Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1510 1517. Whales in the Blue Sea (2)

After seeing the horror of the Dragon Head, the two fishing boats without water cannons immediately fled.

The Dragon Head chased the remaining fishing boat and sprayed again. Ao Mudong laughed and said, "You are stubborn, you are really stubborn! Is that ferric oxide or ferric tetroxide? Is it natural iron or acquired iron? I specialize in ironmaking, go!"

The fleet of Japanese fishing boats came fiercely and left in a mess.

Ao Muyang waited until they could no longer be seen on the radar before commanding the Dragon Head to return.

They didn't use many moves in this fight, but the ships were relatively large and heavy, and it took more than ten to twenty minutes to turn a corner. Therefore, when Ao Muyang returned to the vicinity of the saury boat, two hours had passed...

The moon was bright tonight, and the lights of the fishing boats were all on. The people on the two saury boats watched the melee through telescopes. Jing Manyi and other fishing boat leaders watched the whole process. When the Dragon Head came back, they led the fishermen on the boat to cheer and shout.

There is nothing more morale-boosting than showing off our country's prestige in a foreign land. At this moment, the people on the two boats completely lost their previous contempt and resentment towards Ao Muyang, leaving only admiration and conviction.

Ao Muyang didn't think it was a big deal. He was very low-key. When the fishing operation was over, he took the lead to speed up and chase the fleet that had already headed north.

This chase didn't catch up with the fleet until the next morning.

After seeing them, someone asked about the catch. The people on the two saury fishing boats gave almost the same answer: "Why care about the catch? The captain is mighty! The captain is awesome! The captain is awesome!"

The fishermen exaggerated the battle last night and everyone was paying close attention to it.

The fishermen were too bored on the sea. Although they were accompanied by Japanese girls, they were separated by a screen after all, which was not satisfying.

In this case, any little thing on the fishing boat would ferment and become gossip, not to mention that the battle between the Dragon Head and five Japanese fishing boats last night was not a small matter!

After the vivid description, Ao Muyang became a national hero in the fleet. Deputy captains such as Yuan Meijing and Pi Yuyan quickly realized that the fleet was completely controlled by Ao Muyang.

They didn't believe this description, but the one who brought back the news was their confidant. The two of them asked around privately, and what they heard was that their subordinates swore that this was true, and also said that the real battle situation was far more spectacular and exciting than the description...

After asking around, Pi Yuyan touched his scalp and muttered: "I believed you, this guy is weird!"

After time, the crew's admiration for Ao Muyang became stronger. When the fleet temporarily stopped for a rest, some people rowed up.

Some took photos with Ao Muyang, some took photos with the water cannon, some came to him for autographs, and some came to him to give him movies. The most exciting thing was that one of them carried a box up.

This person privately pulled Ao Muyang to a corner and opened the box. Ao Muyang took a look and saw a beautiful girl with long black hair and a melon-seed face sleeping inside.

He was stunned: "Wow, what are you doing?"

"This is a doll, Captain Ao, you must have seen it before, right?" The crew member asked suspiciously, "This shouldn't be the case. Who hasn't played with this thing in the ocean?"

Ao Muyang waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

The crew believed him and smiled ambiguously: "Captain Ao, you have it this time. This is my treasure, a foreign product, which I ordered in Japan before. Look at it, touch it, it feels like a real person, and it cost me more than 60,000!"

This doll greatly shocked Lao Ao's mind. He is not a country bumpkin. In reality, he has seen dolls in Beijing, but in his impression, dolls are like zombies. How can they be so delicate?

Out of curiosity, he reached out and touched it.

Sure enough, as the crew said, the skin of this doll is very elastic, slightly cool to the touch, and the degree of simulation is very high.

Ao Mudong didn't know when he got here. He was also shocked. Seeing Ao Muyang reaching out to touch her, he asked, "Really?"

"Really, absolutely true. If you don't believe me, just look." The crew member reached out to lift her skirt.

Ao Muyang was stunned and quickly held down his hand and said, "Uh, don't mess around. How should I put it? Thank you for your kindness. I don't need this."

The crew member said seriously, "Captain Ao, this is my baby, my wife. I don't even let ordinary people look at it. You are a hero in my mind, so I'll make you feel good..."

Hearing that he was getting more and more wrong, Ao Muyang shook his head and said, "Don't say it, brother, I don't need it."

The crew member said, "Why not? Think about it, expelling the Japanese invaders last night and ravaging the Japanese girls tonight, what a beautiful thing..."

Ao Muyang shook his head and left. It was really unbearable to hear. He had to leave. He was afraid that he would be tempted if he stayed.

Ao Mudong was tempted. When the crew member wanted to chase Ao Muyang, he stepped forward to block the crew member, then said with a low eyebrow: "Brother, to be honest, it was me who fired the gun to deal with the Japanese last night. Do you understand what I mean?"

Crew member: ^_~

The fleet's target is the Arctic Ocean. In fact, it is not to enter the Arctic Circle, but the high latitude area of ​​the North Pacific, which is affected by the warm current and produces a large amount of fish every winter.

The fishing boat sailed on the sea for nearly a week and finally arrived in this cold sea.

They entered this northern sea area unknowingly. The fishing boats were automatically driven under computer control at night. When the daybreak came, everyone came out to see the cold white mist on the sea. The dark red sun appeared at the end of the ocean. The sea breeze blew and they shivered with cold.

The target was reached.

Just at this moment, a huge figure slowly rose in the fleet.

The waves rolled, the back emerged, and with a sound, the sea water gushed out of the water like a fountain.

"What a big whale, what kind of whale is this?"

Listening to the deep sound of the whale, looking at its huge body hidden under the water, which must be fifteen or sixteen meters or even longer, and noticing the curved lines of its super head, someone recognized its identity: "Bowhead whale!"

The first time Ao Muyang saw a bowhead whale, he lay on the boat and looked down.

This is one of the most powerful beasts in the ocean. It can grow to more than twenty meters long, and even has a terrifying weight of nearly 200 tons when it grows up!

Of course, their lifespan is also very long, up to 200 years.

The big bowhead whale took a breath on the sea surface and then dived back into the water. People could still vaguely hear its deep calls...

Although it is big, the bowhead whale is a baleen whale. It does not have teeth like killer whales. It has baleen whales that are several meters long. It eats by filtering, eating krill in the Antarctic and Arctic shrimp in the Arctic.

They have a huge appetite. Ao Muyang was moved when he saw the big bowhead whale lingering around. He said, "Tell everyone to turn on the underwater radar and look carefully. There should be fish here!"

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