are you getting married soon?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "What do you mean soon? It's too early. Don't listen to Xiao Xiao's nonsense."

"He's not talking nonsense. We're getting married tomorrow, May 10th, right? Do you need any help from your brother?"

After receiving this call, Ao Muyang felt warm in his heart. He said: "Not yet, I'll find you when I need you."

Lu Hu said: "You have to book a hotel, right? Leave this to me, you can book the place, and I'll make the food beautiful for you."

Ao Muyang explained: "No, Brother Hu, don't be polite. I'm going to have a buffet in the village. I guess I'll only get married once in my life. It's just right to create some gimmicks and continue to promote it. Promote our village. "

Lu Hu said: "The buffet is good. I will find the chefs for the banquet. And the wine, red, yellow and white beer, leave it all to me. In addition, Xiao Ao, how are you going to take wedding photos?"

Speaking of this, Lao Ao was really a little melancholy: "Brother Hu, you are an experienced person, and you mentioned my biggest headache at once. I don't have a good idea about wedding photos. I don't want to go to the city to take an ordinary set of photos. I want to give Teacher Lu a surprise."

"It happens to be winter, and you are going to the Arctic Sea, right? Then go to the Arctic to take a set of aurora wedding photos!" Lu Hu gave him advice, "I also happen to know a friend who is a good photographer, the kind who has won international awards. I will help you contact him, and leave the wedding photos to him!"

Aurora wedding photos? Ao Muyang's heart moved.

He imagined that if he and Lu Zhizi went to the Arctic together, then under the ice and snow, let Lu Zhizi wear a white gauze dress and stand in it, with gorgeous aurora shining, it would be really good.

Lu Hu provided him with a good idea, so he said, "Okay, Brother Hu, I won't be polite then."

"You are so polite to me."

After hanging up the phone, Ao Muyang did not tell Lu Zhizi that he was going to the Arctic to take wedding photos. He wanted to give it to the other party as a gift to create a small surprise.

He had just finished talking to Lu Hu when Zhu Changrong called him again, saying that he was asked to go to Hongyang for an emergency meeting and the fishing plan had changed.

This offshore fishing operation was a big deal. The whole Longtou Village was mobilized by Ao Muyang. He didn't want to make any trouble, so he hurried over.

Because it was far from the city, when he and Yang Shuyong arrived, there were already more than 20 people sitting in the meeting room.

So far, the fishing fleet consists of 22 fishing boats, each of which has a captain, and every meeting cannot be avoided.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are mountains.

More than 20 captains had formed cliques long ago. The fleet was originally composed of four cities, so based on their place of origin, the captains of the four cities formed small groups by relying on the vice presidents of their hometowns.

Hongyang City has two vice presidents, so things are more awkward.

Ao Muyang has the most prestige and the strongest ability, so it stands to reason that the captains believe in him.

But Zhu Changrong has an official background and is very good at winning people's hearts. He started recruiting soldiers as early as when he decided to form an ocean-going fishing fleet.

Ao Muyang only cares about himself and has a cold attitude towards the outside world. At most, he gets closer to Yang Shuyong, so slowly the captains are won over by Zhu Changrong.

This is clearly shown in the conference room. Four rows of tables and chairs are occupied by four groups of people. No one greeted Ao Muyang after he entered the room. Of course, he didn't care about these things, and it was better to be quiet.

Because it was an impromptu meeting, the venue was chosen in an empty conference room of the Fisheries Bureau.

The room is not big, but the decoration is clever. There are specimens of fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish hanging on the four walls. There is a huge circular fish tank under the wall, which contains small fish, shrimp, octopus, jellyfish, seaweed and water plants, forming an ecosystem.

The people in the room are divided into groups. Ao Muyang and Yang Shuyong have nothing to do, so they study the big fish tank.

There are many kinds of creatures in the fish tank, and the most conspicuous ones are some conchs.

Ao Muyang has a nautilus in his collection. He has done a lot of research in this area, so he lay down in front of the fish tank and looked at it carefully.

At this time, a captain sneered and reminded: "Hey, young man, there is a blue-ringed octopus in it. You'd better be careful and don't lose your life."

The blue-ringed octopus is the only cephalopod recorded to be able to kill people, but because it has little economic value and its wild habitat is the Indian Ocean, it is not well-known in the local Red Ocean.

Yang Shuyong didn't know this kind of octopus, so he asked curiously: "Blue-ringed octopus? Does it have blue rings on its body? Why can't I see it?"

Ao Muyang pointed to a small octopus swimming in the water and said: "That's it."

This octopus has blue stripes on its body and is as small as a small pineapple. It is the blue-ringed octopus.

Yang Shuyong is ignorant and fearless. He still wants to study this octopus. At this time, a staff member of the Fisheries Bureau came in. Everyone knew that a meeting was about to start, so they sat down and waited.

Ao Muyang asked the staff member what the topic of today's meeting was. The staff member said that this temporary meeting was not because of any problems in the fishing operation, but because the Fisheries Bureau invited an Arctic fishing expert from a neighboring province to join the fleet through the relationship with a brother unit. Dai Zongxi called everyone to get to know each other.

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